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nl_tools_16: ADVANCE(), byte_status(), BYTE_STATUS(), CHARADV(), CHARAT(), c_colwidth(), C_COLWIDTH(), firstof2(), FIRSTof2(), secof2(), SECof2(), WCHAR(), WCHARADV() — tools to process 16-bit characters (OBSOLETED AT 10.30)


#include <nl_ctype.h>

int firstof2(int c);

int secof2(int c);

int byte_status(int c, int laststatus);

int c_colwidth(int c);

int FIRSTof2(int c);

int SECof2(int c);

int BYTE_STATUS(int c, int laststatus);

int C_COLWIDTH(int c);

int CHARAT(const char *p);

int ADVANCE(const char *p);

int CHARADV(const char *p);

int WCHAR(wchar_t wc, char *p);

int WCHARADV(wchar_t wc, char *p);

void PCHAR(int c, char *p);

void PCHARADV(int c, char *p);


All interfaces listed above whose names begin with a capital letter are implemented as macros; the others are functions.

These macros and functions are obsolete. See WARNINGS.


The following macros and functions perform their operations based upon the loaded NLS environment (see setlocale(3C)).


Takes a byte and returns a nonzero value if it can be the first byte of a two-byte character according to the NLS environment loaded, and zero if it cannot.


Takes a byte and returns a nonzero value if it can be the second byte of a two-byte character according to the loaded NLS environment, and zero if it cannot.


Returns one of the following values based on the value of the current byte in c and the status of the previous byte interpreted in laststatus as returned by the last call to BYTE_STATUS(). These are the status values as defined in <nl_ctype.h>:


Single-byte character


Second byte of two-byte character


First byte of two-byte character

To validate a two-byte character, both the first and second bytes must be valid. If the value of laststatus is FIRSTOF2 but SECof2(c) returns false, BYTE_STATUS(c, laststatus) returns ONEBYTE.


Takes a byte which is assumed to be either a one-byte character or the first byte of a two-byte character, and returns the number of columns the character would occupy on a terminal display.

For the macros BYTE_STATUS(), C_COLWIDTH(), FIRSTof2(), and SEC0of2(), results are undefined for values of c less than -1 (EOF) or greater than 255.


Takes as an argument a pointer p, which is assumed to be pointing at either a one-byte character or the first byte of a two-byte character. In either case, CHARAT() returns the wchar_t value that corresponds to the character pointed to by p.


Advances its pointer argument by the byte width of the character it is pointing at (either one or two bytes).


Combines the functions of CHARAT() and ADVANCE() in a single macro. It takes as an argument a pointer p, which is assumed to be pointing at either a one-byte character or the first byte of a two-byte character. In either case CHARADV() returns the wchar_t value that corresponds to the character pointed to by p, and advances p beyond the last byte of the character.


Converts the wchar_t value wc into the corresponding one or two byte character, and writes it at the location specified by p. WCHAR() returns the wchar_t value wc.


Combines the functions of WCHAR() and ADVANCE() in a single macro. It converts the wchar_t value wc into the corresponding one or two byte character, and writes it at the location specified by p, then advances p past the last byte. WCHARADV() returns the wchar_t value wc.





Subroutine versions of the corresponding macros. These functions can be called from languages other than C.



The LC_CTYPE category determines the interpretation of single and/or multibyte characters.


The HP proprietary functions and macros described in this manual entry are OBSOLETE. They are not portable to other vendor's systems, and will not be provided in future HP-UX releases.

For maximum portability, use the routines documented in the multibyte(3C) manual entry for multibyte character processing.

Other macros listed in this manual entry cannot be used as the first argument to WCHAR() or WCHARADV(). For example,

*t++ = *f++

cannot be replaced by


Instead, use a method such as

  • int c; ... c = CHARADV (f), WCHARADV (c,t)

WCHAR() and WCHARADV() may produce a "null effect" warning from lint(1) if not used as part of another expression or as part of a statement. This does not affect the functionality of either macro.

Note that WCHAR() and WCHARADV() are not "replace_char" macros. They do not prevent the second byte of a two-byte character from being left dangling if WCHAR() or WCHARADV() overwrite the first byte of the two-byte character with a single-byte character.

CHARAT(), ADVANCE(), and CHARADV() do not examine the byte following the location pointed to by the argument to verify its validity as a SECof2 byte.


nl_tools_16() was developed by HP.


setlocale(3C), multibyte(3C), wconv(3X), wctype(3X), hpnls(5).

© Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.