HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems



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in SELECT, The SELECT Command


active set
and cursors, Introducing the Cursor
and sequential processing, Overview of Data Manipulation
in sequential processing, Processing with Cursors
using the CLOSE command before re-accessing, The CLOSE Command
ADD_MONTHS function
example with SELECT, Example ADD_MONTHS Function
syntax, Using the Date/Time ADD_MONTHS Function
aggregate function, The SELECT Command, Selecting Using Views
and WHERE clause, The SELECT Command
null values in, Indicator Variables
syntax for LONG columns, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
ANSI SQL1 level 2
specifying a default value, Using Default Data Values
ANSI SQL86 level 2
floating point data, FLOAT Data
atomic operation
transaction as, Maintaining Data Consistency
DBA, Authorization
and program maintenance, Updating Application Programs
changing, Changing Program-Related Authorization
dynamic preprocessing, Differences between Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Preprocessing
granting, Granting Required Owner Authorization
to execute, Authorization, Granting Program User Authorization
to maintain, Authorization
to preprocess, Authorization
autostart mode, Starting a DBE Session


base table, Selecting Using Views
BEGIN DECLARE SECTION, Location of SQL Commands, Declaring Host Variables
and include files, Effect of Preprocessing on Source Code
delimiting the declare section, Source File
BEGIN WORK, Defining Transactions
in transaction management, Transaction Management for Simple Operations
issued by preprocessor, Full Preprocessing Mode
binary data
compatibility, Binary Data Compatibility
host variable definition, Binary Data Compatibility
how stored, BINARY Data
using the LONG phrase with, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types


type description, INTEGER Data
type description, INTEGER Data
character data
conversion, Character Data Conversion
truncation, Character Data Truncation
type description, INTEGER Data
GROUP BY, The SELECT Command, Selecting Using Views
WHERE, The SELECT Command, The DELETE Command
CLOSE, Introducing the Cursor, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The CLOSE Command
before ending a transaction, Transaction Management for Cursor Operations
cluster count, Query Efficiency
coding considerations
for date/time functions, Coding Considerations
for LONG columns, Coding Considerations, File Naming Conventions, Considering Multiple Users, Deciding How Much Space to Allocate and Where
before host variable name, Host Variable Names
column specifications for floating point data, FLOAT Data
command, INTEGER Data
BEGIN DECLARE SECTION, Location of SQL Commands, Declaring Host Variables
BEGIN WORK, Defining Transactions
CLOSE, Introducing the Cursor, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The CLOSE Command
COMMIT WORK, Defining Transactions
CONNECT TO, Starting a DBE Session
data definition, Defining and Manipulating Data
data manipulation, Defining and Manipulating Data, Data Manipulation, Simple Data Manipulation
DECLARE CURSOR, Introducing the Cursor, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The DECLARE CURSOR Command
DELETE, Overview of Data Manipulation, The DELETE Command
DELETE WHERE CURRENT, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The DELETE WHERE CURRENT Command
dynamic, Using Host Variables
embedded SQL, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
embedding SQL, Embedding SQL Commands
END DECLARE SECTION, Location of SQL Commands, Declaring Host Variables
EXECUTE, Dynamic Operations
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, Dynamic Operations
FETCH, Using SQLCode of 100, Introducing the Cursor, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The FETCH Command
INCLUDE SQLCA, Location of SQL Commands, Declaring the SQLCA, Declaring Host Variables Passed from Subprograms, The SQLCA COMMON Block
INSERT, Overview of Data Manipulation, The INSERT Command
OPEN, Introducing the Cursor, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The OPEN Command
PREPARE, Dynamic Operations
ROLLBACK WORK, Defining Transactions
SELECT, Overview of Data Manipulation, The SELECT Command, The SELECT Command
SQLEXPLAIN, Obtaining ALLBASE/SQL Messages, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, SQLCODE, Approaches to Status Checking
UPDATE, Overview of Data Manipulation, The UPDATE Command
UPDATE WHERE CURRENT, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The UPDATE WHERE CURRENT Command
WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking, SQLCODE, SQLWARN(0)
WHENEVER SQLERROR, Implicit Status Checking
in embedded SQL files, FORTRAN Comments
comments in ALLBASE/SQL commands, FORTRAN Comments
COMMIT WORK, Stored Sections, Defining Transactions
in transaction management, Transaction Management for Simple Operations
issued by preprocessor, Full Preprocessing Mode
common block, Declaring Host Variables Passed from Subprograms
SQLCA, Program Structure
communication area
SQLCA, Declaring the SQLCA
comparison predicate
in WHERE clause, The SELECT Command
and linker, The Compiler and the Linker
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
input files, Preprocessor Input and Output
separate compilable section, DBEnvironment Access
compiler directive
ELSE, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
ENDIF, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
IF, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
INCLUDE, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
SET, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
compiler message
line number, Using the Preprocessor UDC's
concurrency, Defining Transactions, Transaction Management for Simple Operations
in WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
join, Selecting from Multiple Tables, Selecting Using Views
search, The SELECT Command
types in WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
in application programs, Granting Program User Authorization
issued by preprocessor, Full Preprocessing Mode
CONNECT TO, Starting a DBE Session
as default data value, Using Default Data Values
constraint test matrix for integrity constraints, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
continuation lines, Continuation Lines
in WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
syntax for LONG columns, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
current language, Native Language Support
current row
of active set, Introducing the Cursor
CURRENT_DATE function result
used as default data value, Using Default Data Values
CURRENT_DATETIME function result
used as default data value, Using Default Data Values
CURRENT_TIME function result
used as default data value, Using Default Data Values
cursor, Data Definition
and sequential processing, Overview of Data Manipulation
effect of commands on, Introducing the Cursor
in sequential processing, Processing with Cursors
managing a query result, Introducing the Cursor
cursor processing
transaction management, Transaction Management for Cursor Operations


