HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Appendix D Reserved Variables/Functions

Appendix D Reserved Variables/Functions

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The following lists the reserved names for the predefined environment variables (env) and functions (func).

Table D-1 Predefined Environment Variables and Functions

Name Type Description
abstologfunc : lcptrCM absolute address to logical address
arg0..arg3env : u32argument registers
ascfunc : strconverts an expression to an ASCII string
asccfunc : strcoerces an expression to an ASCII string
autoignoreenv : boolignores errors on every command
autorepeatenv : boolrepeat last command with carriage return
binfunc : u32converts an ASCII string to a number
bitdfunc : u32bit deposit
bitxfunc : u32bit extract
boolfunc : boolcoerces an expression to BOOL type
boundfunc : strtests for current definition of an operand
btowfunc : s16converts a CM byte offset to a word offset
ccodeenv : strcondition code
ccrenv : u32coprocessor configuration register
changesenv : strvideo enhancements for changed window values
checkpstateenv : boolcontrols process state verification
cirenv : u16current instruction register
cisetvarfunc : boolsets a new value for a CI variable
civarfunc : anyreturns current value of a CI variable
cmaddrfunc : lcptrlogical address of a specified CM procedure
cmbpaddrfunc : lcptrlogical address of a CM breakpoint index
cmbpindexfunc : u16index number of CM breakpoint at address
cmbpinstrfunc : s16CM instruction at CM breakpoint address
cmdlinesubsenv : boolenables/disables command line substitutions
cmdnumenv : u32current command number
cmentryfunc : lptrentry address of CM procedure
cmgfunc : sptrshort pointer address of CMGLOBALS record
cmnodefunc : lptrclosest CM node point
cmpcenv : lcptrfull CM program counter logical address
cmpwenv : lcptrcurrent CM program window logical address
cmprocfunc : strreturns the name of CM procedure
cmproclenfunc : u16returns the length of CM procedure
cmsegfunc : strreturns the name of CM segment
cmstackbasefunc : lptrvirtual address of the CM stack base
cmstackdstfunc : u16data segment number of the CM stack
cmstacklimitfunc : lptrvirtual address of the CM stack limit
cmstartfunc : lptrstart address of CM procedure
cmtonmnodefunc : transclosest NM node to a CM logical address
cmvafunc : lptrconverts CM code address to virtual address
cm_inbaseenv : strcurrent CM input base
cm_outbaseenv : strcurrent CM output base
columnenv : u16current output column position
console_debugenv : u16use system console for I/O
cpuenv : u16cpu number of the current processor
cr0, cr8..cr31env : u32control registers
cstfunc : cstcoerces an expression to CST type
cstbaseenv : lptrvirtual address of the CM Code Segment Table
ccstxfunc : cstxcoerces an expression to CSTX type
cst_expansionenv : boolCM CST Expansion is supported on MPE XL
dateenv : strcurrent date
dbenv : u16CM DB register
dbdstenv : u16CM DB data segment number
dispenv : booldispatcher is running
dlenv : u16CM DL register
dpenv : sptrdata pointer (alias for R27)
dstbaseenv : lptrvirtual address of the CM Data Segment Table
dstvafunc : lptrconverts CM dst.off to virtual address
dumpalloc_lzenv : u16sets disk preallocation for LZ compression
dumpalloc_rleenv : u16sets disk preallocation for RLE compression
dump_comp_algoenv : strreturns compression algo for current dump
eaddrfunc : eaddrcoerces an expression to EADDR type
echo_cmdsenv : boolecho commands before execution
echo_subsenv : boolecho command line substitutions
echo_useenv : boolecho use file commands before execution
eiemenv : u32external interrupt enable mask
eirrenv : u32external interrupt request register
entry_modeenv : strmode at entry ("cm" or "nm")
errmsgfunc : strerror message string for error number/subsys
errorenv : s32most recent error number
exec_modeenv : strprocess execution mode from TCB ("cm" or "nm")
escapecodeenv : u32last escapecode value
falseenv : boolthe constant FALSE
fillenv : strfill character for data display
filterenv : strfilter pattern for output
fp0..fp15env : lptrfloating point registers
fpe1..fpe7env : s32floating point exception registers
fpstatusenv : u32floating point status register
