
HP-UX Reference Volume 4 of 5


Technical documentation

Complete book in PDF

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HP Part Number: B2355-90683

Table of Contents

intro(3) - introduction to subroutines and libraries
a64l(3C) - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string
abort(3C) - generate a software abort fault
abs(3C) - return integer absolute value
acltostr(3C) - convert access control list (ACL) structure to string form (HFS File Systems only)
acos(3M) - arccosine functions
acosd(3M) - degree-valued arccosine functions
acosh(3M) - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
add_wch(3X) - add a complex character and rendition to a window
add_wchnstr(3X) - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
addch(3X) - add a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advance the cursor
addchnstr(3X) - add length limited string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
addchstr(3X) - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
addnstr(3X) - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
addnwstr(3X) - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
addsev(3C) - define additional severities for formatting routines
asin(3M) - arcsine functions
asind(3M) - degree-valued arcsine functions
asinh(3M) - inverse hyperbolic sine function
assert(3X) - verify program assertion
atan(3M) - arctangent functions
atan2(3M) - arctangent-and-quadrant functions
atan2d(3M) - degree-valued arctangent-and-quadrant functions
atand(3M) - degree-valued arctangent functions
atanh(3M) - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atexit(3) - register a function to be called at program termination
attr_get(3X) - window attribute control functions
attroff(3X) - restricted window attribute control functions
basename(3C) - extract components of a path name
baudrate(3X) - get terminal baud rate
beep(3X) - audible signal
bgets(3G) - read stream up to next delimiter
bigcrypt(3C) - generate hashing encryption on large strings
bindresvport(3N) - bind socket to privileged IP port
bkgd(3X) - set or get background character and rendition using a single-byte character
bkgrnd(3X) - set or get background character and rendition using a complex character
blmode(3C) - terminal block-mode library interface
border(3X) - draw borders from single-byte characters and renditions
border_set(3X) - draw borders from complex characters and renditions
box(3X) - draw borders from single-byte characters and renditions
box_set(3X) - draw borders from complex characters and renditions
bsd_signal(3C) - simplified signal facilities
bsdproc(3C) - 4.2 BSD-compatible process control facilities
bsearch(3C) - binary search a sorted table
bufsplit(3G) - split buffer into fields
byteorder(3N) - convert values between host and network byte order
can_change_color(3X) - color manipulation functions
catgets(3C) - get a program message
catopen(3C) - open and close a message catalog for reading
cbreak(3X) - input mode control functions
cbrt(3M) - cube root functions
ceil(3M) - ceiling function
cfspeed(3C) - tty baud rate functions
chgat(3X) - change renditions of characters in a window
chownacl(3C) - change owner and/or group represented in a file's access control list (ACL) (HFS File Systems only)
clear(3X) - clear a window
clearenv(3C) - clear the process environment
clearok(3X) - terminal output control functions
clock(3C) - report CPU time used
clrtobot(3X) - clear from cursor to end of window
clrtoeol(3X) - clear from cursor to end of line
COLS(3X) - number of columns on terminal screen
confstr(3C) - get string-valued configuration values
conv(3C) - translate characters
copylist(3G) - copy a file into memory
copysign(3M) - copysign functions
copywin(3X) - copy a region of a window
cos(3M) - cosine functions
cosd(3M) - degree-valued cosine functions
cosh(3M) - hyperbolic cosine functions
cpacl(3C) - copy the access control list (ACL) and mode bits from one file to another (HFS File Systems only)
cr_close(3) - close a crash dump descriptor
cr_info(3) - retrieve crash dump information
cr_isaddr(3) - validate whether physical page number was dumped
cr_open(3) - open crash dump for reading
cr_perror(3) - print a libcrash error or warning message
cr_read(3) - read from crash dump
cr_uncompress(3) - uncompress a file in a crash dump
cr_verify(3) - verify integrity of crash dump
crt0(3) - execution startup routines (PA64 ELF uses crt0.o only)
crypt(3C) - generate hashing encryption
ctermid(3S) - generate file name for terminal
ctime(3C) - convert date and time to string
ctype(3C) - classify characters
cur_term(3X) - current terminal information
curs_set(3X) - set the cursor mode
curscr(3X) - current window
curses_intro(3X) - Terminal and printer handling and optimization package
cuserid(3S) - get character login name of the user
datalock(3C) - lock process into memory after allocating data and stack space
dbm(3C) - database subroutines
def_prog_mode(3X) - save or restore program or shell terminal modes
del_curterm(3X) - interfaces to the
delay_output(3X) - delay output
delch(3X) - delete a character from a window.