data access, Selecting Using Views
data compatibility
binary, Binary Data Compatibility
floating point, Floating Point Data Compatibility
for date/time function parameters, Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions
for default data values, Coding Considerations
LONG binary, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
LONG varbinary, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
data consistency, SQLERRD(3)
through status checking, Maintaining Data Consistency
data definition commands
embedding in programs, Defining and Manipulating Data
data input using date/time functions, Using Date/Time Input Functions
data integrity
changes to error checking , Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
introduction to, Programming with Constraints
number of rows processed , Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
row level versus statement level, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
using SQLERRD(3) with FORTRAN, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
data manipulation
embedded commands for, Data Manipulation
data manipulation commands, Data Manipulation, Overview of Data Manipulation, Simple Data Manipulation, Simple Data Manipulation
embedding in programs, Defining and Manipulating Data
data retrieval using date/time functions, Using Date/Time Output Functions
data storage
binary data, BINARY Data
data structure, Declaring the SQLCA
data type compatibility, Data Type Compatibility
data type conversion, Data Type Compatibility
data types, INTEGER Data
binary, BINARY Data
compatibility with ALLBASE/SQL types, Host Variables
floating point, FLOAT Data
for host variables, Data Types
used with LONG columns, General Concepts
data values, Using Host Variables
data visibility, Selecting Using Views
Database Environment Configuration, File Referencing
date/time ADD_MONTHS function
overview, Using the Date/Time ADD_MONTHS Function
where to use, Using the Date/Time ADD_MONTHS Function
date/time functions
coding considerations, Coding Considerations
data compatibility, Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions
example using default format specifications, Example Using the INSERT Command
examples using ManufDB database, Examples of TO_DATETIME, TO_DATE, TO_TIME, and TO_INTERVAL Functions, Using Date/Time Output Functions, Example ADD_MONTHS Function
how used, Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions
introduction to, Programming with Date/Time Functions
leading zeros required for input functions, Coding Considerations
parameters for, Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions
unspecified format elements default filled, Coding Considerations
used to add a number of months, Using the Date/Time ADD_MONTHS Function
used when inputting data, Using Date/Time Input Functions
used when retrieving data, Using Date/Time Output Functions
using host variables for format specifications, Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions
using host variables for input and output data, Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions
using host variables with, Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions
where to use ADD_MONTHS, Using the Date/Time ADD_MONTHS Function
where to use input functions, Using Date/Time Input Functions
where to use output functions, Using Date/Time Output Functions
where to use TO_CHAR, Using Date/Time Output Functions
where to use TO_DATE, Using Date/Time Input Functions
where to use TO_DATETIME, Using Date/Time Input Functions
where to use TO_INTEGER, Using Date/Time Output Functions
where to use TO_INTERVAL, Using Date/Time Input Functions
where to use TO_TIME, Using Date/Time Input Functions
where used, Where Date/Time Functions Can Be Used
date/time input functions
examples, Examples of TO_DATETIME, TO_DATE, TO_TIME, and TO_INTERVAL Functions
not intended for use in select list, Using Date/Time Input Functions
overview, Using Date/Time Input Functions
where to use, Using Date/Time Input Functions
date/time output functions
examples, Example TO_CHAR Function, Example TO_INTEGER Function
overview, Using Date/Time Output Functions
where to use, Using Date/Time Output Functions, Using the Date/Time ADD_MONTHS Function
authority, Authorization
DBE session
in preprocessing, Full Preprocessing Mode
DBECon file
creating, File Referencing
access, DBEnvironment Access
accessed by preprocessor, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
session, Starting a DBE Session, Terminating a DBE Session
starting a session, Starting a DBE Session
terminating a session, Terminating a DBE Session
DBEnvironment access
preprocessor, DBEnvironment Access
program, DBEnvironment Access
DBEnvironment Name
host variables and, DBEnvironment Name
DDL operations
used with integrity constraints, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
used with LONG columns, Programming with LONG Columns
deadlock, SQLWARN(6)
recovering from, Handling Runtime Errors and Warnings
restarting transaction following, SQLWARN(6)
deadlock detection, SQLWARN(6)
type description, INTEGER Data
decimal data
section, Declaring Variables for Data Types
declaration of data
BEGIN, Location of SQL Commands
END, Location of SQL Commands
DECLARE CURSOR, Introducing the Cursor, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The DECLARE CURSOR Command
arrays, Declaring Host Variables for Data Values and Indicator Variables
data variables, Declaring Host Variables for Data Values and Indicator Variables
dynamic command variables, Declaring Host Variables for Dynamic Commands
host variables, Declaring Host Variables, Host Variables, Declaring Host Variables
indicator variables, Declaring Host Variables for Data Values and Indicator Variables
message variables, Declaring Host Variables for Message Catalog Messages
passed host variables, Declaring Host Variables Passed from Subprograms
savepoint number variables, Declaring Host Variables for Savepoint Numbers
SQLCA, Declaring the SQLCA, The SQLCA COMMON Block
default data values
constant, Using Default Data Values
data compatibility, Coding Considerations
for columns allowing nulls, Using Default Data Values
in addition to null, Using Default Data Values
not used with LONG BINARY data, When the DEFAULT Clause Cannot be Used
not used with LONG columns, When the DEFAULT Clause Cannot be Used
not used with LONG VARBINARY data, When the DEFAULT Clause Cannot be Used
NULL, Using Default Data Values
result of CURRENT_DATE function, Using Default Data Values
result of CURRENT_DATETIME function, Using Default Data Values
result of CURRENT_TIME function, Using Default Data Values
USER, Using Default Data Values
default format specification example
date/time functions, Example Using the INSERT Command
defining integrity constraints, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
defining LONG columns
in a table, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
input and output specification, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
with the LONG column I/O string, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
input device specification, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
LONG column I/O string, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
output device specification, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
row level integrity, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
basic use, Overview of Data Manipulation
DELETE command
used with LONG columns, Removing LONG Column Data with a DELETE [WHERE CURRENT] Command
with TO_DATETIME function, Example Using the DELETE Command
DELETE WHERE CURRENT, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The DELETE WHERE CURRENT Command
used with LONG columns, Removing LONG Column Data with a DELETE [WHERE CURRENT] Command
designing an application using statement level integrity, Designing an Application Using Statement Level Integrity Checks
compiler, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
preprocessor, ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Programs
DISTINCT clause, Selecting Using Views
DML operations
used with date/time functions, Where Date/Time Functions Can Be Used
used with integrity constraints, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
used with LONG columns, Programming with LONG Columns
type description, INTEGER Data
DROP MODULE, Updating Application Programs, Obsoleting Programs
DROP option
full preprocessing mode, Full Preprocessing Mode
dynamic command, Using Dynamic Operations
host variables for, Declaring Host Variables for Dynamic Commands
passing to ALLBASE/SQL, Passing Dynamic Commands to ALLBASE/SQL
type description, INTEGER Data
using host variables for, Using Host Variables
dynamic FETCH command
used with LONG columns, Using LONG Columns with a Dynamic FETCH Command
dynamic operation, Overview of Data Manipulation
embedded commands for, Data Manipulation
uses of, Dynamic Operations
using host variables with, Data Manipulation
dynamic operations
dynamic commands, Review of Preprocessing Events
handling non-queries, Using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
sample programs, Programs Using Dynamic Operations
techniques, Using Dynamic Operations
dynamic preprocessing, Review of Preprocessing Events
authorization for, Differences between Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Preprocessing


