HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 2 User Interface

Automatic DBUGINIT Files

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Debug supports the automatic execution of commands within special initialization files named DBUGINIT. These files must be in the form of a USE file as described by the USE command.

Debug first tests for an initialization file (DBUGINIT) in the same group Uand account as the program that is being debugged. Next, Debug looks for an initialization file in the user's logon group and account (if different).

Based on the existence of these special files, it is possible to execute initialization command files from both the program's group and account and the user's logon group and account.

The following initialization sequence is possible for Debug:

   1) DBUGINIT.ProgGrp.ProgAcnt  (program group/account)
   2) DBUGINIT.UserGrp.UserAcnt  (user's group/account)

Refer to chapter 9 for a discussion of initialization files used for DAT.

Debug Input/Output: The System Console

Chapter 3 System Debug Interface Commands and Intrinsics