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Opens a file and maps it into a usable virtual address space.


   MAP filename [option]

The MAP command allows a file to be accessed (displayed or modified) in virtual space by other System Debug commands. This command is useful for analyzing dump files generated by subsystems that are not part of the dump created by the DUMP utility.



The file name of the file to map into usable address space.


Read or read/write access can be explicitly requested, a filecode can be specified, and a virtual offset set be specified. Multiple options can be specified for a single MAP command.


Open the file for read access only (default). Users with PM capability can still write to the file (file system feature).


Open the file for read/write access. Standard file system security checking is performed while opening the file.


Privileged files cannot be accessed without providing the numeric file code associated with the file. This keyword/value pair allows privileged users to map in these privileged files. Remember that file codes are thought of as negative decimal numbers.

OFFSET value

Map the file, starting at the specified virtual byte offset. The default offset is 0.


   $nmdebug > map DTCDUMP
   1  DTCDUMP.DUMPUSER.SUPPORT     1000.0  Bytes = 43dc

Open the file DTCDUMP and assign it to the virtual object in space $1000. It is mapped to file index number 1. Use this number to UNMAP the file.

   $nmdebug > map DATA2 off c0004c00
   2  DATA2.DUMPUSER.SUPPORT     1000.1c004c00. Bytes = 2340

Map the file DATA2 at a specified virtual offset of $c0004c00.

Related commands: MAPLIST, UNMAP.

Related functions: MAPINDEX, MAPVA, MAPSIZE.

Limitations, Restrictions

A maximum of ten files can be mapped in at any one time.

It is not currently possible to map a file if it is already open and loaded for execution. Refer to the HPFOPEN intrinsic description in the MPE XL Intrinsic Reference Manual for additional details.