deleteln(3X) - delete lines in a window
delscreen(3X) - free storage associated with a screen
delwin(3X) - delete a window
derwin(3X) - relative window creation function
devnm(3) - map device ID to file path
dial(3C) - establish an outgoing terminal line connection
directory(3C) - directory operations
div(3C) - integer division and remainder
dlclose(3C) - close a shared library
dlerror(3C) - get diagnostic information
dlget(3C) - retrieve information about a loaded module (program or shared library)
dlgetname(3C) - retrieve the name of a load module given a load module descriptor
dlmodinfo(3C) - retrieve information about a loaded module (program or shared library)
dlopen(3C) - open a shared library
dlsym(3C) - get the address of a symbol in shared library
doupdate(3X) - refresh windows and lines
drand48(3C) - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
dupwin(3X) - duplicate a window
echo(3X) - enable/disable terminal echo
echo_wchar(3X) - write a complex character and immediately refresh the window
echochar(3X) - echo single-byte character and rendition to a window and refresh
ecvt(3C) - convert floating-point number to string
elf(3E) - object file access library
elf_begin(3E) - make a file descriptor
elf_cntl(3E) - control a file descriptor
elf_end(3E) - finish using an object file
elf_error(3E) - error handling
elf_fill(3E) - set fill byte
elf_flag(3E) - manipulate flags
elf_fsize(3E) - return the size of an object file type for elf32 files, return the size of an object file type for elf64 files, respectively.
elf_getarhdr(3E) - retrieve archive member header
elf_getarsym(3E) - retrieve archive symbol table
elf_getbase(3E) - get the base offset for an object file
elf_getdata(3E) - get section data
elf_getehdr(3E) - retrieve class-dependent object file header for elf32 and elf64 files, respectively
elf_getident(3E) - retrieve file identification data
elf_getphdr(3E) - retrieve class-dependent program header table for elf32 and elf64 files, respectively
elf_getscn(3E) - get section information
elf_getshdr(3E) - retrieve class-dependent section header for elf32 and elf64 files, respectively
elf_hash(3E) - compute hash value
elf_kind(3E) - determine file type
elf_next(3E) - sequential archive member access
elf_rand(3E) - random archive member access
elf_rawfile(3E) - retrieve uninterpreted file contents
elf_strptr(3E) - make a string pointer
elf_update(3E) - update an ELF descriptor
elf_version(3E) - coordinate ELF library and application versions
elf_xlate(3E) - class-dependent data translation for elf32 and elf64 files, respectively
end(3C) - last locations in program
endwin(3X) - suspend Curses session
erasechar(3X) - single-byte terminal environment query functions
erasewchar(3X) - terminal environment query functions
erf(3M) - error function and complementary error function
exp(3M) - exponential functions
exp2(3M) - base-2 exponential function
expm1(3M) - computes exponential functions
exportent(3N) - access exported file system information
fabs(3M) - absolute value functions
fattach(3C) - attach a STREAMS file descriptor to an object in the file system name space
fclose(3S) - close or flush a stream
fdetach(3C) - detach a name from a STREAMS file descriptor
fdim(3M) - positive difference function
feclearexcept(3M) - clear floating-point exception flags
fegetenv(3M) - get floating-point environment
fegetexceptflag(3M) - get floating-point exception flags
fegetflushtozero(3M) - get floating-point underflow mode
fegetround(3M) - get floating-point rounding direction mode
fegettrapenable(3M) - get exception trap enable bits
feholdexcept(3M) - save floating-point environment
feraiseexcept(3M) - raise floating-point exceptions
ferror(3S) - stream status inquiries
fesetenv(3M) - set floating-point environment
fesetexceptflag(3M) - set floating-point exception flags
fesetflushtozero(3M) - set floating-point underflow mode
fesetround(3M) - set floating-point rounding direction mode
fesettrapenable(3M) - set exception trap enable bits
fetestexcept(3M) - test floating-point exceptions
feupdateenv(3M) - update floating-point environment
fgetpos(3S) - save and restore a file position indicator for a stream
fgetpos64(3S) - non-POSIX standard API interfaces to support large files.
