HPlogo HP-UX Reference Volume 4 of 5



Technical documentation

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Table of Contents

rand(3C) - simple random-number generator
random(3M) - generate a pseudorandom number
rcmd(3N) - return a stream to a remote command
re_comp(3X) - compile and execute regular expressions (
realpath(3X) - resolve pathname
redrawwin(3X) - line update status functions
regcmp(3X) - compile and execute regular expression
regcomp(3C) - regular expression matching routines
regexp(3X) - regular expression compile and match routines
reltimer(3C) - relatively arm a per-process timer
remainder(3M) - remainder function
remove(3C) - remove a file
remquo(3M) - remainder function with quotient
resetty(3X) - save/restore terminal mode
resolver(3N) - resolver routines
rexec(3N) - return stream to a remote command
rint(3M) - round to nearest int function
ripoffline(3X) - reserve a line for a dedicated purpose
rmtimer(3C) - free a per-process timer
rnusers(3N) - return information about users on remote machines
round(3M) - round function
rpc(3N) - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc_clnt_auth(3N) - library routines for client side remote procedure call authentication
rpc_clnt_calls(3N) - library routines for client side calls
rpc_clnt_create(3N) - library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
rpc_control(3N) - library routine for manipulating global RPC attributes for client and server applications
rpc_soc(3N) - obsolete library routines for RPC
rpc_svc_calls(3N) - library routines for RPC servers
rpc_svc_create(3N) - library routines for the creation of server handles
rpc_svc_err(3N) - library routines for server side remote procedure call errors
rpc_svc_reg(3N) - library routines for registering servers
rpc_xdr(3N) - XDR library routines for remote procedure calls
rpcbind(3N) - library routines for RPC bind service
rstat(3N) - get performance data from remote kernel
rwall(3N) - write to specified remote machines
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