HPlogo HP-UX Reference Volume 4 of 5 > g


Series 800 Only

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gpio_set_ctl — set control lines on GPIO card


#include <dvio.h>

int gpio_set_ctl(int eid, int value);


gpio_set_ctl() sets the control register of a GPIO interface. eid is an entity identifier of an open GPIO device file obtained from an open(), dup(), fcntl(), or creat() call (see open(2), dup(2), fcntl(2), and creat(2)). value is the value to be written into the control register of the GPIO interface associated with eid.

value is mapped onto the control lines on the interface card, with the least significant bit mapped to CTL0. Only the x least significant bits are used, where x is the number of control lines available on the hardware interface being used.


Series 800

For the HP27114A, x is 3.

For the HP27114B, x is 6.

For the HP28651A, x is 5.


gpio_set_ctl() returns 0 if successful and -1 if an error was encountered.


gpio_set_ctl() fails if any of the following conditions are encountered, and sets errno accordingly:


eid does not refer to an open file.


eid does not refer to a GPIO device file.

© Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.