fgetws(3C) - get a wide character string from a stream file
fileno(3S) - map stream pointer to file descriptor
filter(3X) - disable use of certain terminal capabilities
flash(3X) - flash the screen
flockfile(3S) - explicit locking of streams within a multithread application
floor(3M) - floor function
flushinp(3X) - discard input
fmax(3M) - maximum value function
fmin(3M) - minimum value function
fmod(3M) - remainder functions
fmtmsg(3C) - displays formatted message on standard error and console
fnmatch(3C) - match filename patterns
fopen(3S) - open or re-open a stream file; convert file to stream
fpclassify(3M) - floating-point operand classification macro
fread(3S) - buffered binary input/output to a stream file
frexp(3M) - extract mantissa and exponent from double-precision number
fseek(3S) - reposition a file pointer in a stream
ftok(3C) - create interprocess communication identifier
ftw(3C) - walk a file tree executing a function
get_expiration_time(3T) - add a specific time interval to the current absolute system time
get_wch(3X) - get a wide character from a terminal
getbegyx(3X) - get additional cursor and window coordinates
getbootpent(3X) - get or put bootptab entry
getc(3S) - get character or word from a stream file
getcchar(3X) - get a wide character string and rendition from a
getch(3X) - get a single-byte character from the terminal
getclock(3C) - get current value of system-wide clock
getcwd(3C) - get pathname of current working directory
getdate(3C) - convert user format date and time
getdiskbyname(3C) - get disk description by its name
getdvagent(3) - manipulate device assignment database entry for a trusted system
getenv(3C) - return value for environment name
getfsent(3X) - get file system descriptor file entry
getgrent(3C) - get group file entry
gethostent(3N) - get network host entry
getlogin(3C) - get name of user logged in on this terminal
getmntent(3X) - get file system descriptor file entry
getn_wstr(3X) - get an array of wide characters and function key codes from a terminal
getnetconfig(3N) - get network configuration database entry
getnetent(3N) - get network entry
getnetgrent(3C) - get network group entry
getnetpath(3N) - get /etc/netconfig entry corresponding to NETPATH component
getnstr(3X) - get a multi-byte character length limited string from the terminal
getopt(3C) - get option letter from argument vector
getpass(3C) - read a password
getprdfent(3) - manipulate system default database entry for a trusted system
getprotoent(3N) - get protocol entry
getprpwent(3) - manipulate protected password database entries (for trusted systems only).
getprtcent(3) - manipulate terminal control database entry for a trusted system
getpublickey(3N) - retrieve public or secret key
getpw(3C) - get name from UID
getpwent(3C) - get password file entry
getrpcent(3C) - get rpc entry
getrpcport(3N) - get RPC port number
gets(3S) - get a string from a stream
getservent(3N) - get service entry
getspent(3C) - access secure password entries, for trusted systems only.
getspwent(3X) - get secure password file entry on trusted systems
getstr(3X) - get a multi-byte character string from the terminal
getsubopt(3C) - parse suboptions from a string.
