HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 9 System Debug Window Commands


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E0201 Edition 4 ♥
E0300 Edition 3
E0692 Edition 3

Window enable.


   RE                        CM registers
   GRE                       NM general registers
   SRE                       NM special registers
   PE                        Program, current mode
   CMPE                      CM program
   NMPE                      NM program
   QE                        CM Frame,  Q relative
   SE                        CM Stack,  S relative
   GE                        Group window
   UE    [win_number]        User window
   VE    [win_number]        Virtual window
   ZE                        Real memory window
   LE                        LDEV window
   TXE   [win_number]        Text window

This command enables a window that was previously disabled with the wD command. The original attributes of the window are retained between disable/enable calls.



The window number for a specific user window (U), text window (TX), or virtual window (V). If win_number is omitted, then the current window is used. The current user window is marked by an asterisk, and the current virtual and text windows are marked in inverse video.


   %cmdebug > NMPE

Enable the NM program window. Both the CM and NM program window can appear together.

   %cmdebug > VE 3

Enable virtual window number 3.

Limitations, Restrictions


