HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 10 System Debug Standard Functions

func strpos

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String position. Returns the index of the first occurrence of one string in another.


   strpos (source searchstring [position])

If searchstring is not found in source then zero (0) is returned.

Formal Declaration

   strpos:u32 (source:str searchstring:str [position:u32=1])



The string in which searchstring is to be found.


The string to be found in source. It may be either a single- or double-quoted string literal, or a back-quoted regular expression.


The character position in source where the search is to begin. If this parameter is not specified, the search starts at the first character. If this value is greater than the size of the source string, a zero result is returned.


   $nmdebug > var source "Oh where oh where has my little dog gone"
   $nmdebug > var searchstring "where"
   $nmdebug > var first = strpos(source, searchstring)
   $nmdebug > wl first

Look for the string "where" in the source string and print the position where it was found.

   $nmdebug > first = first + strlen(searchstring)
   $nmdebug > var second = strpos(source, searchstring, first)
   $nmdebug > wl second

Look for the next occurrence of "where" in the source string and print the position where it was found.

   $nmdebug > second = second + strlen(searchstring)
   $nmdebug > var third = strpos(source, searchstring, second)
   $nmdebug > wl third

Look for another occurrence of "where" in the source string. Since the search string is not found, the value of zero (0) is returned.

Limitations, Restrictions


func strmax

func strrpt