gettimer(3C) - get value of a per-process timer
gettxt(3C) - read text string from message file
getusershell(3C) - get legal user shells
getut(3C) - access utmp file entry
getutx(3C) - access utmpx file entry
getwc(3C) - get a wide character from a stream file
getwd(3C) - get pathname of current working directory
getwin(3X) - dump window to, and reload window from, a file
getyx(3X) - get cursor and window coordinates
glob(3C) - file name generation function
gpio_get_status(3I) - return status lines of GPIO card
gpio_set_ctl(3I) - set control lines on GPIO card
grantpt(3C) - grant access to the STREAMS slave pty
halfdelay(3X) - control input character delay mode
has_ic(3X) - query functions for terminal insert and delete capability
hline(3X) - draw lines from single-byte characters and renditions
hline_set(3X) - draw lines from complex characters and renditions
hpib_abort(3I) - stop activity on specified HP-IB bus (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_bus_status(3I) - return status of HP-IB interface (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_card_ppoll_resp(3I) - control response to parallel poll on HP-IB (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_eoi_ctl(3I) - control EOI mode for HP-IB file (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_io(3I) - perform I/O with an HP-IB channel from buffers (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_pass_ctl(3I) - change active controllers on HP-IB (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_ren_ctl(3I) - control the Remote Enable line on HP-IB (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_rqst_srvce(3I) - allow interface to enable SRQ line on HP-IB (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_send_cmnd(3I) - send command bytes over HP-IB (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_spoll(3I) - conduct a serial poll on HP-IB bus (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_status_wait(3I) - wait until the requested status condition becomes true (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hpib_wait_on_ppoll(3I) - wait until a particular parallel poll value occurs (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
hppac(3X) - 3000-mode packed-decimal library
hsearch(3C) - manage hash search tables
hypot(3M) - Euclidean distance function
iconv(3C) - codeset conversion routines
idcok(3X) - enable or disable use of hardware insert- and delete-character features
ilogb(3M) - returns an unbiased exponent
immedok(3X) - enable or disable immediate terminal refresh
in_wch(3X) - input a complex character and rendition from a window
in_wchnstr(3X) - input an array of complex characters and renditions from a window
inch(3X) - input a single-byte character and rendition from a window
inchnstr(3X) - input an array of single-byte characters and renditions from a window
inet(3N) - Internet address manipulation routines
initgroups(3C) - initialize group access list
initscr(3X) - screen initialisation functions
innstr(3X) - input a multi-byte character string from a window
innwstr(3X) - input a string of wide characters from a window
ins_nwstr(3X) - insert a wide-character string into a window
ins_wch(3X) - insert a complex character and rendition into a window
insch(3X) - insert a single-byte character and rendition into a window
insdelln(3X) - delete or insert lines into a window
insertln(3X) - insert lines into a window
insnstr(3X) - insert a multi-byte character string into a window
insque(3C) - insert or remove an element in a queue
intrflush(3X) - enable or disable flush on interrupt
io_eol_ctl(3I) - set up read termination character on special file (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
io_get_term_reason(3I) - determine how last read terminated (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
io_interrupt_ctl(3I) - enable/disable interrupts for the associated eid (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
io_lock(3I) - lock and unlock an interface (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
io_on_interrupt(3I) - device interrupt (fault) control (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
io_reset(3I) - reset an I/O interface (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
io_speed_ctl(3I) - inform system of required transfer speed (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
