HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual


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E0201 Edition 4 ♥
E0300 Edition 3
E0692 Edition 3

Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


in variable names, Variables
use, Procedure Name: Symbols, Operand Lookup Precedence
$SYMDEBUG Option, Generate Symbolic Type Information
: (CI)Commands, :{command}
= (Calculator) Command, = {expresstion}
>> Operator, << and >>
use, Operand Lookup Precedence
? for entry address, Procedure Name: Symbols
? Use, Procedure Name: Symbols
{ }
use, Command Line Overview


Abbreviated Stack Trace, Process Abort Calls
Abort Current Process, ABORT
Absolute Code Pointers, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Absolute Code Segment Numbers
relation to logical, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Absolute CST Segments, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Absolute CSTX Segments, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Absolute Memory Addressing, Indirection Operator
abstolog Function, func abstolog
ACPTR, func cstx
coerce to, func cst
conversion, func btow
of closest NM node point for an NM address, func nmnode
starting, Procedure Name: Symbols
Address Conversion Function, func abstolog
address of MPEXL table, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Address Translation Tables, DUMPINFO
converting logical to absolute, func logtoabs
converting virtual to real, func vtor, func vtor
real to virtual conversion, func rtov
virtual to short pointer, func ltos
addressing modes available, How DAT Works
Aliases, Aliases
CR0, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR12, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR13, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR14, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR15, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR16, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR17, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR18, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR19, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR20, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR21, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR22, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR23, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR24, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR31, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR8, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CR9, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
defining, ALIAS
deleting, ALIASD[EL]
IPSW, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
list current, ALIASL[IST]
maximum number of, Limitations, Restrictions
predefined, restoring, ALIASINIT
PSW, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
R28, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
R29, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
R30, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RCTR, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
recursive, Examples
RET0, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RET1, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
SR11, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Analyzing the dump, Operating DAT
AND Operator, Boolean Operators
ARGn Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Argument Registers
Native Mode, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Arithmetic Operands, Arithmetic Operators
pointers, Pointer Arithmetic
Arithmetic Operators
operands, Arithmetic Operators
Arming Calls to Debug, Process Abort Calls, :SETDUMP Command, HPSETDUMP Intrinsic, SETDUMP Intrinsic
Array Subscripts, Variable Substitution
asc Function, func asc
ascc Function, func ascc
conversion to, func asc
ASCII Text File Display, TX- The Text Windows
Assembly Instructions
disassembly of, DIS
Assign Environment Variable, ENV
AUTOIGNORE Environment Variable, Error Handling, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Automatic Command Execution
at initialization, Automatic DBUGINIT Files
Automatic Repetition
commands, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
AUTOREPEAT Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically


B (Break) Command, B (break)
BAND Operator, BAND, BOR, and BNOT
Bank 0 Addresses, Indirection Operator
output display, CM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
BD Command, BD
Beginning the DAT program, Operating DAT
bin Function, func bin
Binary Conversion
of string, func bin
Bit Deposit Function, func bitd
Bit Extract Function, func bitx
bitd Function, func bitd
bitx Function, func bitx
BL Command, BL
BNOT Operator, BAND, BOR, and BNOT
bool Function, func bool
Boolean Comparisons, Relational Operators
Boolean Data Type, Boolean Type
Boolean Operators
AND, Boolean Operators
examples, Boolean Operators
NOT, Boolean Operators
OR, Boolean Operators
Boolean Value Coercion, func bool
BOR Operator, BAND, BOR, and BNOT
bound Function, func bound
address at CM breakpoint, func cmbpaddr
address of NM, func nmbpaddr
cases where ignored, Limitations, Restrictions
CM breakpoint index, func cmbpindex
CM in translated code, CM Breakpoints in Translated Code
CM instruction at breakpoint, func cmbpinstr
CM, examples, Examples: CM Breakpoints in Translated Code
data, deleting, DATABD
data, list, DATABL
data, on process stacks, Limitations, Restrictions
data, setting, DATAB
data, warning, Limitations, Restrictions
deleting, BD
global, Syntax
ignored, cases where, Limitations, Restrictions
listing, BL
NM breakpoint index, func nmbpindex
NM in translated code, NM Breakpoints in Translated Code
NM instruction at breakpoint, func nmbpinstr
process-local, Syntax
setting, B (break)
btow Function, func btow
Building the dump, Operating DAT
Byte to Word Conversion
address, func btow