in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
compiler directive, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
embedded SQL
defined, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
embedded SQL Commands
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
embedding SQL commands
continuation lines, Continuation Lines
general rules, General Rules for Embedding SQL
introduction, Program Structure
overview, Embedding SQL Commands
prefix, Program Structure
END DECLARE SECTION, Location of SQL Commands, Declaring Host Variables
and include files, Effect of Preprocessing on Source Code
delimiting the declare section, Source File
compiler directive, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
error checking
changes for this release, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
using SQLERRD(3) with FORTRAN, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
with row level integrity, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
with statement level integrity, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
preprocessing, Preprocessing Errors
DELETE command with TO_DATETIME function, Example Using the DELETE Command
FETCH command with TO_INTEGER function, Example TO_INTEGER Function
INSERT command with TO_DATE function , Example Using the INSERT Command
INSERT command with TO_DATETIME function, Example Using the INSERT Command
INSERT command with TO_INTERVAL function, Example Using the INSERT Command
INSERT command with TO_TIME function, Example Using the INSERT Command
LONG column descriptor declaration, Example LONG Column Descriptor Declaration
SELECT command with ADD_MONTHS function, Example ADD_MONTHS Function
SELECT command with TO_CHAR function, Example TO_CHAR Function
SELECT command with TO_DATETIME function, Example Using the SELECT Command, Example TO_CHAR Function
SELECT command with TO_INTERVAL function, Example Using the SELECT Command
UPDATE command with TO_DATE function, Example Using the UPDATE Command
UPDATE command with TO_DATETIME function, Example Using the UPDATE Command
example application design
using integrity constraints, Designing an Application Using Statement Level Integrity Checks
example data file
INSERT command with LONG columns, Example Data File
examples of date/time input functions, Examples of TO_DATETIME, TO_DATE, TO_TIME, and TO_INTERVAL Functions
examples of date/time output functions, Example TO_CHAR Function, Example TO_INTEGER Function
EXEC SQL, Prefix
command delimiter, Program Structure
prefix, General Rules for Embedding SQL
executable program, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
EXECUTE, Dynamic Operations
non-dynamic queries, Using PREPARE and EXECUTE
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, Dynamic Operations
executing a program, Authorization
executing programs, Running the Program
explicit status checking, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, Approaches to Status Checking, Explicit Status Checking, Explicitly Invoking Status-Checking Subprogram Units
embedded commands for, Explicit Status Checking
defined, The SELECT Command
external procedure, Effect of Preprocessing on Source Code