io_timeout_ctl(3I) - establish a time limit for I/O operations (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
io_width_ctl(3I) - set width of data path (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
is_linetouched(3X) - window refresh control functions
isastream(3C) - determine if a file descriptor refers to a STREAMS device or STREAMS-based pipe
isendwin(3X) - determine whether a screen has been refreshed
isfinite(3M) - floating-point finiteness macro
isgreater(3M) - floating-point comparison macro (>)
isgreaterequal(3M) - floating-point comparison macro (>=)
isinf(3M) - floating-point test for infinity
isless(3M) - floating-point comparison macro (<)
islessequal(3M) - floating-point comparison macro (<=)
islessgreater(3M) - floating-point comparison macro (<>)
isnan(3M) - floating-point test for NaN
isnormal(3M) - floating-point test for normalized value
isunordered(3M) - floating-point comparison macro (unordered)
j0(3M) - Bessel functions of the first kind
keyname(3X) - get name of key
keypad(3X) - enable/disable abbreviation of function keys
l3tol(3C) - convert between 3-byte integers and long integers
lckpwdf(3C) - control access to /etc/passwd file
ldcvt(3C) - convert long-double floating-point number to string
ldexp(3M) - load exponent of a floating-point number
lgamma(3M) - log gamma function
LINES(3X) - number of lines on terminal screen
llrint(3M) - round to nearest long long function
llround(3M) - round to long long function
localeconv(3C) - query the numeric formatting conventions of the current locale
log(3M) - natural logarithm functions
log10(3M) - common logarithm functions
log1p(3M) - natural logarithm function
log2(3M) - logarithm base two functions
logb(3M) - radix-independent exponent
logname(3C) - return login name of user
longname(3X) - get verbose description of current terminal
lrint(3M) - round to nearest long function
lround(3M) - round to long function
lsearch(3C) - linear search and update
ltostr(3C) - convert long integers to strings
malloc(3C) - main memory allocator
memory(3C) - memory operations
meta(3X) - enable/disable meta-keys
mkdirp(3G) - create, remove directories in a path
mkfifo(3C) - make a FIFO file
mktemp(3C) - make a unique file name
mktimer(3C) - allocate a per-process timer
modf(3M) - decompose floating-point number
monitor(3C) - prepare execution profile
mount(3N) - keep track of remotely mounted file systems
move(3X) - window cursor location functions
multibyte(3C) - multibyte characters and strings conversions
mvcur(3X) - output cursor movement commands to the terminal
mvderwin(3X) - define window coordinate transformation
mvprintw(3X) - print formatted output in window
mvscanw(3X) - convert formatted input from a window
mvwin(3X) - move window
nan(3M) - string-to-NaN conversion function
napms(3X) - suspend the calling process
ndbm(3X) - database subroutines
net_aton(3C) - network station address string conversion routines
netdir(3N) - generic transport name-to-address translation
newpad(3X) - pad management functions
newwin(3X) - window creation functions
nextafter(3M) - next representable floating-point value
nis_db(3N) - NIS+ Database access functions
nis_error(3N) - display NIS+ error messages
nis_groups(3N) - NIS+ group manipulation functions
nis_local_names(3N) - NIS+ local names
nis_names(3N) - NIS+ namespace functions
nis_objects(3N) - NIS+ object formats
nis_ping(3N) - misc NIS+ log administration functions
nis_server(3N) - miscellaneous NIS+ functions
nis_subr(3N) - NIS+ subroutines
nis_tables(3N) - NIS+ table functions
nl(3X) - enable/disable newline translation
nl_langinfo(3C) - language information
nl_tools_16(3X) - tools to process 16-bit characters (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)
nlist(3C) - get entries from name list
nodelay(3X) - enable or disable block during read
noqiflush(3X) - enable/disable queue flushing
notimeout(3X) - control blocking on input
overlay(3X) - copy overlapped windows
pam(3) - Pluggable Authentication Module
pam_acct_mgmt(3) - perform PAM account validation procedures
pam_authenticate(3) - perform authentication within the PAM framework
pam_chauthtok(3) - perform password related functions within the PAM framework
pam_get_user(3) - PAM routine to retrieve user name.