getdump_comp_algoenv : strsets compression algo for next GETDUMP
grpfunc : grpcoerces an expression to a GRP LCPTR type
hashaddr : ptrhash a virtual address
hexupshiftenv : boolupshifts all HEX output to upper case
icsnestenv : u16number of nested pending ICS interrupts
icsvaenv : lptrinterrupt control stack virtual address
iirenv : u32interrupt instruction register
inbaseenv : strcurrent input base
iorenv : u32interrupt offset register
ipswenv : u32interrupt processor status word
isrenv : u32interrupt space register
itmrenv : u32interval timer
ivaenv : u32interrupt vector address
job_debugenv : u16enables/disables job debugging
justifyenv : strcontrols justification for data display
lastpinenv : u16pin number of process at entry
lgrpfunc : lgrpcoerces an expression to a LGRP type
list_inputenv : u16echo user input to list file
list_pagelenenv : u16page length (in lines) of list file
list_pagenumenv : u16current page number of list file
list_pagingenv : boolenables/disables paging of list file
list_titleenv : strtitle for each page of list file
list_widthenv : u16width (in characters) of list file
logtoabsfunc : acptrCM logical address to absolute address
lookup_idenv : strNM procedure name lookup mechanism
lptrfunc : lptrcoerces an expression to LPTR type
lpubfunc : lpubcoerces an expression to LPUB type
ltologfunc : lcptrconverts long pointer to logical code pointer
ltosfunc : sptrconverts long pointer to short pointer
lwenv : saddrcurrent LW address in form ldev.offset
macbodyfunc : strreturns macro body string
macrosenv : u16the number of macros that can be defined
macros_limitenv : u16absolute maximum limit for "macros" (above)
macro_depthenv : u16current nested call level for macros
mapdstenv : s16current CST Expansion mapping dst number
mapflagenv : s16CM segment is logically or physically mapped
mapindexfunc : u32index number of a MAPPED file
mapsizefunc : u32size in bytes of a MAPPED file
mapvafunc : lptrvirtual address of a MAPPED file
markersenv : strvideo enhancement for windowed stack markers
modeenv : strcurrent mode ("cm" or "nm")
monarchcpuenv : u16cpu number of the monarch processor
mpexl_table_vaenv : lptraddress of the table for the MPEXL command
multi_line_errsenv : u16controls quantity of lines to display forerrors in a multiple line command
nmaddrfunc : ptraddress of a NM procedure or global data
nmbpaddrfunc : lptraddress of a NM breakpoint index
nmbpindexfunc : u32index number of NM breakpoint at address
nmbpinstrfunc : s32NM instruction at NM breakpoint address
nmcallfunc : s32dynamically invokes the specified routine
nmentryfunc : lptrentry address of NM procedure
nmfilefunc : strname of file containing mapped vaddr
nmmodfunc : strname of NM module
nmnodefunc : transclosest NM node
nmpathfunc : strcode path for a virtual address
nmprocfunc : strname of NM procedure
nmpwenv : lcptrcurrent NM program window logical address
nmstackbasefunc : lptrvirtual address of the NM stack base
nmstacklimitfunc : lptrvirtual address of the NM stack limit
nmtocmnodefunc : lptrclosest CM node to NM translated code
nm_inbaseenv : strNM input base
nm_outbaseenv : strNM output base
nonlocalvarsenv : boolenables/disables access to variables which are not local during macro execution
offfunc : u32extract OFFset part of a long pointer
outbaseenv : strcurrent output base
pcenv : lptrNM program counter (sid.off)
pcbfunc : sptrprocess control block
pcbxfunc : sptrprocess control block extension
pcobenv : sptrprogram counter offset back (off)
pcofenv : sptrprogram counter offset front (off)
pcqbenv : lptrprogram counter queue back (sid.off)
pcqfenv : lptrprogram counter queue front (sid.off)
pcsbenv : u32program counter space back (sid)
pcsfenv : u32program counter space front (sid)
phystologfunc : lcptrCM physical seg/map bit to logical code ptr
pibfunc : sptrprocess info block
pibxfunc : sptrprocess info block ext.
pid1..pid4env : u32protection ID registers
pinenv : u16current PIN number
privenv : u16current privilege level (based on PC)
priv_userenv : u16user has PM (privileged mode) capability
progfunc : progcoerces an expression to PROG type
prognameenv : streither "dat" or "debug"
promptenv : strcurrent user prompt
pseudovirtreadmisc: boollast access came from pseudomapped file
