TurboIMAGE class library for Java

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Last updated 06/28/04

This package was developed to show how it is possible to access a TurboIMAGE database (and by extension, how to call any MPE Intrinsics) from Java.

The latest version is version 2.4, dated April 1999. Full revision history is available in the README file distributed with the class library.

Beginning with Version 2.4, the packaging of the TurboIMAGE class library has changed in several ways.

- There are now two downloadable bundles. There is a runtime only distribution that includes only the runtime components, or a full distribution that includes source code.

- You can also Browse the source online. This link browses the actual CVS source repository; it may contain fixes that have not yet made it into the downloadable distribution.

- The separate 'make' and 'compile' script files have been replaced by a single, integrated, multi-target Makefile. The Makefile implements the following targets:
  make (or make default) - builds the TurboIMAGE class library
  make doc - builds .html format documentation.
  make install - installs the TurboIMAGE class library under
  make runtime - builds a redistributable runtime (a tar file)
       than can be moved to other systems
  make distribution - builds a full distribution including source
       that can be moved to other systems
  make clean - removes any rebuildable targets (.class files, .o
       files, XLs, etc).        

Installation details

Download either of the distribution files using the links above. Copy the tar file to the HP 3000 in binary format into any directory of your choosing. Unpackage it using the command
tar -xovpf image.tar
for the runtime-only version, or
tar -xovpf imageall.tar
for the full distribution including source.

You will notice that the unpackaging will create a directory structure /com/hp/turboimage. This is to conform to Java package naming conventions. The com and hp directories are empty, so you just cd into com/hp/turboimage to do the following steps.

In previous distributions, the turboimage class library has been run from wherever you unpackaged it. This will still work; if you want you can set your CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to where you have installed the library, and things will work as before. However, we've tried to simplify matters by standardizing the installation location for the TurboIMAGE class library, and packaging it into a .jar file rather than a collection of separate .class files. After cd'ing into the com/hp/turboimage directory, typing 'make install' will install the library for you. (Note: JDK 1.2 users keep reading before you do this; you'll need to make some minor edits to the Makefile).

The turboimage.jar file will be installed in /usr/local/java/latest/lib/ext on JDK 1.1.x systems, and /usr/local/java/latest/jre/lib/ext on JDK 1.2.x systems. (Note: the Makefile must be altered to work on JDK 1.2; comment out the 1.1 installation location and uncomment the 1.2 location). On JDK 1.1.x, it will be necessary for you to add the 'ext' directory to your classpath. On JDK 1.2, this directory is searched automatically.

The native code library, libTurboIMAGE.sl, will be installed in /usr/local/java/latest/lib/PA-RISC/green_threads on JDK 1.1.x systems, and in /usr/local/java/latest/jre/lib/PA-RISC on JDK 1.2 systems. These directories will be searched automatically, so it is no longer necessary to set a LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to use the TurboIMAGE class library.

Because the TurboIMAGE class library is being installed under the JDK directory, you will need to reinstall it whenever you update to a new JDK version. Fortunately, this is very simple to do; just cd into the directory where you have the downloaded library, and type 'make install', to install the TurboIMAGE Class Library under the 'latest' JDK version.

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