C Data Types, Symbolic Formatting Symbolic Access
Cache Statistics, DUMPINFO
Calculator Command, =
CCODE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CCR Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CHANGES Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Changing Window Groups, WGRP
CHECKPSTATE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Child Processes, Process Abort Calls
CIR Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
cisetvar Function, func cisetvar
civar Function, func civar, func civar
Closing a Dump File, CLOSEDUMP
CM Breakpoints
address at breakpoint, func cmbpaddr
index of CM address, func cmbpindex
instruction at breakpoint, func cmbpinstr
CM library files, Operating Restrictions
CM Register Window, R - The CM Register Window
CM symbols in DAT, Operating Restrictions
CM_INBASE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CM_OUTBASE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
cmaddr Function, func cmaddr
cmbpaddr Function, func cmbpaddr
cmbpindex Function, func cmbpindex
cmbpinstr Function, func cmbpinstr
CMDLINESUBS Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CMDNUM Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
cmentry Function, func cmentry
cmg Function, func cmg
virtual address of, func cmg
CMGLOBALS Record Display, CMG
CMLOG Description, Indirection Operator
cmlogaddr, Indirection Operator
cmnode Function, func cmnode, The Node Functions
CMPC (CM Program Counter), P (cmP) - The CM Program Window
CMPC Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
cmproc Function, func cmproc
cmproclen Function, func cmproclen
CMPW Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
cmseg Function, func cmseg
cmstackbase Function, func cmstackbase
cmstackdst Function, func cmstackdst
cmstacklimit Function, func cmstacklimit
cmstart Function, func cmstart
cmtonmnode Function, func cmtonmnode, The Node Functions
cmva Function, func cmva
Code Address
virtual address of, func cmva
Code Path Name
for address, func nmpath
Code Segment
unfreeze, UF
Coerce Expression
to extended address, func eaddr
to GRP pointer, func grp
to LGRP pointer, func lgrp
to Long pointer, func lptr
to LPUB pointer, func lpub
to PROG pointer, func prog
to PUB pointer, func pub
to secondary address, func saddr
to short pointer, func sptr
to Signed 16-Bit, func s16
to Signed 32-Bit, func s32
to Signed 64-Bit, func s64
to string, func ascc
to SYS pointer, func sys, func sys
to TRANS pointer, func trans, func trans
to unsigned 16-Bit, func u16, func u16
to unsigned 32-Bit, func u32, func u32
Coerce to CST, func cst
Coerce to CSTX Code Pointer, func cstx
COLUMN Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Command Files, User Interface
Command History, Command History, REDO
Command Interpreter, Command Line Overview, Debug Interfaces, func cisetvar
access to, :
entering Debug, :DEBUG Command
invoking Debug, Direct Calls
returning variable value, func civar, func civar
setting variable value, func cisetvar
Command Line
preprocessing, Operand Lookup Precedence
scanning, Operand Lookup Precedence, Command Lookup Precedence
substitution examples, Command Line Substitutions
substitution termination, Command Line Substitutions
substitutions, Operand Lookup Precedence, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Command List, Command Line Overview
continuation of, Command Line Overview
Command Lookup Precedence, Command Lookup Precedence
Command Name Format, Command Line Overview
Command Names
aliases, Aliases
Command Stack
re-executing commands, DO
Command Window, The Command Window
Commands, Procedure Name: Symbols, Direct Calls, Process Abort Calls
automatic repetition of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
defining an alias for, ALIAS
ERR, Error Handling
list of DAT-only commands, System Debug Command Specifications Fx-LOG, System Debug Command Specifications M-X
list of Debug-only commands, System Debug Command Specifications Fx-LOG, System Debug Command Specifications M-X
listing valid, CMDL[IST]
overview, System Debug Interface Commands and Intrinsics
re-executing, REDO
summary of, Command Summary
SYMOPEN, Open the Symbolic Data Type File with SYMOPEN
SYMPREP, Prepare the Program File with SYMPREP
T (Translate), T (translate)
commands not used in DAT, Operating Restrictions
Commands to invoke DAT, Operating DAT
commands, DAT, Operating Restrictions
on command lines, Command Line Overview
Comparing Operands, Relational Operators
Compatibility Mode
address conversion, func abstolog
bank 0 addresses, Indirection Operator
breakpoints in translated code, CM Breakpoints in Translated Code
code address, virtual address of, func cmva
converting addresses, func logtoabs
CST Expansion, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
current instruction register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
data segment address conversion, func dstva
DB register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
debugging a CM program, How to Debug a CM Program
emulated/translated code, Emulated/Translated CM Code
entry point address, func cmentry
full stack trace to file, STACKDUMP' Intrinsic
input conversion base, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
logical code address, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
mapping bit, func phystolog
mapping CM segments, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
mapping DST number, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
nearest NM node point, func cmtonmnode
node point address, func cmnode
node point nearest to NM address, func nmtocmnode
node points in translation, Node Points in Translated Code
OCT, Object Code Translation
physical segment number, func phystolog
pointers, Compatibility Mode Pointers
procedure entry point address, func cmentry
procedure name conversion, func cmaddr
procedure name, for an address, func cmproc
procedure starting point, func cmstart
procedure, length of, func cmproclen
program counter, P (cmP) - The CM Program Window
program window, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
register window, R - The CM Register Window
registers, displaying, DR
search order, Procedure Name: Symbols
segment name, func cmseg
segments, Compatibility Mode Pointers
stack frame window, Q - The CM Stack Frame Window
stack limit, func cmstacklimit
stack starting address, func cmstackbase
stack, DST number, func cmstackdst
STACKDUMP' intrinsic, STACKDUMP' Intrinsic
status register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
to enter, CM
top of stack window, S - The CM Stack Window
translated code, executing, Executing a Translated Section
windows, A Typical Screen Display of CM Windows
Component Offset, func symaddr, func symaddr
Component Type, func symtype, func symtype
Concatenation Function, func strapp
Concatenation Operator, Concatenation Operator
Condition Code, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CONSOLE_DEBUG Environment Variable, Debug Input/Output: The System Console, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CONSOLE_IO Environment Variable, Debug Input/Output: The System Console, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
value of, func symconst, func symconst
Continuation Character (&), Command Line Overview
Continuation Prompt, Command Line Overview
CONTINUE command in SAT, Operating Restrictions, SAT Functions and Commands
Continue Execution, C[ONTINUE]
Control Registers, Parameters, Parameters
NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Control-Y Handler, Limitations, Restrictions
Conversion Base
Native Mode, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
logical to absolute, func logtoabs
Converting Real to Virtual Addresses, func rtov
Coprocessor Configuration Register
NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CPU Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Create a dump file, GETDUMP
Creating dump file set, Operating DAT
Critical Processes, Limitations, Restrictions
CRn Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CST Defined, Compatibility Mode Pointers
cst Function, func cst
CST Table
virtual address of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CSTBASE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CSTX Defined, Compatibility Mode Pointers
cstx Function, func cstx
Curly Braces, Command Line Overview
Current Date String, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Current Instruction Register
CM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Custom Named Pointers, U - The User Windows
Custom Stackdump, Debug Interfaces


