
System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems


Technical documentation

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HP Part Number: 32650-90855

Edition: Fifth Edition

Published: Printed in: U.S.A. July 1996

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
What Is System Startup?
How system startup is carried out
What Is System Configuration?
How System Configuration Is Performed
What Is System Shutdown?
How system shutdown is carried out
2 Initiating System Activity
Resetting the System
Soft Reset
Hard Reset
Resetting the system using the console
Resetting the system with the front panel switches
Determining and Selecting Input and Output (I/O) Paths
Series 922 through Series 949 boot paths
Series 950 through Series 980 boot paths
Testing the System
The Booting Process
Autobooting the system
Interrupting an autobooting system
Interactively booting the system with autoboot disabled
Bypassing the disabled autoboot setting
System Startup Procedure
3 System Startup Functions
Initial System Loader (ISL)
Using initial system loader (ISL) commands
Using the help facility for ISL commands
Listing Available ISL Utilities
Activating and Deactivating Autoboot and Autosearch Functions
Modifying boot paths in stable storage
Displaying current boot path, autoboot, and autosearch settings
Setting fastsize
Listing autoboot file contents
Reading Nonvolatile Memory (NVM)
Reading stable storage
Reading and setting the hardware clock
ISL Boot Utilities
Starting the System
Using START and its options
Executing commands during system startup
Starting a 900 Series HP 3000
Updating the Operating System
The ISL utility
Scheduling a System Update
Using the UPDATE utility and options
Updating the operating system: a preview
Updating the system configuration: a preview
Updating to recover from system failure: a preview
Backing up the system and retaining the current configuration
Installing the Operating System
Using the INSTALL utility to recover a lost system
Scheduling an INSTALL
Using the INSTALL utility and options
Installing the operating system: a preview
Back up the system and retain the current configuration
Dumping System Memory and Secondary Storage
What is the function of the DUMP utility?
Using the DUMP utility and options
Entering the DUMP utility and starting the system
ISL Summary
4 Using the System Generator (SYSGEN)
Entering the SYSGEN Global Module
Using the Help Facility in SYSGEN's Global Module
Using First-Level (Global Module) Commands
SYSGEN Command Syntax
Halting SYSGEN Command Actions
Specifying the Base Group
Confirming Potentially Serious Actions
Showing the State of Configurators
Activating the Configurators
Clearing Configuration Changes
Saving Configuration Changes
Generating a System Load Tape
Redirecting SYSGEN Input and Output
Exiting SYSGEN
5 Modifying Input/Output (I/O) Configurations
I/O Paths
I/O paths used to boot a system
Selecting I/O paths
Using the SYSGEN I/O Configurator
Getting help with I/O Configurator commands
Using I/O Configurator commands
Viewing the current configuration
Adding Objects in SYSGEN
Changing Configurations in SYSGEN
Deleting Objects in SYSGEN
Changing the configuration online
Using the IOCONFIG Utility
Adding a device with IOCONFIG
Listing one or more devices with IOCONFIG
Deleting a device with IOCONFIG
Adding a device class with IOCONFIG
Modifying a device class with IOCONFIG
Listing one or more device classes with IOCONFIG
Deleting a device class with IOCONFIG
Configuring a device adapter with IOCONFIG
Listing an I/O path with IOCONFIG
Deleting an I/O path with IOCONFIG
Updating the device class association table with IOCONFIG
6 Modifying Logging Configurations
Entering the LOG Configurator
Using the LOG Configurator Help Facility
Showing Current LOG Values
Logging System Events
Logging User Events
Clearing Log Configuration Changes
Holding and Saving Configuration Changes
Entering an MPE Command from the LOG Configurator
Exiting the LOG Configurator
Printing a Log File
Printing a subset of a log file
7 Modifying Miscellaneous Configuration Elements
Entering the MISC Configurator
Using the MISC Configurator Help Facility
Showing Values of Current Configurable Items
Deleting Global Resource Identification Numbers (RIN)
Configuring Job-Related Limits
Displaying Allocated Global RINs
Setting Resource Allocations
Setting Session-Related Limits
Setting Sizes of Native Mode and Compatibility Mode Stacks
Setting Strings and String Parameters
Clearing MISC Configuration Changes
Holding and Saving Configuration Changes
Entering an MPE Command from the MISC Configurator
Exiting the MISC Configurator
8 Modifying System File Configurations
Entering the SYSFILE Configurator
Using the SYSFILE Configurator Help Facility
Using SYSFILE Configurator Commands
Displaying Current File Information
Adding autoboot files
Adding boot files
Adding a segment to the compatibility mode segmented library (CMSL)
Adding file names to dump to tape
Deleting Objects from the SYSGEN Tape
Deleting autoboot images
Deleting boot images
Deleting compatibility mode segments from a SYSGEN tape
Removing system programs from a SYSGEN tape
Replacing Objects on the SYSGEN Tape
Replacing autoboot images
Replacing boot images
Configuring a message catalog
Replacing a CMSL segment
Replacing or defining a network configuration file
Replacing an IPL image
Replacing the native mode library
Replacing a system program
Using a Segmented Library File as CMSL
Listing CMSL Contents
Clearing SYSFILE Configurator Changes
Holding and Saving Configuration Changes
Entering an MPE Command from the SYSFILE Configurator
Exiting the SYSFILE Configurator
9 Halting System Activity
Including Shutdown Information in the Welcome Message
Telling Users about the Shutdown
Limiting System Use
Shutting the Spool Queues and Handling the Remaining Reports
Warning Users Two Minutes Before Shutting Down the System
Closing Any Open Communication Lines
Shutting Down the System
A Using the Access Port (AP)
Configuring the Console
Entering Control Mode and Using the Command Interpreter
Interpreting the System Status Line
Using Access Port Commands
Using the AP Help Facility
Returning from Control Mode to Console Mode
Configuring the Access Port
Enabling Remote Console Access
Sending Messages to Both Consoles
Disabling Remote Console Access
Disconnecting the Remote Line
Connecting the Remote Support Modem to a Session Port
Enabling the SPU Hex Status Display
Disabling the SPU Hex Status Display
Hard Resetting the SPU
Transferring Control (Soft Reset)
Testing the AP
Using Control Commands
Entering control mode
Halting scrolling
Allowing scrolling
Entering escape characters
Changing master consoles
Interpreting AP Error and Informational Messages
Error Codes and Error Messages
Informational Messages
B Startup, Dump, and Shutdown Listings
START Sequence
DUMP Sequence
Shutdown Sequence
C Reading Stable Storage and Nonvolatile Memory
Reading Stable Storage Contents
Reading Nonvolatile Memory (NVM)
D Default Configurations Used by INSTALL and UPDATE
Copying Default Configuration File Groups
Using SYSGEN to Copy the Files
E Verifying Attached Devices
Displaying Configured Devices
Running IOMAP
Exiting IOMAP
Running ODE
Exiting MAPPER
Exiting ODE
F Adding Peripherals to a System
Series 917LX through Series 977 Systems
HP-FL/SCSI Devices
Unit Identifier
Series 920, 922, 932, 948, 958, 925, 935, 949 CIO Systems
Channel Adapter
Device Adapter
HP-FL/HP-IB Devices
SCSI Devices
Unit Identifier
Series 920, 922, 932, 948, 958 NIO Systems
Device Adapter
HP-FL Devices
SCSI Devices
Unit Identifier
Series 950 Through Series 980 Systems
Bus Converter
Channel Adapter
Device Adapter
HP-FL/HP-IB Devices
SCSI Devices
Unit Identifier
HP-FL Peripherals
Adding a Peripheral to Any System
G UPS and UPS Monitor/iX Software
Configuring a UPS device
To configure the first UPS on a Series 9X8
To configure a UPS connected via a DTC port
To use UPS Monitor/iX software
System behavior when AC power fails
System Behavior When AC Power Returns
To enable logging of UPS activity
To review UPS activity recorded in the system log file

