HPlogo HP-UX Reference Volume 4 of 5



Technical documentation

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Table of Contents

a64l(3C) - convert between long integer and base-64 ASCII string
abort(3C) - generate a software abort fault
abs(3C) - return integer absolute value
acltostr(3C) - convert access control list (ACL) structure to string form (HFS File Systems only)
acos(3M) - arccosine functions
acosd(3M) - degree-valued arccosine functions
acosh(3M) - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
add_wch(3X) - add a complex character and rendition to a window
add_wchnstr(3X) - add an array of complex characters and renditions to a window
addch(3X) - add a single-byte character and rendition to a window and advance the cursor
addchnstr(3X) - add length limited string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
addchstr(3X) - add string of single-byte characters and renditions to a window
addnstr(3X) - add a string of multi-byte characters without rendition to a window and advance cursor
addnwstr(3X) - add a wide-character string to a window and advance the cursor
addsev(3C) - define additional severities for formatting routines
asin(3M) - arcsine functions
asind(3M) - degree-valued arcsine functions
asinh(3M) - inverse hyperbolic sine function
assert(3X) - verify program assertion
atan(3M) - arctangent functions
atan2(3M) - arctangent-and-quadrant functions
atan2d(3M) - degree-valued arctangent-and-quadrant functions
atand(3M) - degree-valued arctangent functions
atanh(3M) - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atexit(3) - register a function to be called at program termination
attr_get(3X) - window attribute control functions
attroff(3X) - restricted window attribute control functions
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