pam_open_session(3) - perform PAM session creation and termination operations
pam_set_data(3) - PAM routines to maintain module specific state
pam_set_item(3) - authentication information routines for PAM
pam_setcred(3) - modify/delete user credentials for an authentication service
pam_sm(3) - PAM Service Module APIs
pam_sm_acct_mgmt(3) - Service provider implementation for pam_acct_mgmt
pam_sm_authenticate(3) - Service provider implementation for pam_authenticate
pam_sm_chauthtok(3) - Service provider implementation for pam_chauthtok
pam_sm_open_session(3) - Service provider implementation for pam_open_session and pam_close_session respectively
pam_sm_setcred(3) - Service provider implementation for pam_setcred
pam_start(3) - authentication transaction routines for PAM
pam_strerror(3) - get PAM error message string
pathfind(3G) - search for named file in named directories
pechochar(3X) - write a character and rendition and immediately refresh the pad
perror(3C) - system error messages
pfmt(3C) - display message in standard format
popen(3S) - initiate pipe I/O to/from a process
pow(3M) - power functions
prcmd(3N) - return streams to parallel remote commands
printf(3S) - print formatted output
pthread(3T) - Introduction To POSIX.1c Threads
pthread_atfork(3T) - register fork handlers.
pthread_attr(3T) - set and get thread attributes
pthread_attr_init(3T) - initialize or destroy a thread attributes object.
pthread_cancel(3T) - cancel execution of a thread
pthread_cleanup_push(3T) - register or remove a cancellation cleanup handler
pthread_cond_init(3T) - initialize or destroy a condition variable.
pthread_cond_signal(3T) - unblock one or all threads waiting on a condition variable.
pthread_cond_wait(3T) - wait or timed wait on a condition variable.
pthread_condattr_getpshared(3T) - set or get the process-shared attribute
pthread_condattr_init(3T) - initialize or destroy a condition variable attributes object.
pthread_create(3T) - create a new thread of execution.
pthread_default_stacksize_np(3T) - change the default stacksize.
pthread_detach(3T) - mark a thread as detached to reclaim its resources when it terminates.
pthread_equal(3T) - compare two thread identifiers.
pthread_exit(3T) - cause the calling thread to terminate.
pthread_getconcurrency(3T) - set or get the concurrency level of unbound threads
pthread_getschedparam(3T) - set or get the scheduling policy and associated parameters
pthread_getspecific(3T) - get or set the thread-specific data associated with a key
pthread_join(3T) - wait for the termination of a specified thread.
pthread_key_create(3T) - create or delete a thread-specific data key.
pthread_kill(3T) - send a signal to a thread.
pthread_mutex_getprioceiling(3T) - set or get the prioceiling of a mutex.
pthread_mutex_init(3T) - initialize or destroy a mutex.
pthread_mutex_lock(3T) - lock or attempt to lock a mutex.
pthread_mutex_unlock(3T) - unlock a mutex.
mutexattr_[gs]etprioceiling(3T) - get and set the prioceiling and protocol attributes
mutexattr_[gs]etpshared(3T) - get and set the process-shared attribute and type attribute
mutexattr_[gs]etspin_np(3T) - get and set the mutex spin and yield frequency attributes
pthread_mutexattr_init(3T) - initialize or destroy a mutex attributes object.
pthread_once(3T) - call an initialization routine only once.
pthread_processor_bind_np(3T) - determine how many processors are installed in the system, bind threads to processors, and determine processor IDs; respectively.
pthread_resume_np(3T) - continue execution of a thread, resume execution of a thread, and suspend execution of a thread; respectively.
pthread_rwlock_init(3T) - initialize or destroy a read-write lock.
pthread_rwlock_rdlock(3T) - lock or attempt to lock a read-write lock for reading.
pthread_rwlock_unlock(3T) - unlock a read-write lock.
pthread_rwlock_wrlock(3T) - lock or attempt to lock a read-write lock for writing.