D (Display) Command, D (display)
command line overview, Command Line Overview
commands for DAT only, System Debug Command Specifications :-Exit, System Debug Command Specifications M-X
developers of, DEBUG
dump file set, How DAT Works
initialization sequence, Automatic DATINIT Files
initializing, INITxx
limitations, Operating Restrictions
MODE variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
operation, Operating DAT
output, User Interface
prompt, Command Line Overview
restrictions, Operating Restrictions
running, Using the info= String
user interfaces, User Interface
valid expressions, Expression Diagrams
version ID of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DAT (Dump Analysis Tool), What Is the Dump Analysis Tool (DAT)?, Dump Analysis Tool (DAT)
DAT commands, Operating Restrictions
DAT Macros, The DAT Macros
DAT Program
where stored, The DAT Macros
DAT, finishing, Operating DAT
DAT, getting started, Operating DAT
Data Breakpoints
deleting, DATABD
ignored, cases where, Limitations, Restrictions
list by index number, DATABL
on process stacks, Limitations, Restrictions
setting, DATAB
warning, Limitations, Restrictions
Data Pointer Register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Data Segment
unfreeze, UF
Data Segment Address
convert to virtual address, func dstva
Data Structure Length, func symlen, func symlen
Data Types, Integer Types
boolean, Boolean Type
integer, Integer Types
literals, Literals
pointers, Pointer Types
string, String Types
type classes, Type Classes
DATE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DATINIT Files, Automatic DATINIT Files
DB DST Number, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DB Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DB Register
DM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DBDST Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DBUGINIT Initialization Files, Automatic DBUGINIT Files
DEBUG CI Command, Direct Calls
access to, DEBUG
arming a call to, Process Abort Calls
arming calls, HPSETDUMP Intrinsic, SETDUMP Intrinsic
bootstrap process, Debug Input/Output: The System Console
command line overview, Command Line Overview
command summary, Command Summary
commands and intrinsics, Debug Command and Intrinsic Descriptions
commands for Debug only, System Debug Command Specifications :-Exit, System Debug Command Specifications M-X
direct calls from command interpreter, Direct Calls
disarming a call, Process Abort Calls
disarming calls, HPRESETDUMP Intrinsic, RESETDUMP Intrinsic
entry to, DEBUG Intrinsic, HPDEBUG Intrinsic
execution from a file, USE
exit, E[XIT]
Help messages, H[ELP]
how to debug a CM program, How to Debug a CM Program
how to debug a NM program, How to Debug an NM Program
interactive command entry, The Command Window
invocation of, Debug Interfaces
mode of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
output, User Interface
prompt, Command Line Overview
synchronizing multiple processes, TERM
valid expressions, Expression Diagrams
version ID of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
windows, System Debug Windows
DEBUG commands in DAT, Operating Restrictions
Debug commands in DAT, How DAT Works
DEBUG_AT_LDEV Environment Variable, Debug Input/Output: The System Console
Decimal Literals, Numeric Literals
Declared Constant
value of, func symconst, func symconst
a macro, MAC[RO]
an alias, ALIAS
local variables, LOC
Definition of Operand, func bound
Delete Data Breakpoint, DATABD
delete modification, MODD
Delete User Defined Variables, VARD[EL]
Deleting an Alias, ALIASD[EL]
Deleting Breakpoints, BD
deleting dump file set, Operating DAT
Deleting Items, DELETExxx
Deleting modifications, MODL
Demonstration Command, DEMO
Demonstrations of Debug, DEMO
differences in DAT, Operating Restrictions
Direct Calls, Direct Calls
Disarming a Debug Call, Process Abort Calls, :RESETDUMP Command, HPRESETDUMP Intrinsic, RESETDUMP Intrinsic
Disassemble Assembly Instructions, DIS
Disassembled Code
listing to a file, Listing Disassembled Code to a File
NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Disc Data Display, L - The LDEV Window
DISP Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Dispatcher, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
status of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Display Address Contents, D (display)
Display CMGLOBALS Record, CMG
Display Dump File Information, DUMPINFO
Display Environment Variables, ENVL[IST]
display locations, How DAT Works
Display Register Contents, DR
Display Stack Trace, TR[ACE]
DL Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DL Register (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DO Command, Command History, REDO
Dotted Pair, Pointer Types, Pointer Literals
DP Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DST Number, func cmstackdst
DST Number of CM Stack, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DST Table
virtual address of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DSTBASE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
dstva Function, func dstva
Dual Stack Trace, Process Abort Calls
analyzing, Operating DAT
corrupted, INITxx
snapshot, Operating DAT
Dump Analysis Tool, see DAT, Dump Analysis Tool (DAT)
Dump File
closing, CLOSEDUMP
creating, GETDUMP
directory, DUMPINFO
display information, DUMPINFO
opening, OPENDUMP
purging, PURGEDUMP
Dump file set
building, Operating DAT
creating, Operating DAT
in DAT, How DAT Works
opening, Operating DAT
opening additional, Operating DAT
purging, Operating DAT
Dump tape, How DAT Works
making, Operating DAT
DUMP_COMP_ALGO Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DUMPALLOC_LZ Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DUMPALLOC_RLE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DYING_DEBUG Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Dynamic Loads, LOADPROC
Dynamic Procedure Calling, func nmcall


EADDR (Extended Address), Extended Address Types
eaddr Function, func eaddr
ECHO_CMDS Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ECHO_SUBS Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ECHO_USE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Echoing of Macros, MACECHO
ERRDCommand, Error Handling
Emulated Code, Emulated/Translated CM Code
debugging, Debugging Emulated CM Code
Emulation Mode, Emulated/Translated CM Code
ending DAT, Operating DAT
Entering Compatibility Mode, CM
Entering Debug, DEBUG Intrinsic, HPDEBUG Intrinsic
Entering Debug from CI, :DEBUG Command
Entering the DAT program, Operating DAT
Entry Address, Procedure Name: Symbols
Entry Mode, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Entry Point
NM procedure, func nmentry
Entry Point Address, func cmentry
Environment Variables, Environment Variables, ENV
ARGn, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
AUTOIGNORE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
AUTOREPEAT, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CCODE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CCR, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CHANGES, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CHECKPSTATE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CIR, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CM_INBASE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CM_OUTBASE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CMDLINESUBS, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CMDNUM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CMPC, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CMPW, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
COLUMN, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CONSOLE_DEBUG, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CONSOLE_IO, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CPU, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CRn, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
CSTBASE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DATE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DB, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DBDST, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DISP, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
displaying, ENVL[IST]
DL, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DP, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DSTBASE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DUMP_COMP_ALGO, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DUMPALLOC_LZ, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DUMPALLOC_RLE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DYING_DEBUG, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ECHO_CMDS, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ECHO_SUBS, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ECHO_USE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
EIEM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
EIRR, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ENTRY_MODE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ERROR, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ESCAPECODE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
EXEC_MODE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FALSE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FILL, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FILTER, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FPn, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FPSTATUS, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
GETDUMP_COMP_ALGO, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
HEXUPSHIFT, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ICSNEST, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ICSVA, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
IIR, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
list of, The Environment Variables - Sorted by Group
MODE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
PIN, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RCTR, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RET0, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RET1, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Rn, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RP, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
S, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
SAR, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
VPEn, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ERR Command, Error Handling
ERRLIST Command, Error Handling
errmsg Function, func errmsg
Error Bailout, IGNORE
Error Command Stack, ERR
ERROR Environment Variable, Error Handling, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Error Handling, Error Handling
Error Message String, func errmsg
Error Messages
IGNORE, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Error Number
most recent, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
obtaining error message for, func errmsg
Error Output
restricting quantity of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Error Stack, Error Handling
delete errors on, ERRD[EL]
list errors on, ERRL[IST]
resetting, Error Handling
Escape Character, Command Line Substitutions
ESCAPECODE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Evaluated Expression
type of, func typeof, func typeof
Exclamation Point, Variables, Procedure Name: Symbols, Operand Lookup Precedence
EXEC_MODE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
executable libraries, Operating Restrictions
Executable Library
list symbols, PROCLIST
Executing Debug From File, USE
continuing, C[ONTINUE]
Execution Mode, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Exit a Macro, RET[URN]
EXIT command, Operating Restrictions
EXIT command in SAT, Operating Restrictions, SAT Functions and Commands
exit DAT, Operating DAT
Export Stubs, NM Code Examples
Expression Diagrams, Expression Diagrams
Expression Evaluator
LOOKUP_ID, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Expression Matching, Patterns and Regular Expressions
coerce to absolute code pointer, func cst
coerce to Boolean, func bool
coerce to CSTX code pointer, func cstx
coerce to extended address, func eaddr
coerce to GRP pointer, func grp
coerce to LGRP logical pointer, func lgrp
coerce to long pointer, func lptr
coerce to LPUB pointer, func lpub
coerce to PROG pointer, func prog
coerce to PUB pointer, func pub
coerce to secondary address, func saddr
coerce to short pointer, func sptr
coerce to signed 16-bit, func s16
coerce to signed 32-bit, func s32
coerce to signed 64-bit, func s64
coerce to string, func ascc
coerce to SYS pointer, func sys, func sys
coerce to TRANS pointer, func trans, func trans
coerce to unsigned 16-bit, func u16, func u16
coerce to unsigned 32-bit, func u32, func u32
coerce to USER library pointer, func user, func user
conversion to ASCII, func asc
evaluated, type of, func typeof, func typeof
examples, Expressions
extract bits from, func bitx
Extended Address
coerce expression to, func eaddr
External Interrupt Enable Mask, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
External Interrupt Request Register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Extract Bits, func bitx


