HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 9 System Debug Window Commands


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Window disable.


   RD                        CM registers
   GRD                       NM general registers
   SRD                       NM special registers
   PD                        Program, current mode
   CMPD                      CM program
   NMPD                      NM program
   QD                        CM frame,  Q relative
   SD                        CM stack,  S relative
   GD                        Group window
   UD    [win_number]        User  window
   VD    [win_number]        Virtual window
   ZD                        Real memory window
   LD                        LDEV window
   TXD   [win_number]        Text window

This command causes the window to be removed from the screen temporarily until the window is enabled again (see the wE command). Current window attributes (such as size, address, contents, and so on) are retained between disable/enable calls.



The window number for a specific user window (U), text window (TX), or virtual window (V). If win_number is omitted, then the current window is used. The current user window is marked by an asterisk, and the current virtual and text windows are marked in inverse video.


   %cmdebug > PD

Disable the (current mode) program window.

   %cmdebug > UD 3

Disable user window number 3.

Limitations, Restrictions


