HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Appendix C Emulated/Translated CM Code

Examples: CM Breakpoints in Translated Code

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The following examples show CM breakpoints being set in a segment that has been translated, and is executing translated:

  %cmdebug > bs ?LSEARCH
  added: CM    [1] SYS    12.20251  LSEARCH+%0
         NM    [1] TRAN 21.00530994 XLSEG3:LSEARCH+%0
  %cmdebug > bs ?LSEARCH+3
  added: CM    [2] SYS    12.20254  LSEARCH+%2
         NM    [2] TRAN 21.0053099c XLSEG3:LSEARCH+%1
  %cmdebug > bs 12.20256
  added: CM    [3] SYS    12.20256  LSEARCH+%5
         NM    [3] TRAN 21.005309ac XLSEG3:LSEARCH+%4
  %cmdebug > bs 12.20260
  added: CM    [4] SYS    12.20260  LSEARCH+%7
         NM    [3] TRAN 21.005309ac XLSEG3:LSEARCH+%4
  %cmdebug > bl
  CM    [1] SYS    12.20251  LSEARCH+%0        XLSEG3       (CST 13)
         Corresponding NM bp = 1
  CM    [2] SYS    12.20254  LSEARCH+%2        XLSEG3       (CST 13)
         Corresponding NM bp = 2
  CM    [3] SYS    12.20256  LSEARCH+%5        XLSEG3       (CST 13)
         Corresponding NM bp = 3
  CM    [4] SYS    12.20260  LSEARCH+%7        XLSEG3       (CST 13)
         Corresponding NM bp = 3

Examples showing breakpoints in translated code.

NM Breakpoints in Translated Code

Examples: Program Windows for Translated Code