HPlogo SNA Link/iX Node Manager's Guide


MPE documents

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Table of Contents



ACTLU request, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
ACTPU request, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
AS/400 computer;hardware requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements
AS/400 computer;operating system, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements
AS/400 computer;software requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements


BIND request, For a Type 2.1 Node


commands;SNACONTROL START, Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
commands;SNACONTROL STOP, Terminating SNA Sessions
communications controller, host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
components;of SNA/SDLC Link, SNA/SDLC Link Overview
components;of SNA/Token Ring Link, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
components;of SNA/X.25 Link, SNA/X.25 Link Overview
console logging, Establishing Sessions with the Remote System


domain, controlling, For a Type 2.0 Node
driver, link;token ring link driver, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview


hardware requirements;AS/400, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements
hardware requirements;host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
hardware requirements;SNA/SDLC Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
hardware requirements;SNA/Token Ring Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
hardware requirements;SNA/X.25 Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;communications controller, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;hardware requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;NCP Packet Switching Interface software, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;NCP Token Ring Interface software, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;network control program, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;network controller, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;operating system, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;software requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
host computer;telecommunications access method, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
HP computer, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements


IEEE standards;implemented by SNA/Token Ring Link softwareware, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
installation tasks, SNA Link Installation Information


layers;implemented by SNA Transport, SNA Layers Implemented
levels of tracing, Tracing Provided
link driver;token ring link driver, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
link module;token ring link module, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
link-level tracing;file name, Link-Level Tracing
logging;classes, The Logging Facility
logging;configuration, Establishing Sessions with the Remote System
logging;of node events, IBM Logging Configuration (1)
logging;to console, Establishing Sessions with the Remote System
LU-LU session, For a Type 2.0 Node, For a Type 2.1 Node
LU-LU session;establishing, For a Type 2.0 Node, For a Type 2.1 Node, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
LU-LU session;terminating, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
LU-SSCP session, For a Type 2.1 Node
LU-SSCP session;establishing, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
LU-SSCP session;terminating, Terminating SNA Sessions
LU;controlling, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
LU;deactivating, Terminating SNA Sessions


NCP Packet Switching Interface software, host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
NCP Token Ring Interface software, host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
network control program, host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
network controller, host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
node type;implemented by SNA Transport, SNA Layers Implemented
node;shutdown, Terminating SNA Sessions
node;shutdown, overview of, SNA Node Startup and Shutdown
node;startup, overview of, SNA Node Startup and Shutdown
NS software needed for SNA/X.25 Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements


operating system;AS/400, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements
operating system;host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
operating system;SNA/SDLC Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
operating system;SNA/Token Ring Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
operating system;SNA/X.25 Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements


protocol enforced by QLLC module, SNA/X.25 Link Overview
PSI, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
PU-SSCP session;establishing, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
PU-SSCP session;terminating, Terminating SNA Sessions
PU;deactivating, Terminating SNA Sessions


QLLC module;protocol enforced by, SNA/X.25 Link Overview


requirements;AS/400 hardware, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;AS/400 software, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;host hardware, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;host software, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;SNA/SDLC Link, hardware for, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;SNA/SDLC Link, software for, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;SNA/Token Ring Link, hardware for, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;SNA/Token Ring Link, software for, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;SNA/X.25 Link, hardware for, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
requirements;SNA/X.25 Link, software for, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements


SDLC link;deactivating, Terminating SNA Sessions
session;ACTLU request, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
session;BIND request, For a Type 2.1 Node
session;LU-LU, For a Type 2.0 Node, For a Type 2.1 Node
session;LU-LU, establishing, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
session;LU-LU, terminating, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
session;LU-SSCP, establishing, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
session;LU-SSCP, terminating, Terminating SNA Sessions
session;PU-SSCP, establishing, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
session;PU-SSCP, terminating, Terminating SNA Sessions
session;startup, For a Type 2.0 Node, For a Type 2.1 Node
session;startup, ACTPU request, For a Type 2.0 Node, Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
session;startup, overview of, SNA Node Startup and Shutdown
session;terminating, Terminating SNA Sessions
session;terminating, overview of, SNA Node Startup and Shutdown
session;with the host SSCP, establishing, Establishing LU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
session;with the remote system PU, establishing, Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
session;with the remote system, establishing, For a Type 2.0 Node, For a Type 2.1 Node
SNA Transport, SNA/X.25 Link Overview, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
SNA Transport logging;node events, IBM Logging Configuration (1)
SNA Transport;layers implemented by, SNA Layers Implemented
SNA Transport;node types implemented by, SNA Layers Implemented
SNA/SDLC Link;components of, SNA/SDLC Link Overview
SNA/SDLC Link;hardware requirements, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/SDLC Link;implementing HP-to-IBM AS/400 communication, SNA/SDLC Link Overview
SNA/SDLC Link;implementing HP-to-IBM host communication, SNA/SDLC Link Overview
SNA/SDLC Link;operating system, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/SDLC Link;overview of, SNA/SDLC Link Overview
SNA/SDLC Link;PSI, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/SDLC Link;software requirements, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/SDLC Link;terminal, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/Token Ring Link;components of, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
SNA/Token Ring Link;hardware requirements, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/Token Ring Link;IEEE standards implemented by software, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
SNA/Token Ring Link;implementing HP-to-AS/400 communication, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
SNA/Token Ring Link;implementing HP-to-IBM host communication, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
SNA/Token Ring Link;operating system, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/Token Ring Link;overview of, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
SNA/Token Ring Link;software requirements, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/Token Ring Link;terminal, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/Token Ring Link;Token Ring Card, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/X.25 Link;components of, SNA/X.25 Link Overview
SNA/X.25 Link;hardware requirements, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/X.25 Link;implementing HP-to-IBM AS/400 communication, SNA/X.25 Link Overview
SNA/X.25 Link;implementing HP-to-IBM host communication, SNA/X.25 Link Overview
SNA/X.25 Link;NS software needed, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/X.25 Link;operating system, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/X.25 Link;overview of, SNA/X.25 Link Overview
SNA/X.25 Link;software requirements, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNA/X.25 Link;terminal, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
SNACONTROL START command, Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
SNACONTROL STOP command, Terminating SNA Sessions
SNRM command, Establishing PU-SSCP Sessions on the HP e3000
software requirements;AS/400, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements, AS/400 Hardware and Software Requirements
software requirements;host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
software requirements;SNA/SDLC Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
software requirements;SNA/Token Ring Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
software requirements;SNA/X.25 Link, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
software version numbers, SNA Link Installation Information


tasks, installation, SNA Link Installation Information
telecommunications access method, host, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements, Host Hardware and Software Requirements
terminal, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
Token Ring Card, HP e3000 Hardware and Software Requirements
Token Ring HP-PB adapter card, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
token ring link driver, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
token ring link module, SNA/Token Ring Link Overview
tracing;levels of, Tracing Provided


version numbers, SNA Link Installation Information


X.25 link;deactivating, Terminating SNA Sessions

Operator-Generated Alerts

Table of Contents