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Lists the currently defined aliases.


   ALIAS[LIST] [pattern] [group]



The alias name(s) to be displayed.

This parameter can be specified with wildcards or with a full regular expression. Refer to appendix A for additional information about pattern matching and regular expressions.

The following wildcards are supported:


Matches any character(s).


Matches any alphabetic character.


Matches any numeric character.

The following are valid name pattern specifications:

Matches everything; all names.


Matches all names that start with "pib".


Matches "log2004", "log2754", and so on.

The following regular expressions are equivalent to the patterns with wildcards that are listed above:


By default, all alias names are listed, subject to the group specification described below.


The type of aliases that are to be listed. Aliases are classified as USER or PREDEFINED aliases. ALL refers to both types of alias.


User-defined aliases


Predefined aliases


Both user-defined and predefined aliases

By default, ALL aliases are deleted. In order to restrict the listing to a single group of aliases, the group USER or PREDEFINED must be specified.


   $nmdebug > aliasl del@ p
   alias deletealias aliasd   /* predefined
   alias deleteb     bd       /* predefined

   alias deleteerr   errd     /* predefined
   alias deletemac   macd     /* predefined
   alias deletevar   vard     /* predefined

List all predefined aliases that start with "del".

   $nmdebug > alias quit exit
   $nmdebug > alias q quit
   $nmdebug > alias bye exit
   $nmdebug > aliasl ,user
   alias bye  exit   /* user
   alias q    quit   /* user
   alias quit exit   /* user

Define three other command aliases that can be used in place of the EXIT command and list them.

Related commands: ALIAS, ALIASD, ALIASINIT.

Limitations, Restrictions



B (break)