HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 9 System Debug Window Commands


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Window home. Returns a window to its original location.


   RH                                 CM registers window
   GRH                                NM general registers window
   SRH                                NM special registers window

   PH                                 Program window, current mode
   CMPH                               CM program window
   NMPH                               NM program window
   QH                                 CM frame window - Q relative
   SH                                 CM stack window - S relative

   GH                                 Group window
   UH  [win_number]                   User window

   VH  [virtaddr]   [win_number]      Virtual window
   ZH  [realaddr]                     Real memory window
   LH  [ldev.off]                     LDEV window
   TXH [win_number]                   Text window

This command returns the specified window to its original (home) location. (This is the location specified when the window was created.) This command is useful when a window has been scrolled (F,B) or jumped (J) away from its home location. The virtual (V), real (Z), and LDEV (L) windows may have their home location respecified with this command by supplying a new home location.



The window number for a specific user window (U), text window (TX), or virtual window (V). If win_number is omitted, then the current window is used. The current user window is marked by an asterisk, and the current virtual and text windows are marked in inverse video.


If this parameter is provided, the home address for the virtual window (V) is set to the indicated address. Virtaddr can be a short pointer, a long pointer, or a full logical code pointer.


If this parameter is provided, the home address for the real window (Z) is set to the indicated real address.


The disk LDEV and byte offset to which the home address is set.


   %cmdebug > PH

Home the program window.

   $nmdebug > VH PSP-40 4

Change the home address for virtual window 4 to be the value of PSP-40. Jump the window to the new home address.

   %cmdebug > UH 3

Home user window 3.

Limitations, Restrictions


