HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 11 System Debug Standard Functions

func vainfo

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E0201 Edition 4 ♥
E0300 Edition 3
E0692 Edition 3

Returns selected information for the specified virtual address.


   vainfo (virtaddr selector)

Formal Declaration

   vainfo:any (virtaddr:ptr selector:str) 



The virtual address of the object for which the information is desired. Virtaddr can be a short pointer, a long pointer, or a full logical code pointer.


Selects the process information which is to be returned:

   Selector                    DEBUG      DAT       SAT
   ------------------------    -----     -----     -----
   ACCESS_RIGHTS                Yes       No        No
   ACCESS_RIGHTS_FMT            Yes       No        No
   BASE_VA                      Yes       Yes       Yes
   BYTES_TO_END                 Yes       Yes       Yes
   CURRENT_SEC_SPACE            Yes       Yes       Yes
   CURRENT_SIZE                 Yes       Yes       Yes
   DFLT_ACCESS_RIGHTS           Yes       No        No
   DFLT_ACCESS_RIGHTS_FMT       Yes       No        No
   DIS_EXP_ID                   Yes       No        No
   ENDING_VBA                   No        Yes       Yes
   HELP                         Yes       Yes       Yes
   MAX_SEC_SPACE                Yes       Yes       Yes
   MAX_SIZE                     Yes       Yes       Yes
   OBJECT_CLASS                 Yes       Yes       Yes
   OPTIONS                      Yes       Yes       Yes
   PAGES_IN_MEM                 Yes       No        No
   PDIR_HASH                    No        Yes       Yes
   PID                          Yes       Yes       Yes
   VS_OD_PTR                    No        Yes       Yes
   VPN_CACHE_ENTRY_PTR          No        Yes       Yes
   VS_BTREE_HASH                No        Yes       Yes
   VS_VPN_CACHE_HASH            No        Yes       Yes


   $nmdat > var pibva pib(1)
   $nmdat > wl vainfo (pibva, "vs_od_ptr")
   $nmdat > dv c1002ec0,58/4
   $ VIRT a.c1002ec0 $ 00000001 08010000 7ffd7ffd 7ffd0000
   $ VIRT a.c1002ed0 $ 00000000 0000000a c3580000 c35f4806
   $ VIRT a.c1002ee0 $ 00074807 50000000 032a0000 00000056
   $ VIRT a.c1002ef0 $ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
   $ VIRT a.c1002f00 $ 00000000 00000000 00000000 02000000
   $ VIRT a.c1002f10 $ 00000000 ffff0000

Define a variable pibva to be the address of the PIB (process information block) for PIN 1. Get the address of its vs_od_ptr, then display its vs_od_ptr in hex.

   $nmdat > wl vainfo(pibva base_va)
   $nmdat > wl vainfo(pibva "ending_vba")
   $nmdat > wl vainfo(pibva "current_size")
   $nmdat > wl vainfo(pibva "object_class")
   $nmdat > wl vainfo(pibva "vs_btree_hash")
   $nmdat > wl vainfo(pibva "vs_vpn_cache_hash")
   $nmdat > wl vainfo(pibva "pdir_hash")

Shows more of the object information for the PIB for PIN 1.

Limitations, Restrictions


func user

func vtor