HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Appendix C Emulated/Translated CM Code

Examples: Program Windows for Translated Code

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The following window commands allow inspection of the breakpoints that were just set on the previous page:


  %cmdebug > rd;qd;sd                   /* clear some room for NM
  %cmdebug > nmpe                       /* enable the NM program window
  %cmdebug > cmpj ?LSEARCH              /* jump CM to ?LSEARCH
  %cmdebug > nmpj cmtonmnode(?LSEARCH)  /* jump NM to nearest node
  {{cmP % SYS   12.20251  (T) XLSEG3             CST 13        Level  0}}
  020251:N   [1]   LSEARCH+%0               035001  :.  ADDS  1
  020252:N         LSEARCH+%1               041604  C.  LOAD  Q-4
  020253:    [2]   LSEARCH+%2               022007  $.  CMPI  7
  020254:          LSEARCH+%3               141535  .]  BNE   P+%35
  020255:N         LSEARCH+%4               000600  ..  ZERO, NOP
  020256:    [3]   LSEARCH+%5               040020  @.  LOAD  P+%20
  020257:          LSEARCH+%6               004300  ..  STAX, NOP
  020260:    [4]   LSEARCH+%7               020320   .  PLDA
  020261:          LSEARCH+%10              031063  23  PCAL EXCHANGEDB
  {{nmP $ TRANS 21.530994  (Translated CM Seg SYS %12 XLSEG3)  Level  0,0}}
  00530994:N   [1]  LSEARCH+%0             b4840004  ADDI     2,4,4
  00530998:                                64800000  STH      0,0(0,4)
  0053099c:N   [2]  LSEARCH+%1             446c3ff1  LDH      -8(0,3),12
  005309a0:                                3407000e  LDO      7(0),7
  005309a4:                                d1861ff0  EXTRS    12,31,16,6
  005309a8:                                88e621fa  COMBF,=,N6,7,$00530aac
  005309ac:N   [3]  LSEARCH+%4             0800024c  OR       0,0,12
  005309b0:                                340d052c  LDO      662(0),13
  005309b4:                                d1a91ff0  EXTRS    13,31,16,9

Examples: CM Breakpoints in Translated Code

Appendix D Reserved Variables/Functions