List of Examples

2-1 Resetting Series 949 System Using AP Commands: Autoboot & Disabled
2-2 Resetting a Series 949 System Using AP Commands Autoboot & Enabled
2-3 Resetting a Series 949 System Using the Reset Switch & Autoboot Disabled
2-4 Resetting a Series 949 System Using the Reset Switch: Autoboot Enabled
2-5 Autobooting a Series 925 System
2-6 Interrupting Autobooting Series 925 System.
2-7 Boot Command Options for a Series 925 System
2-8 A System's Response to an Improper Boot Path
2-9 Interactively Booting a Series 922 System
2-10 Bypassing the Disabled Autoboot Setting When Booting a System
2-11 System Startup Procedure
3-1 Using the HELP Command
3-2 Listing Available ISL Utilities
3-3 Displaying an example of ISL Settings
3-4 A Properly Formatted SYSSTART File
3-5 Example of a Hard Reset from a Series 935 System
3-6 Example of a Soft Reset on a Series 950 System
3-7 Dumping the System
4-1 Activating SYSGEN's Global Module
4-2 SYSGEN's Global Module Help Facility
4-3 SYSGEN Global Module HELP ALL
4-4 PERMYES OFF Action
4-5 PERMYES ON Action
4-6 Using the Global Module SHOW ALL
4-7 Activating a SYSGEN Configurator
4-8 Accessing a Configuration Group
4-9 Command File (SYSGENON) Created With EDITOR
4-10 SYSGEN Command File (LISTIT)
5-1 Starting the I/O Configurator
5-3 I/O Configurator HELP ALL Command Output
5-4 I/O Configurator Command HELP Output
5-8 Listing Configured Devices: Series 925 System
6-1 Activating the LOG Configurator
6-2 LOG Configurator Help
6-3 LOG Configurator HELP ALL
6-4 Showing User Logging Processes
6-5 Showing All Configured Values
7-1 Activating the MISC Configurator
7-2 MISC Configurator HELP
7-3 MISC Configurator HELP ALL Output
7-4 MISC Configurator SHOW ALL Output
7-5 MISC Configurator SHOW Output
8-1 Activating the SYSFILE Configurator
8-2 SYSFILE Configurator HELP
8-3 SYSFILE Configurator HELP ALL
8-4 SYSFILE Configurator HELP ABOOT
8-5 SYSFILE Configurator SHOW ALL Output
E-1 Example of IOMAP
Sample Console Messages from UPS Monitor/iX
Sample System Log Configuration
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