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Resets the reference count to zero for the specified macro(s).


   MACREF pattern

Reference counts are maintained for macros. Each time a macro is invoked, the reference count for the macro is incremented.

Current reference counts can be displayed with the MACLIST command.

This MACREF command is used to reset macro reference counts.



The name(s) of the macro(s) for which the reference counts are to be reset to zero.

This parameter can be specified with wildcards or with a full regular expression. Refer to appendix A for additional information about pattern matching and regular expressions.

The following wildcards are supported:


Matches any character(s).


Matches any alphabetic character.


Matches any numeric character.

The following are valid name pattern specifications:


Matches everything; all names.


Matches all names that start with "pib".


Matches "log2004", "log2754", and so on.

The following regular expressions are equivalent to the patterns with wildcards that are listed above:



   $nmdat > macl @ all
   macro driver
      machelp = 'This macro calls macros "triple", "min",  and  "inc" in order' +
                'to demonstrate the MACECHO, MACREF, and MACTRACE commands'
   { loc one 1;
     loc two 2;
     wl min ( triple(two) inc(one) )
   macro inc
    ( num : ANY  )
      machelp = 'returns the increment of "num"'
   { loc temp num;
     loc temp temp + 1;
     return temp
   macro min
    ( parm1 : ANY  ,
      parm2 : ANY  )
      machelp = 'returns the min of "parm1" or "parm2"'
   { if parm1 < parm2
     then return parm1
     else return parm2
   macro triple
    ( input : ANY  )
      machelp = 'triples the parameter "input"'
   { return input *3

Assume that the macros listed above have been defined. A few of the macros use local variables inefficiently, for the purpose of demonstration.

   $nmdat > macl @ ref
   macro driver  ref = #0
   macro inc     ref = #0
   macro min     ref = #0
   macro triple  ref = #0

The MACLIST command is used to display the current reference counts for all macros. At this point, the reference counts for all macros are zero.

   $nmdat > wl inc(4)
   $nmdat > wl min(inc(3) inc(0))
   $nmdat > macl @ ref
   macro driver  ref = #0
   macro inc     ref = #3
   macro min     ref = #1
   macro triple  ref = #0

A few macros are invoked, then the MACLIST command is used again to display the current reference counts. Macro inc has been called three times, and macro min has been called one time.

   $nmdat > macref inc
   $nmdat > macl @ ref
   macro driver  ref = #0
   macro inc     ref = #0
   macro min     ref = #1
   macro triple  ref = #0

The MACREF command is used to reset the reference count for macro inc. The MACLIST command is used to verify that the count has been successfully reset.

   $nmdat > driver
   $nmdat > macl @ ref
   macro driver  ref = #1
   macro inc     ref = #1
   macro min     ref = #2
   macro triple  ref = #1

Macro driver is invoked, then the reference counts are checked again.

   $nmdat > macref @
   $nmdat > macl @ ref
   macro driver  ref = #0
   macro inc     ref = #0
   macro min     ref = #0
   macro triple  ref = #0

The reference counts for all macros are reset to zero.

Limitations, Restrictions

The macro reference count is incremental at macro entry, after parameter type checking, but before actual execution of the macro body. The actual macro execution may result in errors and be terminated. Reference counts, therefore, indicate the number of times the macro has been called (not the number of times that the macro has been successfully executed to completion).