FETCH, Using SQLCode of 100, Introducing the Cursor, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The FETCH Command
FETCH command
used dynamically with LONG columns, Using LONG Columns with a Dynamic FETCH Command
used with LONG columns, Retrieving LONG Column Data with a SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH Command
with TO_INTEGER function, Example TO_INTEGER Function
SQLCode, Declaring the SQLCA
SQLErrd(3), Declaring the SQLCA
SQLWarn(0), Declaring the SQLCA
SQLWarn(6), Declaring the SQLCA
Database Environment Configuration, File Referencing
DBECon, File Referencing
include, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
installable module, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
modified source code, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
file equations, Variable Declaration Include File
back referenced DBEnvironment, Running the Program
message catalog, Running the Program
file IO
KEEP CURSOR, Writing Keep Cursor Applications
file name
fully qualified, File Referencing
relative, File Referencing
type description, INTEGER Data
FLOAT data
host variables and, FLOAT Data
FLOAT data declaration, FLOAT Data
floating point data
4-byte, FLOAT Data
8-byte, FLOAT Data
column specifications, FLOAT Data
compatibility, Floating Point Data Compatibility
REAL keyword, FLOAT Data
sample program, Source File
forex9a, Programs Using Dynamic Operations
full preprocessing mode
invocation, Full Preprocessing Mode
preprocessor command, Preprocessor Modes
fully qualified file name, File Referencing
function, The SELECT Command
aggregate, The SELECT Command