analysing with DAT, Dump Analysis Tool (DAT)
analysing with SAT, Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)
FALSE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FC Freeze Command, Fmm (freeze)
File Name
corresponding to NM (code) address, func nmfile
file system calls in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
mapped, size in bytes, func mapsize
mapping in virtual space, MAP
unmap (close), UNMAP
FILL Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FILTER Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Filtering Process, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
finishing DAT, Operating DAT
Flag Enabling Debugging of Jobs, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Floating Point Exception Registers, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Floating Point Registers, Parameters, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically, Parameters
Floating Point Status Register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Fmm (Freeze) Command, Fmm (freeze)
Form Justification, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Format Data Structure, Fx (format)
Formatting Data, Formatting Data
Formatting Types, Formatting Types
FPEn Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FPMAP command in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
FPn Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
FPSTATUS Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Freeze Memory, Fmm (freeze)
Full Search Path, Procedure Name: Symbols
Full Stack Trace
producing, STACKDUMP Intrinsic
Function Calls
tracing, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Functions, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
abstolog, func abstolog
address, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
asc, func asc
ascc, func ascc
bin, func bin
cmnode, The Node Functions
cmtonmnode, The Node Functions
coercion, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
displaying, FUNCL[IST]
for nodes, The Node Functions
listing, FUNCL[IST]
nmnode, The Node Functions
nmtocmnode, The Node Functions
procedure, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
process, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
reserved, Reserved Variables/Functions
string, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
symbolic, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
table of, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
utility, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
functions in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
Fx (Format) Command, Fx (format)


G Window, G - The Group (of User) Window
Gateway Page, Limitations, Restrictions
General Registers, Parameters, Parameters
NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
window, Gr - The NM General Registers Window
GETDUMP_COMP_ALGO Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Global Breakpoints, Syntax
Global Values
changing, Variables
Global Variables, Variables
Group (of User) Window, G - The Group (of User) Window
GRP Defined, Compatibility Mode Pointers
grp Function, func grp


Hardware Failures
analysis of, Dump Analysis Tool (DAT), Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)
Hardware Traps, TRAP
hash Function, func hash
Hashing Virtual Addresses, func hash
window commands, WHELP
Help Messages, H[ELP]
Hexadecimal Constants
ambiguous cases, Variables
Hexadecimal Literals, Numeric Literals
Hexadecimal Output Display, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
HEXUPSHIFT Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
HIST Command, Command History, REDO
History Command Stack, Command History, REDO, HIST[ORY], LISTREDO, REDO
History Stack Index, DO
How to Debug a CM Program, How to Debug a CM Program
How to Debug a NM Program, How to Debug an NM Program
How to use DAT, Operating DAT
HPSTACKDUMP Intrinsic, Debug Interfaces


IA Register, Parameters, Parameters
ICS Base Virtual Address, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ICS Nest Count, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ICSNEST Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ICSVA Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
IGNORE Command, Error Handling
QUIET option, Error Handling
IGNORE LOUD, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
IIR Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Index Register (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Inheriting Setdump Attribute, Process Abort Calls
Initialization Files, Automatic DBUGINIT Files
Initialization Sequence
DAT, Automatic DATINIT Files
Initialize Registers, INITxx
Input Conversion Base
CM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Native Mode, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Input Conversion Radix, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Input Prompts, func strinput
Input/Output, Debug Input/Output: The System Console
Inserting String, func strins
Instruction Address Register, Parameters, Parameters
Integer Arithmetic, Arithmetic on the INT Class
Integer Comparisons, Relational Operators
Integer Types, Integer Types
Internal Cache Statistics, DUMPINFO
Interrupt Instruction Register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Interrupt Offset Register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Interrupt Processor Status Word, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Interrupt Space Register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Interrupt Vector Address, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Interval Timer Register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
LOADPROC, Compatibility Mode Pointers
overview, System Debug Interface Commands and Intrinsics
SETDUMP, Process Abort Calls
XARITRAP, Process Abort Calls
XCODETRAP, Process Abort Calls
Invocation of Debug, Debug Interfaces
Invoking DAT, Operating DAT
ISL, How SAT Works
Help Function, see CMDLcommand, CMDL[IST]
ITMR Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
IVA Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically


Job Debugging, Debug Input/Output: The System Console
JOB_DEBUG Environment Variable, Debug Input/Output: The System Console, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
windows and display, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically


LCPTR Type Class, Procedure Name: Symbols
for I/O, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
LDEV Window, L - The LDEV Window
address where aimed, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
ldev.offset, Indirection Operator
LDIL Instruction Interpretation, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Leading Zeros, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
leaving DAT, Operating DAT
Left Shift Operator, << and >>
Length of Data Structure, func symlen, func symlen
Length of Output Line, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
LGRP Defined, Compatibility Mode Pointers
lgrp Function, func lgrp
LIB= Parameter, Procedure Name: Symbols
LIBLIST= Parameter, Procedure Name: Symbols
currently loaded, LOADINFO
libraries, Operating Restrictions
DAT, Operating Restrictions
SAT, Operating Restrictions
LINKEDIT Program, Convert The Relocatable Library into a Program File
List Current Aliases, ALIASL[IST]
List Current Programs, LOADINFO
List Data Breakpoints, DATABL
List File
current page number, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
default title, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
input, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
page length, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
paging, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
recording, LIST
title, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
width of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
List files in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
List Local Variables, LOCL[IST]
List NM Symbols, PROCLIST
List Registers Into File, REGLIST
List Valid Commands, CMDL[IST]
Listed Output, User Interface
Listing Breakpoints, BL
Listing Disassembled Code, Listing Disassembled Code to a File
LISTREDO Command, Command History, REDO
Literal Data Types, Literals
Loader Symbol Table, Procedure Name: Symbols
LOADINFO Command, Native Mode Pointers
Loading dump tapes, Operating DAT
Loading Libraries, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Loading Procedures (NM), FINDPROC
LOADPROC Intrinsic, Compatibility Mode Pointers
LOC Command, Variables
Local Variables, Variables
list, LOCL[IST]
macros, LOC
referencing from macros, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Locating NM Breakpoints, func nmbpaddr
Log files in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
Logfile Control, LOG
Logical AND, Boolean Operators
Logical Code Address for CM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Logical Code Pointer Types, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Logical Code Pointers
differences between CM and NM, Native Mode Pointers
Logical Code Segment Numbers
relation to absolute, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Logical Code Segments, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Logical Device Number
for I/O, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Logical Group Library Segments, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Logical NOT, Boolean Operators
Logical OR, Boolean Operators
Logical Program Segments, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Logical System Library Segments, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Logical to Absolute Conversion, func logtoabs
Logon Group Libraries
loading, Compatibility Mode Pointers
logtoabs Function, func logtoabs
Long Commands (Continuation), Command Line Overview
Long Pointer
convert virtual address to, func stol
Long Pointer Comparisons, Relational Operators
Long Pointers
coerce expression to, func lptr
LOOKUP_ID, Procedure Name: Symbols
Lowercase Function, func strdown
Lowercase Hexadecimal Output, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
in compatibility mode, Compatibility Mode Pointers
LPTR (Long Pointer), Pointer Types
lptr Function, func lptr
LPUB Defined, Compatibility Mode Pointers
lpub Function, func lpub
LST (Loader Symbol Table), Procedure Name: Symbols
ltolog Function, func ltolog
ltos Function, func ltos


