HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 8 System Debug Windows

G - The Group (of User) Window

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The group window is a special window which contains multiple individual user-defined windows.

 G   Group:1     %
 U1  count      DB+5       % 000004     000000     000000     000000
 U2  students   DB+2       A   ".."       "Bi"       "ll"       ".."
 U3 *currnum     Q-5       % 000002     000132     000253     060301

window banner line
  • G - Abbreviation for the group window.

  • Group:1 - Displays the number of the group window that is currently being displayed. Three separate group windows, numbered from 1 to 3, are available. (Refer to the WGRP command).

  • % - The current radix used to display addresses. The radix in that the addresses are displayed may be altered. (Refer to the GR command.)

window body line(s)
  • User-defined window lines appear under the group banner line. Refer to the U (User) window discussion for details about user window lines.

S - The CM Stack Window

The Command Window