GOTO action
in WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
for required authorities, Granting Required Owner Authorization
GROUP BY clause, Selecting Using Views
in SELECT, The SELECT Command


HAVING clause
in SELECT, The SELECT Command
heap space input and output, Insert Using Host Variables for LONG Column I/O Strings
host variable
declaring for DBEnvironment names, Declaring Host Variables for DBEnvironment Names
host variable declaration section, Declaring Host Variables
host variable names, Host Variable Names
host variables
data description entries, VARCHAR Data
data types, Data Types
data values, Data Values and Null Indicators
declaring, Declaring Host Variables, Declaring Host Variables
defined, Host Variables
embedded declarations for, Location of SQL Commands
for dynamic commands, Declaring Host Variables for Dynamic Commands
indicator variables, Indicator Variables
input, Input and Output Host Variables
naming, Using Host Variables
null indicators, Data Values and Null Indicators
output, Input and Output Host Variables
used for binary data, Binary Data Compatibility
used for LONG column I/O strings, Insert Using Host Variables for LONG Column I/O Strings
used with date/time functions, Defining and Using Host Variables with Date/Time Functions
using, Using Host Variables
with SELECT, The SELECT Command


compiler directive, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
implicit status checking, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, SQLCODE, Approaches to Status Checking, Implicit Status Checking
embedded commands for, Implicit Status Checking
IN clause
compiler directive, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
include file, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
as input file, Preprocessor Input and Output
created by preprocessor, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
overwritten, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
SQLVAR, Variable Declaration Include File
INCLUDE SQLCA, Location of SQL Commands, Declaring the SQLCA, Declaring Host Variables Passed from Subprograms, The SQLCA COMMON Block
index, Query Efficiency
count, Query Efficiency
preventing duplicate values, The SELECT Command
index scan, Query Efficiency
and locking, Introducing the Cursor
indicator variable, Indicator Variables
declaring, Declaring Host Variables
for null values, The UPDATE Command
setting a column to null with, The UPDATE Command
type description, INTEGER Data
use of, Declaring Host Variables
using host variables for, Using Host Variables
indicator variable declaration, Indicator Variable Declaration
input device specification
definition, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
input host variables, Input and Output Host Variables
input tree
part of section, Stored Sections
basic use, Overview of Data Manipulation
INSERT command
used with LONG columns, Putting Data into a LONG Column with an INSERT Command
using host variables for LONG column I/O strings, Insert Using Host Variables for LONG Column I/O Strings
with LONG columns
example data file, Example Data File
with TO_DATE function, Example Using the INSERT Command
with TO_DATETIME function, Example Using the INSERT Command
with TO_INTERVAL function, Example Using the INSERT Command
with TO_TIME function, Example Using the INSERT Command
INSTALL, Installing the Program Module, Updating Application Programs
installable module
created by preprocessor, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
installable module file, Preprocessor Input and Output, Installable Module File
type description, INTEGER Data
host variables and, VARCHAR Data, INTEGER Data
type description, INTEGER Data
integrity constraint definition, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
integrity constraints
and statement level integrity, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
commands used with, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
constraint test matrix, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
designing an application, Designing an Application Using Statement Level Integrity Checks
example application using RecDB database, Designing an Application Using Statement Level Integrity Checks
in RecDB database, Designing an Application Using Statement Level Integrity Checks
introduction to, Programming with Constraints
restrictions, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
unique and referential, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN


file IO, Writing Keep Cursor Applications
terminal IO, Writing Keep Cursor Applications
use with OPEN command , The OPEN Command, Using KEEP CURSOR