MAC Command, Macros
macbody Function, func macbody
Machine Characteristics, DUMPINFO
Macro Bodies, Variables
referencing local variables, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Macro Body
for macro name, func macbody
Macro Name
macro body for, func macbody
Macro Parameters, Macros
Macro Table
absolute size of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
controlling size of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Macros, Macros
aliases, Aliases
as commands, Macro Commands
as functions, Macro Functions
current nested call level, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
define local variable, LOC
defining, MAC[RO]
defining an alias for, ALIAS
deleting, MACD[EL]
echoing of, MACECHO
examples, Examples
exit from, RET[URN]
limitations, Limitations, Restrictions
list local variables, LOCL[IST]
listing, MACL[IST]
listing to a file, Examples
macro body for name, func macbody
parameters, Discussion - Macro Parameters
referencing variables, Variables, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
reset reference count, MACREF
restoring from a file, RESTORE, STORE
tracing execution of, MACTRACE
main memory, How DAT Works
Map index number, func mapindex
mapindex Function, func mapindex
Mapped Files
size in bytes, func mapsize
virtual address of, func mapva
Mapping Bit, func phystolog
Mapping CM Segments, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Mapping DST Number
CM CST Expansion, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Mapping Files, MAP
mapsize Function, func mapsize
mapva Function, func mapva
Maximum number of aliases, Limitations, Restrictions
Memory Size, DUMPINFO
Memory Window, Z - The Memory Window
Metacharacters, Patterns and Regular Expressions
Minus Sign, Numeric Literals
MOD Operator, Arithmetic Operators
MODE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
modification delete, MODD
Modify command in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
Modify Data, M (modify)
Modify Register Contents, MR
Modify Status Word (NM), MPSW
Module Name
corresponding to address, func nmmod
Monarch processor number, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Mount dump tape, Operating DAT
MPE/iX X-Traps, TRAP
MPEXL table
finding address of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
multi Prompt, Command Line Overview
Multiple Commands on Same Line, Command Line Overview
Multiple Debug Processes, TERM


Native Mode
argument registers, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
breakpoints in translated code, NM Breakpoints in Translated Code
code path for an address, func nmpath
control registers, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
coprocessor configuration register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
debugging a NM program, How to Debug an NM Program
file name for (code) address, func nmfile
floating point exception registers, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
floating point registers, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
floating point status register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
general registers, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
general registers, window, Gr - The NM General Registers Window
interrupt instruction register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
interrupt offset register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
interrupt space register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
interrupt vector address, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
module name for address, func nmmod
node point, address of closest, func nmnode
pointers, Native Mode Pointers
procedure entry point, func nmentry
procedure name for virtual address, func nmproc
procedure/data path address, func nmaddr
procedures names, looking up, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
process's stack limit address, func nmstacklimit
process's stack starting address, func nmstackbase
program counter window, P (nmP) - The NM Program Window
program window, where aimed, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
registers, displaying, DR
return pointer, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
search order, Procedure Name: Symbols
short pointer to LCPTR, func stolog
special registers, Sr - The NM Special Registers Window
to enter, NM
windows, A Typical Screen Display of NM Windows
Nearest NM Node Point, func cmtonmnode
Nested Call Level
macros, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Nested IF Commands, IF
NL.PUB.SYS, Operating Restrictions
NM Breakpoint index, func nmbpindex
NM Breakpoints
address of, func nmbpaddr
NM instruction at breakpoint, func nmbpinstr
NM library files, Operating Restrictions
NM stack traces, Operating Restrictions
NM symbols in DAT, Operating Restrictions
NM TRANS Address Conversion, Native Mode Pointers
nmaddr addresses, Operating Restrictions
nmaddr Function, func nmaddr
nmaddr in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
nmbpaddr Function, func nmbpaddr
nmbpindex Function, func nmbpindex
nmbpinstr Function, func nmbpinstr
nmcall Function, func nmcall
nmentry Function, func nmentry
nmfile addresses, Operating Restrictions
nmfile Function, func nmfile
nmfile in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
nmmod Function, func nmmod
nmnode Function, func nmnode, The Node Functions
nmpath Function, func nmpath
nmproc Function, func nmproc
nmstackbase Function, func nmstackbase
nmstacklimit Function, func nmstacklimit
NMTOCMNODE Conversion Function, Native Mode Pointers
nmtocmnode Function, func nmtocmnode, The Node Functions
Node Functions, The Node Functions
Node Points
closest NM, corresponding to NM address, func nmnode
CM, nearest to NM address, func nmtocmnode
in Translated Code, Node Points in Translated Code
nearest, func cmtonmnode
NONLOCALVARS Environment Variable, Variables
NOT Operator, Boolean Operators
Numeric Literals, Numeric Literals


Object Code Translation, Program Windows for Object Code Translation, Object Code Translation
OCT, Object Code Translation
OCT (Object Code Translator), Program Windows for Object Code Translation
Octal Literals, Numeric Literals
off Function, func off
bit or byte-relative, func symaddr, func symaddr
Offset Portion of Virtual Address, func off
Online Help Messages, H[ELP]
Opening a Dump File, OPENDUMP
Opening the dump, Operating DAT
definition check, func bound
Operand Modifiers, Operand Lookup Precedence
Operand Token Interpretation, Operand Lookup Precedence
Operating DAT, Operating DAT
operating restrictions, Operating Restrictions
Operating SAT, Operating SAT
Operating System Failures
analysis of, Dump Analysis Tool (DAT), Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)
Operating System Version, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Operators, Operators
OR Operator, Boolean Operators
OUTBASE Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
paging, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
terminal, suppressing, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Output Conversion Base
Native Mode, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Output Display, User Interface
Output Display Base, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Output Filtering, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Output Line
length of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically


Page Length
list file, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Page Number of List File, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Paging for List File, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Paging Output, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Pascal Data Types, Symbolic Formatting Symbolic Access
Path Specification, The Path Specification
case sensitivity, Case Sensitivity
Pattern Matching, Patterns and Regular Expressions
PC Register, Parameters, Parameters
PCB (Process Control Block), func pcb
pcb Function, func pcb
PCBX, func pcbx
pcbx Function, func pcbx
low two bits of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
priv level, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
PCSF Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
determining first entry, func hash
physical memory addressing, How DAT Works
Physical Segment Number, func phystolog
phystolog Function, func phystolog
virtual address, func pib
pib Function, func pib
virtual address, func pibx
pibx Function, func pibx
display last active, DUMPINFO
identifying current, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
last running at dump, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
process state of, func pstate
PIN Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Pipeline Queue
first in, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
next in, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
coerce expression to USER library, func user, func user
Pointer Arithmetic, Pointer Arithmetic
Pointer Comparisons, Relational Operators
Pointer Data Types, Pointer Types
logical code, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Pointer Literals, Pointer Literals
examples, Pointer Literals
absolute code, Compatibility Mode Pointers
coerce expression to long, func lptr
coerce expression to LPUB, func lpub
coerce expression to PROG pointer, func prog
coerce expression to PUB pointer, func pub
coerce expression to SYS, func sys, func sys
coerce expression to TRANS, func trans, func trans
compatibility mode, Compatibility Mode Pointers
convert virtual address to short, func ltos
custom named, U - The User Windows
long to NM logical address, func ltolog
native mode, Native Mode Pointers
short, conversion to LCPTR, func stolog
operand lookup, Operand Lookup Precedence
Precedence of Operators, Operator Precedence
Predefined Aliases
full listing of, Syntax
restoring, ALIASINIT
Predefined Environment Variables, ENV, Reserved Variables/Functions
Predefined Functions, Predefined Functions, Reserved Variables/Functions
listing, FUNCL[IST]
Print Process Tree, DPTREE
Priv Level, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Privileged Mode Indicator, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Procedure Loading, FINDPROC
Procedure Name
and offset, for address, func nmproc
convert to address, func cmaddr
for an address, func cmproc
Procedure Name Symbols, Procedure Name: Symbols
Procedure Names
looking up, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
symbol information, PSEUDOMAP, XLD
Procedure Starting Point, func cmstart
dynamic loads, LOADPROC
address of stack limit, func nmstacklimit
kill, KILL
PCB virtual address, func pcb
PCBX virtual address, func pcbx
stack starting address (NM), func nmstackbase
Process Abort Calls, Process Abort Calls
Process Control Block Extension
virtual address, func pcbx
Process Execution Mode, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Process Hangs
analysis of, Dump Analysis Tool (DAT), Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)
Process Identification Number, Command Line Overview
process state, func pstate
Process Information Block
virtual address, func pib
Process Information Block Extension
virtual address, func pibx
Process Related Information, PIN
Process Stacks
breakpoints on, Limitations, Restrictions
Process State
for PIN, func pstate
Process Termination
Abort, ABORT
Process Tree
printing, DPTREE
dying, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
pausing, PAUSE
Processor CPU number, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Processor Status Register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Processor Status Word
modify, MPSW
PROG Defined, Compatibility Mode Pointers
prog Function, func prog
Program Counter
CM, P (cmP) - The CM Program Window
NM, P (nmP) - The NM Program Window
Program Counter Offset
NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Program Counter Register, Parameters, Parameters
as logical code address, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Program Counter SID
NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Program Counter sid.offset
NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Program Execution
continuing, C[ONTINUE]
Program File
from relocatable library, Convert The Relocatable Library into a Program File
Program Window, P (cmP) - The CM Program Window, P (nmP) - The NM Program Window
CM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
OCT, Program Windows for Object Code Translation
Program Window Address, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Program Window Examples, Examples: Program Windows for Translated Code
Program Window Offset, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Program Window SEG, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Program Window SID, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
currently loaded, LOADINFO
Prompt, Command Line Overview
changing, Command Line Overview
current user, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
multiline command list, Command Line Overview
Prompting for User Input, func strinput
Protection ID Registers
NM, format, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Pseudo Registers
PSP, Parameters, Parameters
RP, Parameters, Parameters
PSP Pseudo Register, Parameters, Parameters
pstate Function, func pstate
PSW (Processor Status Word), MPSW
PSW Alias, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
PUB Defined, Compatibility Mode Pointers
pub Function, func pub
Public Libraries
loading, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Purge Dump File, PURGEDUMP
purging dump file sets, Operating DAT
PXDB Preprocessor, Preprocess the Program File with PXDB


Q Register (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Q Window, Q - The CM Stack Frame Window
QM Window Address Mode Command, wM
Question Mark, Procedure Name: Symbols, Operand Lookup Precedence
for entry address, Procedure Name: Symbols
QUIET Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Quote Marks, String Literals
within quoted strings, String Literals


R Window, R - The CM Register Window
abbreviations, Command Line Overview
input conversion, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RCTR Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Re-executing Commands, DO, REDO
Real Address
converting to virtual, func rtov
converting virtual to, func vtor, func vtor
Real Memory Display Window, Z - The Memory Window
Real to Virtual Conversion, func rtov
Recovery Counter Register (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Recursive Aliases, Examples
RED Window Redraw Command, RED
REDO Command, Command History, REDO
Redraw Window Display, RED
Redraw Windows, WON
Register Dump, Process Abort Calls
Compatibility Mode, window, R - The CM Register Window
control, Parameters, Parameters
control, NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
coprocessor configuration, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
current instruction register, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
displaying contents of, DR
DL (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
DP (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
floating point, Parameters, Parameters
general, Parameters, Parameters
general, NM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
IA (instruction address), Parameters, Parameters
index (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
initialize, INITxx
interval timer, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
list into a file, REGLIST
modify contents of, MR
PC (program counter), Parameters, Parameters
processor status, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
pseudo, Parameters, Parameters
Q (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
recovery counter (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
return register 1 (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
return register zero (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
S (Stack) for CM, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
shift amount register (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
space, Parameters, Parameters
space registers (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
stack pointer (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
static link (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
status (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
temp (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
X (index, CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Zero (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Regular Expressions, Regular Expression String Literals
Relocatable Library
conversion, Convert The Relocatable Library into a Program File
Renaming Windows, wN
Repetition of Commands, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Reserved Functions, Reserved Variables/Functions
Reserved Variables, Reserved Variables/Functions
Reset Default Window Sizes, WDEF
Reset Reference Count, MACREF
Resetting the Error Stack, Error Handling
RESTORE Command, Debug Input/Output: The System Console
Restore Predefined Aliases, ALIASINIT
Restoring saved macros and variables, RESTORE
Restricting Search Path, Procedure Name: Symbols
SAT, Operating Restrictions
Resume User Program, E[XIT]
RET0 Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RET1 Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Return Pointer (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Return Register 1 (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Return Register Zero (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Right-Justified Data, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Rn Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RP Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
RP Pseudo Register, Parameters, Parameters
rtov Function, func rtov
RUN CI Command, Procedure Name: Symbols
Running Counter, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically


S (Stack) Register (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
S Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
S Window, S - The CM Stack Window
S16 Defined, Integer Types
s16 Function, func s16
S32 Defined, Integer Types
s32 Function, func s32
Defined, Integer Types
s64 Function, func s64
SADDR, Extended Address Types
saddr Function, func saddr
SAR Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
SAT, Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)
DEBUG commands enabled for, Patterns and Regular Expressions
getting started, Operating SAT
invoking, Operating SAT
limitations, Operating Restrictions
restrictions, Operating Restrictions
sample session, Operating SAT
SAT (Standalone Analysis Tool), What Is the Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)?
SAT and file function calls, SAT Functions and Commands
SAT commands, SAT Functions and Commands
SAT functions, SAT Functions and Commands
SAT, debug commands in, Operating Restrictions
Search Order
Compatibility Mode, Procedure Name: Symbols
Native Mode, Procedure Name: Symbols
Search Path, Procedure Name: Symbols
restricting, Procedure Name: Symbols
SEC Description, Indirection Operator
Secondary Address
coerce expression to, func saddr
secondary memory addressing, How DAT Works
Secondary Storage Window, L - The LDEV Window
secondary store data, How DAT Works
segment.offset, Compatibility Mode Pointers
ADDSL command, Compatibility Mode Pointers
PREP command, Compatibility Mode Pointers
Segments in Compatibility Mode, Compatibility Mode Pointers
for terminal locking, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Semicolons, Command Line Overview
to separate commands, Limitations, Restrictions
Set a Breakpoint, B (break)
Set Membership, func syminset, func syminset
Set Values
user options, SET
Setdump Attribute
inheriting, Process Abort Calls
SETDUMP Intrinsic, Process Abort Calls
SETDUMP CI Command, Process Abort Calls
Shift Amount Register (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Short Pointer
coerce expression to, func sptr
comparisons to other pointers, Relational Operators
conversion to LCPTR, func stolog
SID, func sid
defined, Native Mode Pointers
sid Function, func sid
sid.offset, Native Mode Pointers
Sign of Literals, Numeric Literals
Simple Data Type
value of, func symval, func symval
Single Step Command, S, SS
Single Stepping, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
SIR (System Internal Resource), Limitations, Restrictions
SL.PUB.SYS, Operating Restrictions
Snapshot dump, How DAT Works, Operating DAT
SOM (System Object Module) Symbol Table, Procedure Name: Symbols
Space IDs, see SID, Native Mode Pointers
Space Registers, Parameters, Parameters
Space Registers (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Special Registers, Sr - The NM Special Registers Window
Special Registers Window, Sr - The NM Special Registers Window
SPTR, Pointer Types, Pointer Literals
sptr Function, func sptr
Stack Frame Window, Q - The CM Stack Frame Window
Stack Limit
CM, func cmstacklimit
Stack Marker Level, LEV
Stack Pointer Register (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Stack Starting Address (NM), func nmstackbase
Stack Starting Virtual Address
CM, func cmstackbase
Stack Trace
abbreviated, Process Abort Calls
display, TR[ACE]
full dual, Process Abort Calls
producing a full, STACKDUMP Intrinsic
writing to a file, STACKDUMP' Intrinsic
stack traces in NM, Operating Restrictions
Stack Unwind Information
for return pointer, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Stack Window, S - The CM Stack Window
Stackdump, Debug Interfaces
Standalone Analysis Tool, Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)
Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions, System Debug Standard Functions
Starting Address, Procedure Name: Symbols
Starting DAT, Operating DAT
Static Link Register (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Status Register (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Status Word (NM)
modify, MPSW
Steps to use DAT, Operating DAT
stol Function, func stol
stolog Function, func stolog
Storing macros and variables, STORE
str Function, func str
strapp Function, func strapp
strdel Function, func strdel
strdown Function, func strdown
strextract Function, func strextract
convert to binary, func bin
converting to lowercase, func strdown
delete leading blanks, func strltrim
delete trailing blanks, func strrtrim, func strrtrim
extracting from address, func strextract
formatting like WRITE, func strwrite, func strwrite
inserting into, func strins
length of, func strlen
maximum size of, func strmax
position of occurrence, func strpos
repeat string, func strrpt
uppercase shift, func strup
String Append, func strapp
String Comparisons, Relational Operators
String Data Types, String Types
String Delete Function, func strdel
String Downshift Function, func strdown
String Extract Function, func strextract
String Insert Function, func strins
String Left Trim, func strltrim
String Length Function, func strlen
String Literals, String Literals
regular expressions, Regular Expression String Literals
String Operands
concatenation of, Concatenation Operator
String Position Function, func strpos
String Repeat Function, func strrpt
String Right Trim, func strrtrim, func strrtrim
String Upshift Function, func strup
String Write Function, func strwrite, func strwrite
strinput Function, func strinput
strins Function, func strins
strlen Function, func strlen
strltrim Function, func strltrim
strmax Function, func strmax
strmax in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
strpos Function, func strpos
strrpt Function, func strrpt
strrtrim Function, func strrtrim, func strrtrim
strup Function, func strup
strwrite Function, func strwrite, func strwrite
command line, Operand Lookup Precedence, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Substring Delete, func strdel
Substring of Source String, func str
Suppressing Terminal Output, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Switch Pointers/Registers, PIN
symaddr Function, func symaddr, func symaddr
symbol access in DAT, Operating Restrictions
Symbol Definitions
accessing, Creating and Accessing Symbol Definitions
creating, Creating and Accessing Symbol Definitions
Symbol information, PSEUDOMAP, XLD
Symbolic Access, Symbolic Formatting Symbolic Access, Using Symbolic Access
examples, Symbolic Formatting Symbolic Access
Symbolic Access Facility, SYMPREP
Symbolic Data Type File
debugging, SYMINFO
dump data, SYMINFO
opening, SYMOPEN
symbol name, SYML[IST]
Symbolic Data Type Files, SYMPREP, Creating and Accessing Symbol Definitions
listing, SYMF[ILES]
Symbolic Debug Information, SYMPREP
Symbolic Debug Records
pointers to, SYMOPEN
Symbolic Files, Creating and Accessing Symbol Definitions
Symbolic Formatter, SYMPREP
using, Formatting Types
Symbolic Formatting
examples, Symbolic Formatting Symbolic Access
Symbolic Names, Using Symbolic Access
Symbolic Procedure Names, Procedure Name: Symbols
Symbolic Type Information, Generate Symbolic Type Information
symconst Function, func symconst, func symconst
syminset Function, func syminset, func syminset
symlen Function, func symlen, func symlen
SYMOPEN Command, Open the Symbolic Data Type File with SYMOPEN
SYMPATH_UPSHIFT Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
SYMPREP Command, Prepare the Program File with SYMPREP
symtype Function, func symtype, func symtype
symval Function, func symval, func symval
Synchronizing Debug Processes, TERM
SYS Defined, Compatibility Mode Pointers
sys Function, func sys, func sys
sysglob, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
operating system version, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
System Console, Debug Input/Output: The System Console, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
System Debug commands in SAT, Operating Restrictions
System Debugging, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
System Failures
analysing with DAT, Dump Analysis Tool (DAT)
analysing with SAT, Standalone Analysis Tool (SAT)
System Object Module Symbol Table, Procedure Name: Symbols
System Process Debugging, Debug Input/Output: The System Console


