HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Chapter 6 System Debug Command Specifications M-X


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Debug only

Controls the synchronization of several debug processes on a single terminal.



Terminal locking allows multiple processes to use a single terminal for debugging without confusion.

TERM LIST shows information about processes waiting for the terminal semaphore.

TERM NEXT grants the terminal to the process at the head of the waiting list.

Exiting, continuing, and stepping from the debugger perform an implicit TERM NEXT command.



Lists information about processes waiting to enter the debugger for the current session.


Lists information about processes waiting to enter the debugger for the current session.


If we own the terminal semaphore, release it and allow the next process waiting for it to enter the debugger. Our process is then queued at the end of the list for the semaphore.

Related environment variables: TERM_LOCKING.


   $(3b) nmdebug > = 2 + 2

   PIN 4c is waiting to enter Debug

   $(3b) nmdebug > term list
   Current term owner: 3b  Next pin: 1a  # Waiting pins: 2

A processes has just notified us that it is waiting to enter Debug. We then list information about the waiting PINS. We see that there are two PINs waiting and the first PIN in the queue is 1a.

   $(3b) nmdebug > term next

   PIN 3b is waiting to enter Debug

   $(1a) nmdebug > term list
   Current term owner: 1a  Next pin: 4c  # Waiting pins: 2

We gave away the semaphore and let the next PIN into Debug (PIN 1a). This placed us (PIN 3b) at the end of the queue. We next listed information about the waiting PINs and see that PIN 4c has moved to the front of the queue.

Limitations, Restrictions

Due to the implementation of semaphores, Debug cannot list all of the PINs in the queue, just the first one and a count.

T (translate)