GOTO, Implicit Status Checking
in error handling, SQLCODE
with WHENEVER commands, Implicit Status Checking
current language, Native Language Support
native language support, Native Language Support, ALLBASE/SQL Message File
of DBEnvironment, Full Preprocessing Mode
line numbers
and compiler, The Compiler and the Linker
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
separate linked objects, DBEnvironment Access
and scan types, Introducing the Cursor
in WHERE clause, Query Efficiency
releasing after a CLOSE, The CLOSE Command
log file space
use during preprocessing, Full Preprocessing Mode
logical data consistency, SQLERRD(3)
LONG binary data
compatibility, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
definition, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
how stored, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
LONG binary versus LONG varbinary data usage, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
LONG column definition
in a table, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
input and output specification , Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
with the LONG column I/O string, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
LONG column descriptor
contents of, Using the LONG Column Descriptor
example declarationtitle;, Example LONG Column Descriptor Declaration
general concept, General Concepts
how used, Using the LONG Column Descriptor
introduction to, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
LONG column I/O string
general concept, General Concepts
heap space input and output, Insert Using Host Variables for LONG Column I/O Strings
how used , Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
input device specification, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
output device specification, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
used with host variable, Insert Using Host Variables for LONG Column I/O Strings
used with INSERT command, Insert Using Host Variables for LONG Column I/O Strings
LONG columns
changing data, Changing a LONG Column with an UPDATE [WHERE CURRENT] Command
coding considerations, Coding Considerations
commands used with, Programming with LONG Columns
considering multiple users, Considering Multiple Users
data types used with, General Concepts
deciding on space allocation, Deciding How Much Space to Allocate and Where
deleting data, Removing LONG Column Data with a DELETE [WHERE CURRENT] Command
file usage from an application, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
general concepts, General Concepts
input options, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
introduction to, Programming with LONG Columns
maximum per table definition, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
output options, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
performance, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
putting data in, Putting Data into a LONG Column with an INSERT Command
restrictions, Restrictions
retrieving data from, Retrieving LONG Column Data with a SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH Command
size maximum, General Concepts
specifying a DBEFileSet, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
storage, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
storing and retrieving data, General Concepts
used with DELETE [WHERE CURRENT] command, Removing LONG Column Data with a DELETE [WHERE CURRENT] Command
used with dynamic FETCH command, Using LONG Columns with a Dynamic FETCH Command
used with FETCH or REFETCH commands, Retrieving LONG Column Data with a SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH Command
used with INSERT command, Putting Data into a LONG Column with an INSERT Command
used with SELECT command, Retrieving LONG Column Data with a SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH Command
used with UPDATE [WHERE CURRENT] command, Changing a LONG Column with an UPDATE [WHERE CURRENT] Command
using file naming conventions, File Naming Conventions
using file versus heap space, File versus Random Heap Space
using the LONG column descriptor, Using the LONG Column Descriptor
LONG phrase
used with binary data, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
used with varbinary data, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
LONG varbinary data
compatibility, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
definition, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
how stored, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types


