HPlogo System Debug Reference Manual > Appendix A Patterns and Regular Expressions

Appendix A Patterns and Regular Expressions

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E0201 Edition 4 ♥
E0300 Edition 3
E0692 Edition 3

Table of Contents
Literal Expressions (Match Exactly These Characters)
Character Classes (Match Any One of the Following Characters)
Expression Closure (Match Zero or More of the Previous Expressions)
Technical Summary
Several System Debug commands apply the concept of pattern matching. Commands such as CMDLIST, ENVLIST, FUNCLIST, MACLIST, PROCLIST, SYMLIST, and VARLIST support pattern matching in order to select which commands, functions, macro names, procedure names, symbol names, or variables are to be displayed.

Regular expressions are used to find or match some specified text within a large amount of surrounding text. A typical example is to find all lines in a file that contain the word "computer."

In a similar manner, the FILTER environment variable is used to selectively filter all System Debug output, displaying only those lines that match the pattern or regular expression.

A regular expression can be a single character, like the letter "c" or a more elaborate construct built up from simple things like the string "computer".

SAT Functions and Commands

Literal Expressions (Match Exactly These Characters)