HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Appendix C Emulated/Translated CM Code

Node Points in Translated Code

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The following diagram shows adjacent sections of CM object code that have been translated into new sections of NM code. The first instruction of each section is marked as a node point. Each CM node point has a corresponding NM node point.

            Original CM                  Translated
            Object Code                  Object Code
            CM Instructions              NM Instructions

            +-------------+   ---------> +-------------+
  CM node 1 | Section 1   |              | Section 1   | NM node 1
            |             |              |             |
            | ----------- |   ----+      |             |
  CM node 2 | Section 2   |       |      |             |
            |             |       +----> | ----------- |
            |             |              | Section 2   | NM node 2
            |             |              |             |
            | ----------- |   ----+      |             |
  CM node 3 | Section 3   |       |      |             |
            |             |       |      |             |
            |             |       +----> | ----------- |
            |             |              | Section 3   | NM node 3
            |             |              |             |
            | ----------- |   ----+      |             |
  CM node 4 | Section 4   |       |      |             |
            |             |       +----> | ----------- |
            |             |              | Section 4   | NM node 4
            |             |              |             |
            +-------------+   ----+      |             |
                                  |      |             |
                                  |      |             |
                                  |      |             |
                                  |      |             |
                                  |      |             |
                                  +----> +-------------+

Object Code Translation

Executing a Translated Section