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(3T) - get or set the process-shared attribute
pthread_rwlockattr_init(3T) - initialize or destroy a read-write lock attributes object.
pthread_self(3T) - obtain the thread ID for the calling thread.
pthread_setcancelstate(3T) - set and retrieve the current thread's cancelability state or type.
pthread_sigmask(3T) - examine/change the signal mask of the calling thread.
pthread_testcancel(3T) - process any pending cancellation requests.
ptsname(3C) - get the pathname of a slave pty (pseudo-terminal)
putc(3S) - put character or word on a stream
putenv(3C) - change or add value to environment
putp(3X) - output commands to the terminal
putpwent(3C) - write password file entry
puts(3S) - put a string on a stream
putwc(3C) - put a wide character on a stream file
putws(3C) - put a wide character string on a stream file
qsort(3C) - quicker sort
rand(3C) - simple random-number generator
random(3M) - generate a pseudorandom number
rcmd(3N) - return a stream to a remote command
re_comp(3X) - compile and execute regular expressions (
realpath(3X) - resolve pathname
redrawwin(3X) - line update status functions
regcmp(3X) - compile and execute regular expression
regcomp(3C) - regular expression matching routines
regexp(3X) - regular expression compile and match routines
reltimer(3C) - relatively arm a per-process timer
remainder(3M) - remainder function
remove(3C) - remove a file
remquo(3M) - remainder function with quotient
resetty(3X) - save/restore terminal mode
resolver(3N) - resolver routines
rexec(3N) - return stream to a remote command
rint(3M) - round to nearest int function
ripoffline(3X) - reserve a line for a dedicated purpose
rmtimer(3C) - free a per-process timer
rnusers(3N) - return information about users on remote machines
round(3M) - round function
rpc(3N) - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc_clnt_auth(3N) - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
rpc_clnt_calls(3N) - library routines for client side calls
rpc_clnt_create(3N) - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
rpc_control(3N) - library routine for manipulating global RPC attributes for client and server applications
rpc_soc(3N) - obsolete library routines for RPC
rpc_svc_calls(3N) - library routines for RPC servers
rpc_svc_create(3N) - library routines for the creation of server handles
rpc_svc_err(3N) - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
rpc_svc_reg(3N) - library routines for registering servers
rpc_xdr(3N) - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
rpcbind(3N) - library routines for RPC bind service
rstat(3N) - get performance data from remote kernel
rwall(3N) - write to specified remote machines
scalb(3M) - scale exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number
scalbn(3M) - scale exponent of a radix-independent floating-point number
scandir(3C) - scan a directory
scanf(3S) - formatted input conversion, read from stream file
scr_dump(3X) - screen file input/output functions
scrl(3X) - enhanced scroll a Curses window functions
scroll(3X) - scroll a Curses window
secure_rpc(3N) - library routines for secure remote procedure calls
set_term(3X) - switch between screens
setaclentry(3C) - add, modify, or delete one entry in file's access control list (ACL) (HFS File Systems only)
setbuf(3S) - assign buffering to a stream file
setcat(3C) - set the default message catalog
setcchar(3X) - set
setclock(3C) - set value of system-wide clock
setjmp(3C) - non-local goto
setlabel(3C) - define label for formatting routines
setlocale(3C) - set and get the locale of a program
shl_load(3X) - explicit load of shared libraries
signbit(3M) - floating-point sign-determination macro
sigpause(3C) - atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt
sigset(3C) - signal management
sigsetops(3C) - initialize, manipulate, and test signal sets
sin(3M) - sine functions
sind(3M) - degree-valued sine functions
sinh(3M) - hyperbolic sine functions
sleep(3C) - suspend execution for interval
slk_attroff(3X) - soft label functions
spray(3N) - scatter data in order to check the network
sqrt(3M) - square root functions
ssignal(3C) - software signals
standend(3X) - set and clear window attributes
statfsdev(3C) - get file system statistics
statvfsdev(3C) - get file system information
stdio(3S) - standard buffered input/output stream file package
stdscr(3X) - default window
strfmon(3C) - convert monetary value to string
strftime(3C) - convert date and time to string
string(3C) - character string operations
