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The Logging Facility

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Logging records subsystem events — significant normal events, as well as error events — for use in problem determination and monitoring network usage and resources. NMS performs SNA link logging| at two levels: for the SNA network (SNA Transport logging), and at link level (SDLC link logging, X.25 link logging, Token Ring link logging, and link trace logging). SNA link logging is configured through NMMGR (see Chapter 3 "Logging Configuration" of this manual).

When you configure SNA link logging, you indicate the level you want logging configured for by specifying the level's subsystem number. Then, within each subsystem, you can indicate which events you want logged, by specifying event class numbers. Each type of SNA link logging is described below.

SNA Transport Logging

SNA Transport logging records the usage of the communications network resources, and serves as a tool in resolving network problems. It is controlled through the MPE commands SHOWNMLOG, SWITCHNMLOG, and RESUMENMLOG. These commands enable the node manager to determine the number of and available space in the current NM log file (NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a number from 0000 through 9999), close the current NM log file and open a new one, and activate logging after a recoverable error. The MPE commands are described in Chapter 6 "MPE Commands" of this manual.

The NM log file can be formatted through the NMDUMP utility. Using NMDUMP for SNA Transport (including an example of the SNA Transport logging format) is described later in this chapter. More-detailed information about NMDUMP is contained in Using the Node Management Services Utilities.

The logging subsystem number for SNA Transport is SUB0001, and these are the class numbers:
  • CLAS0010: node events

    • Node activation

    • Link activation

    • Link errors

    • Internal errors

    • Node shutdown

  • CLAS0011: protocol errors

    • Packet discards/rejects

    • Bad port messages

  • CLAS0012: LU-LU activities

    • OpenUser/CloseUser

    • Session activation/Session deactivation

  • CLAS0013: LU-SSCP activities

    • OpenUser/CloseUser

    • Session activation/Session deactivation

Link-level Logging

Four types of link-level logging are available: SDLC link logging, X.25 link logging, Token Ring link logging, and link trace logging.

SDLC Link Logging

SDLC link logging records informational messages and error messages generated by the SDLC link. It is controlled through the MPE commands SHOWNMLOG, SWITCHNMLOG, and RESUMENMLOG. These commands enable the node manager to determine the number of and available space in the current NM log file (NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a number from 0000 through 9999), close the current NM log file and open a new one, and activate logging after a recoverable error. The MPE commands are described in Chapter 6 "MPE Commands" of this manual.

The NM log file can be formatted through the NMDUMP utility. Using NMDUMP for the SDLC link (including an example of the SDLC link logging format) is described later in this chapter. More-detailed information about NMDUMP is contained in Using the Node Management Services Utilities.

The logging subsystem number for SDLC link is SUB0027, and these are the class numbers:
  • CLAS0010: errors

  • CLAS0012: informational messages

X.25 Link Logging

X.25 link logging records logging information generated by the X.25 link. Note that the X.25 link uses the logging facilities of SNA Transport. So, it does not have a separate logging subsystem number. If you are using an X.25 link and you want logging information recorded, logging (console, disk, or both) for SNA Transport (subsystem var|SUB0001|) class CLAS0010 must be enabled (see "SNA Transport Logging" earlier in this chapter).

Token Ring Link Logging

Token ring link logging records informational messages and error messages generated by the token ring link. It is controlled through the MPE commands SHOWNMLOG, SWITCHNMLOG, and RESUMENMLOG. These commands enable the node manager to determine the number of and available space in the current NM log file (NMLGnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a number from 0000 through 9999), close the current NM log file and open a new one, and activate logging after a recoverable error. The MPE commands are described in Chapter 6 "MPE Commands" of this manual.

The NM log file can be formatted through the NMDUMP utility. Using NMDUMP for the token ring link (including an example of the token ring link logging format) is described later in this chapter. More-detailed information about NMDUMP is contained in Using the Node Management Services Utilities.

The logging subsystem number for token ring link is SUB0061, and these are the class numbers:
  • CLAS0001: errors

  • CLAS0002: warnings

  • CLAS0003: informational messages

Link Trace Logging

Link trace logging records only errors encountered when starting or stopping SDLC link-level tracing. Link errors are not logged in this class and subsystem (see "SDLC Link Logging" and "X.25 Link Logging" above). Many of the messages correspond to NMERR messages, which are documented in Using the Node Management Services Utilities. (Note that the error number printed in the logging record is an internal number and does not correspond to the NMERR message number.)

Link trace logging is controlled through the MPE commands SHOWLOG, SWITCHLOG, and RESUMELOG. These commands enable you to determine the name of and available space in the current system log file (LOGnnnn.PUB.SYS, where nnnn is a number from 0000 through 9999), close the current system log file and open a new one, and activate logging after a recoverable error. The MPE commands are described in the MPE/iX Commands Reference Kit.

The system log file can be formatted by your Hewlett-Packard support contact, using the Diagnostic User Interface (DUI).

The logging subsystem number for the link trace is SUB0018, and it has only one class number: CLAS0000.

The Tracing Facility

Using NMDUMP for the SNA Links