Installation & usage notes for JDK 1.1.7b

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Last Updated 2/24/99

Removing old versions of Java

Since JDK 1.1.2, we've used an installation scheme that allows multiple versions of Java to exist concurrently on your system. (If you have a version prior to JDK 1.1.2 installed, see an earlier version of this installnotes document for instructions on removing it)

Java is installed under the path /usr/local/java/versionid. A symbolic link at /usr/local/java/latest will point to the most recently installed version. Most users will simply use the 'latest' link to run java. If any of your software requires a specific Java version to operate, you can use the specific version number rather than 'latest' to invoke Java. (You can either fully type the full path every time, as in /usr/local/java/jdk1.1.5/bin/java, or simply add the path up to and including 'bin' to your PATH variable.

To remove an old version, just purge the versionid and everything below it. For example, to remove jdk1.1.2:
shell/iX> rm -rf /usr/local/java/jdk1.1.2     

Installing this version of Java

This version features a completely redesigned installation process for Java. It should be simpler and less error-prone than the previous mechanism. Also, the installation process will now be nearly the same regardless of whether you are installing Java from a web download, freeware tape, MPE patch, or MPE installation tape.

Step 1: for MPE/iX 5.5 and earlier releases only

If you have not previously installed Java, create the accounting structure:
NOTE: If the creation of the JAVA account or groups fails with 'Duplicate name in directory', there are two possibilities. First, you may already have a JAVA Account. Do a :LISTACCT JAVA to see if this is the case. If you get an account listing, everything is OK. If you get a 'Non-existent account' account error, it means you have an HFS directory (not an MPE account) named Java. This is a result of an earlier Java installation where the account was not created ahead of time. If this applies to you, we recommend copying any files you may have added to the JAVA directories to another directory, purge the HFS directories (rm -rf /JAVA in the POSIX shell), and then build the accounts and groups as above. You can then copy back any of your own files you wish to have in this account.

Step 2: install and unzip the Java installation file

If you're installing from an MPE patch or installation tape, the normal process (e.g, AUTOPAT, AUTOINST) will do this for you.

If you're installing from a web download, copy the downloaded file (JDK117.web55.tar for 5.5 systems, or JDK117.web60.tar for 6.0 systems) and install it anywhere on your system. Make sure to use binary mode to copy the file. I typically install it under /tmp.

NOTE: We have noticed that some web browsers will rename the above file when downloading, replacing the initial dot with an underscore (the resulting file being JDK117_webXX.tar, for example). If your browser does this, adjust the file name in the following step accordingly.

In the POSIX shell, cd to the location where you installed the file and execute the following command:
shell/iX> tar -xovpf JDK117.web55.tar      (for 5.5 systems)
shell/iX> tar -xovpf JDK117.web60.tar      (for 6.0 systems)     
You should see 3 files extracted:
/JAVA/INSTALL/JDK117B.vv.tar.Z          (where vv=55 or 60)

Step 3: stream the installation job

Now you can complete the installation:

Step 4: optional clean-up

After you've tested the software and are satisfied that everything installed OK, you can recover disk space by purging the two tar files used in the installation:

JDK117.webNN.tar in whatever directory you downloaded it to
JDK117B.vv.tar.Z in INSTALL.JAVA

Note that with either one of these files, you can re-do the installation (If you keep the 'web' version, you can reinstall by starting with step 2 above. If you keep the .Z version, you can start with step 3). If you get rid of both files, then you will need to re-download the package if you ever wish to reinstall.

For more information

See README.PUB.JAVA for general notes on using Java. See the Release Notes for new features in this release and further usage types. The README file in INSTALL.JAVA is mostly a duplicate of the information here, although it also has information about making the Java API documentation serveable by an Apache web server running on MPE.

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