making a dump tape, Operating DAT
Task Control Block
real address of, func tcb, func tcb
TCB, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
TCB (Task Control Block), PIN
real address of, func tcb, func tcb
tcb Function, func tcb, func tcb
TELESUP Account, The DAT Macros
Temporary Registers (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
TERM_KEEPLOCK Environment Variable, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
TERM_LDEV Environment Variable, Debug Input/Output: The System Console, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Terminal Display Features, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Terminal Locking
via semaphore, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Terminal Output, Debug Input/Output: The System Console
paging, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
suppressing, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
for demonstrations, DEMO
Terminate Current Process, ABORT
Text Windows, TX- The Text Windows
Tilde Character, Command Line Substitutions
Time of Day, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Title of List File, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Tracing Functions, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Tracing Macro Execution, MACTRACE
TRANS Defined, Native Mode Pointers
trans Function, func trans, func trans
Translate CM Address, T (translate)
Translated Code
breakpoints in, CM Breakpoints in Translated Code
CM breakpoint examples, Examples: CM Breakpoints in Translated Code
executing, Executing a Translated Section
NM breakpoints in, NM Breakpoints in Translated Code
node functions, The Node Functions
node points in, Node Points in Translated Code
program window examples, Examples: Program Windows for Translated Code
TRAP BRANCH ARM Command, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
arming, disarming, TRAP
hardware, TRAP
listing, TRAP
MPE/iX X-Traps, TRAP
Turning off Windows, WOFF
Turning on Windows, WON
TX Window, TX- The Text Windows
TXI Window Information Command, wI
TXS Window Shift Command, wS
Type Classes for Data Types, Type Classes
Type of Component, func symtype, func symtype
Type of Evaluated Expression, func typeof, func typeof
Type of Variables, Variables
typeof Function, func typeof, func typeof


U Window, U - The User Windows
U16 Defined, Integer Types
u16 Function, func u16, func u16
U32 Defined, Integer Types
u32 Function, func u32, func u32
Unary Operator, Numeric Literals
code segment, UF
data segment, UF
virtual address range, UF
Unmap a File, UNMAP
Update Windows, UPD
Uppercase Hexadecimal Output, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Uppercase String Function, func strup
Use Files, User Interface, Command History, REDO
USE files in SAT, SAT Functions and Commands
User Configurable Options
set values, SET
USER Defined, Native Mode Pointers
User Defined Variables, VAR
delete, VARD[EL]
listing, VARL[IST]
user Function, func user, func user
User Input Lines
listfile, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
User Interface, User Interface
USER Library Pointer, func user, func user
User Prompt, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
User Window
allocate, UWm
User Windows, U - The User Windows
defining, System Debug Window Commands
User-Defined Windows, G - The Group (of User) Window, U - The User Windows
change group, WGRP
DUMP, Dump Analysis Tool (DAT)


V Window, V - The Virtual Windows
vainfo Function, func vainfo, func vainfo
VAR Command, Variables
VARD Command, Variables
Variable Delete, VARD[EL]
Variable List, VARL[IST]
Variable Substitution, Variable Substitution
Variable Table
maximum size of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
tracking size of, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
global, Variables
local, Variables
names, Variables
reserved, Reserved Variables/Functions
scope, Variables
type, Variables
Version ID of DAT or Debug, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Version of Operating System, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
VI Window Information Command, wI
Video Enhancements, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
for stack markers, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Virtual Address
convert to long pointer, func stol
convert to short pointer, func ltos
converting real to, func rtov
converting to real, func vtor, func vtor
corresponding procedure name, func nmproc
for ICS base, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
hashing into a hash table, func hash
information for, func vainfo, func vainfo
NM procedure/data path, func nmaddr
of mapped file, func mapva
of PIB, func pib
of process's PCB, func pcb
offset portion of, func off
PCBX of process, func pcbx
SID of, func sid
translate CM to, T (translate)
Virtual Address Range
unfreeze, UF
virtual memory addressing, How DAT Works
Virtual Memory Window, V - The Virtual Windows
Virtual Space
file map index number, func mapindex
Virtual to Real Conversion, func vtor, func vtor
Virtual Window Address, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
offset portion, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
sid portion, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
vtor Function, func vtor, func vtor


WCOL, W (write)
WDEF Window Default Size Command, WDEF
WGRP Window Change Group Command, WGRP
While Loop, WHILE
Width of List File, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
defaults, WDEF
reset default sizes, WDEF
Window Abbreviations, System Debug Window Commands
Window Back Command, wB
Window Commands, System Debug Window Commands
on-line help, WHELP
UC, wC
VC, wC
Window Define New Command, wW
Window Disable Command, wD
Window Enable Command, wE
Window Home Command, wH
Window Jump Command, wJ
Window Kill Command, wK
Window Lines Command, wL
Window Modes, Window Real/Virtual Modes
Window Operations, Window Operations, System Debug Window Commands
Window Radix Command, wR
Window Shift Command, wS
Window Updates, Window Updates
and Control-Y, Control-Y
Windows, System Debug Windows
address mode change, wM
allocate user-defined, UWm
command, System Debug Windows
current window, wC
defining new, wW
defining user, System Debug Window Commands
disable, wD
enable, wE
enabling new, wW
example, CM, A Typical Screen Display of CM Windows
example, NM, A Typical Screen Display of NM Windows
form justification, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
frame (Q), System Debug Windows
general register, Gr - The NM General Registers Window
general register (GR), System Debug Windows
group (G), System Debug Windows
home, return to, wH
information, wI
jump to address, wJ
kill window, wK
ldev (L), System Debug Windows
LDEV, address where aimed, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
lines, setting, wL
memory (Z), System Debug Windows
NM program, address where aimed, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
program (P), System Debug Windows
radix set, wR
real, Window Real/Virtual Modes
redraw, WON
register, R - The CM Register Window
register (R), System Debug Windows
rename, wN
scroll back, wB
scroll forward, wF
shift left/right, wS
special register (SR), System Debug Windows
special registers, Sr - The NM Special Registers Window
stack (S), System Debug Windows
stack frame, Q - The CM Stack Frame Window
stack markers, video enhancement for, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
text (TX), System Debug Windows
turn on, WON
turning off, WOFF
updating, UPD
user-defined, G - The Group (of User) Window, WGRP
video enhancements, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
virtual, Window Real/Virtual Modes
virtual (V), System Debug Windows
Windows Off Command, WOFF
Windows On Command, WON
WL, W (write)
WM Window Address Mode Command, wM
WP, W (write)
WPAGE, W (write)
Write List of Values, W (write)


X (Index) Register (CM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
XARITRAP Intrinsic, Process Abort Calls
XCODETRAP Intrinsic, Process Abort Calls
XLIBRARY Trace Trap, Limitations, Restrictions
XSYSTEM Trace Trap, Limitations, Restrictions


Z Window, Z - The Memory Window
Z Window Address, The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically
Zero Register (NM), The Environment Variables - Sorted Alphabetically

Appendix E Command Summary

Table of Contents