strord(3C) - convert string data order
strptime(3C) - date and time conversion
strtoacl(3C) - convert string form to access control list (ACL) structure (HFS File System only)
strtod(3C) - convert string to double-precision number
strtol(3C) - convert string to integer
strtold(3C) - convert string to long double-precision number
subpad(3X) - enhanced pad management function
swab(3C) - swap bytes
syncok(3X) - synchronise a window with its parents or children
syslog(3C) - control system log
system(3S) - issue a shell command
t_accept(3) - accept a connect request
t_alloc(3) - allocate a library structure
t_bind(3) - bind an address to a transport endpoint
t_close(3) - close a transport endpoint
t_connect(3) - establish a connection with another transport user
t_error(3) - produce error message
t_free(3) - free a library structure
t_getinfo(3) - get protocol-specific service information
t_getprotaddr(3) - get the protocol address
t_getstate(3) - get the current state
t_listen(3) - listen for a connect request
t_look(3) - look at the current event on a transport endpoint
t_open(3) - establish a transport endpoint
t_optmgmt(3) - manage options for a transport endpoint
t_rcv(3) - receive data or expedited data sent over a connection
t_rcvconnect(3) - receive the confirmation from a connect request
t_rcvdis(3) - retrieve information from disconnect
t_rcvrel(3) - acknowledge receipt of an orderly release indication at a transport endpoint
t_rcvudata(3) - receive a data unit from remote transport provider user
t_rcvuderr(3) - receive a unit data error indication
t_snd(3) - send data or expedited data over a connection
t_snddis(3) - send user-initiated disconnect request
t_sndrel(3) - initiate an orderly release
t_sndudata(3) - send a data unit
t_strerror(3) - produce an error message string
t_sync(3) - synchronize transport library
t_unbind(3) - disable a transport endpoint
tan(3M) - tangent functions
tand(3M) - degree-valued tangent functions
tanh(3M) - hyperbolic tangent functions
tcattribute(3C) - control tty device
tccontrol(3C) - tty line control functions
tcgetpgrp(3C) - get foreground process group id
tcgetsid(3C) - get terminal session ID
tcsetpgrp(3C) - set foreground process group id
termattrs(3X) - get supported terminal video attributes
termcap(3X) - emulate /usr/share/lib/termcap access routines
termname(3X) - get terminal name
tgetent(3X) - termcap
tigetflag(3X) - retrieve capabilities from the
tmpfile(3S) - create a temporary file
tmpnam(3S) - create a name for a temporary file
touchwin(3X) - window refresh control function
trunc(3M) - truncation function
tsearch(3C) - manage binary search trees
ttyname(3C) - find name of a terminal
ttyslot(3C) - find the slot in the utmp file of the current user
typeahead(3X) - control checking for typeahead
unctrl(3X) - generate printable representation of a character
ungetc(3S) - push character back into input stream
ungetch(3X) - push a character onto the input queue
ungetwc(3C) - push a wide character back into an input stream
unlockpt(3C) - unlock a STREAMS pty master and slave pair
use_env(3X) - specify source of screen size information
vidattr(3X) - output attributes to the terminal
vprintf(3S) - print formatted output of a varargs argument list
vscanf(3S) - formatted input conversion to a varargs argument list, read from stream file
vw_printw(3X) - print formatted output in window (
vw_scanw(3X) - convert formatted input from a window (
vwprintw(3X) - print formatted output in window
vwscanw(3X) - convert formatted input from a window
wconv(3C) - translate wide characters
wcsftime(3C) - convert date and time to wide-character string
wcstod(3C) - convert wide character string to double-precision number
wcstol(3C) - convert wide character string to long integer
wcstring(3C) - wide character string operations
wctype(3C) - classify wide characters
wordexp(3C) - perform word expansions
wunctrl(3X) - generate printable representation of a wide character
xdr(3N) - library routines for external data representation
xdr_admin(3N) - library routines for external data representation
xdr_complex(3N) - library routines for external data representation
xdr_create(3N) - library routines for external data representation stream creation
xdr_simple(3N) - library routines for external data representation
y0(3M) - Bessel functions of the second kind
ypclnt(3C) - Network Information Service client interface
yppasswd(3N) - update user password in Network Information Service
ypupdate(3C) - changes NIS information