pspenv : u32previous stack pointer
pstatefunc : strprocess state
pstmtenv : u16enables/disables the display of statement numbers in NM program window
pswenv : u32an alias for "ipsw"
pubfunc : pubcoerces an expression to PUB type
pwenv : lptrcurrent program window logical address
pwoenv : sptrcurrent program window (offset part)
pwsenv : u32current program window (SID/seg part)
qenv : u16CM Q register
quiet_modifyenv : boolskip display of current values for modifies
r0 .. r31env : u32general registers r0, r1, r2, .. r31
rctrenv : u32recovery counter
ret0 .. ret1env : u32return registers 0 and 1
rpenv : sptrreturn pointer
rtovfunc : lptrreal to virtual
senv : u16CM S register
s16func : s16coerces an expression to S16 type
s32func : s32coerces an expression to S32 type
s64func : s64coerces an expression to S64 type
saddrfunc : saddrcoerces an expression to SADDR type
sarenv : u32shift amount register
sdstenv : u16CM stack data segment number
sidfunc : u32extracts SID part of a long pointer
slenv : sptrstatic link register
spenv : sptrstack pointer register
sptrfunc : sptrcoerces an expression to SPTR type
sr0 .. sr7env : u32space registers sr0, sr1, sr2, ... sr7
statusenv : u16CM STATUS register
stolfunc : lptrconverts a short pointer to long pointer
stologfunc : lcptrconverts short pointer to logical code pointer
strfunc : strextracts a sub-string from a string
strappfunc : strstring append
strdelfunc : strstring delete
strdownfunc : strdownshifts a string
strextractfunc : strreturns a string from memory
strinputfunc : strprompts for a string input
strinsfunc : strstring insert
strlenfunc : u32returns the current length of a string
strltrimfunc : strremoves leading blanks from a string
strmaxfunc : u32maximum length of a string (constant)
strposfunc : u32position of a substring within a string
strrptfunc : strstring repeat
strrtrimfunc : strremoves trailing blanks from a string
strupfunc : strupshifts a string
strwritefunc : strstring write (ala Pascal strwrite)
symaddrfunc : u32returns the offset to a symbol in a structure
symconstfunc : anyreturns the value of a symbolic constant
syminsetfunc : booltest for membership of a symbol in a set
symlenfunc : u32returns the length of a symbolic data structure
sympath_upshiftenv : boolcontrols upshifting of path specs
symtypefunc : strreturns the symbolic type of a specified path
symvalfunc : anyreturns the value at a virtual address based on a specified symbolic path
sysfunc : syscoerces an expression to a SYS LCPTR type
tcbfunc : u32task control block
term_keeplockenv : boolretain the terminal locking semaphore
term_ldevenv : u16the ldev used for I/O
term_lockingenv : boolenables_disables terminal process queueing
term_loudenv : boolenables/disables output echoing to screen
term_pagingenv : boolenables/disables =terminal screen paging
term_widthenv : u16width (in characters) of terminal output
timeenv : strcurrent time of day
tr0 .. tr7env : u32temp registers tr0, tr1, tr2, ..tr7
trace_funcenv : u16trace function entry, exit and parameters
transfunc : transcoerces an expression to a TRANS LCPTR type
trueenv : boolthe constant TRUE
typeoffunc : strreturns type of an expression
u16func : u16coerces an expression to U16 type
u32func : u32coerces an expression to U32 type
unwindenv : u16automatic unwinding enabled
userfunc : usercoerces an expression to a USER LCPTR type
vainfofunc : anyinformation about a virtual object
varsenv : u16number of variables that can be defined
vars_limitenv : u16absolute sum limit of "vars" and "vars_loc"
vars_locenv : u16number of local variables that can be defined
vars_tableenv : u16current sum of "vars" and "vars_loc"
versionenv : strversion ID for DAT/DEBUG
vtorfunc : u32virtual to real
vtosfunc : lptrvirtual to secondary storage address
vwenv : lptrcurrent virtual window address (lptr)
vwoenv : sptrcurrent virtual window address (offset part)
vwsenv : u32current virtual window space
win_lengthenv : u32number of lines on display terminal
win_widthenv : u32number of columns on display terminal
xenv : u16CM X register (Index Register)
zwenv : u32current real memory window address

Examples: Program Windows for Translated Code

Appendix E Command Summary