main program unit
in a separate file, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
maintaining ALLBASE/SQL programs, Maintaining ALLBASE/SQL Programs
ManufDB database
examples using date/time functions, Examples of TO_DATETIME, TO_DATE, TO_TIME, and TO_INTERVAL Functions, Using Date/Time Output Functions, Example ADD_MONTHS Function
message catalog, Preprocessor Input and Output, Using Host Variables, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
and SQLEXPLAIN, Obtaining ALLBASE/SQL Messages
and status checking, Explicit Status Checking
defaults, ALLBASE/SQL Message File
variables for messages, Declaring Host Variables for Message Catalog Messages
with SQLEXPLAIN, Obtaining ALLBASE/SQL Messages
message catalog message
type description, INTEGER Data
message catalog messages
host variables and, Message Catalog Variable Declaration
message file, Preprocessor Input and Output
autostart, Starting a DBE Session
modified source file
created by preprocessor, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
creation, Preprocessor Input and Output
sample, Modified Source File
sample for forex2, Modified Source File
creation, Effect of Preprocessing on DBEnvironments
dropping, Full Preprocessing Mode
installable, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN, Installable Module File
installation, Installing the Program Module
name, Full Preprocessing Mode
owner, Full Preprocessing Mode
ownership, Granting Required Owner Authorization
storage, Permanently Stored vs. Temporary Sections
stored by preprocessor, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
updating, Updating Application Programs
module name
specifying with preprocessor, Effect of Preprocessing on DBEnvironments
module owner
name, Stored Sections
multiple rows
detecting with SQLCode, Using SQLCode of -10002
multiple users of LONG columns, Considering Multiple Users
multiuser mode
commands with, Starting a DBE Session


module, Full Preprocessing Mode
module owner, Stored Sections
naming conventions for LONG column files, File Naming Conventions
native language
and SQLEXPLAIN, Obtaining ALLBASE/SQL Messages
current language, Native Language Support
defaults, Native Language Support
native language support
message catalog, ALLBASE/SQL Message File
overview, Native Language Support
defined, Native Language Support
NODROP option
full preprocessing mode, Full Preprocessing Mode
non-dynamic commands, Using Dynamic Operations
NOT FOUND condition
with WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
columns defined as, Indicator Variables
as default data value, Using Default Data Values
null indicator variable
for updates, The UPDATE Command
null predicate
in WHERE clause, The SELECT Command
NULL result of a dynamic fetch of a LONG column, Using LONG Columns with a Dynamic FETCH Command
null value
and GROUP BY clause, The SELECT Command
in UPDATE, The UPDATE Command
indicating, Indicator Variables
null value indicators
host variables for, Indicator Variables
using host variables for, Using Host Variables
number of rows processed
data integrity, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
numeric data
conversion, Numeric Data Conversion


OPEN, Introducing the Cursor, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The OPEN Command
OPEN command
use with KEEP CURSOR WITH NOLOCKS command, The OPEN Command, Using KEEP CURSOR
join, Selecting Using Views
using host variables with, Data Manipulation
optimization, Query Efficiency
in WHERE clause, Query Efficiency
DISTINCT clause, Selecting Using Views
ORDER BY clause
in SELECT, The SELECT Command
in SELECT command defining a cursor, The DECLARE CURSOR Command
output device specification
definition, Defining Input and Output with the LONG Column I/O String
output file attributes
preprocessor files, Output File Attributes
output host variables, Input and Output Host Variables
from data conversion, Data Type Compatibility
OWNER authority
granting, Granting Required Owner Authorization
OWNER option
full preprocessing mode, Full Preprocessing Mode


passing SQLCA, The SQLCA COMMON Block
integrity constraints, Programming with Constraints
LONG columns, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
permanent section
and DBEnvironment, Differences between Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Preprocessing
predicate, Query Efficiency
in a search condition, The SELECT Command
EXEC SQL, General Rules for Embedding SQL, Prefix
PREPARE, Dynamic Operations
non-dynamic queries, Using PREPARE and EXECUTE
defined, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
preprocess-time events, Authorization
log file space, Full Preprocessing Mode
single-user mode, Full Preprocessing Mode
access to DBEnvironment, DBEnvironment Access
authorization required, Authorization
directives, ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Programs
effect of mode on modified source, Modified Source File
effect on DBEnvironment, Effect of Preprocessing on DBEnvironments
effect on source code, Effect of Preprocessing on Source Code
errors, Preprocessing Errors
full preprocessing mode, Preprocessor Modes, Full Preprocessing Mode
functions, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
input, Preprocessor Input and Output
invocation, Invoking The Fortran Preprocessor
modes and invocation, Syntax Checking Mode
options, Full Preprocessing Mode
output, Preprocessor Input and Output
output file attributes, Output File Attributes
parsing SQLIN, Source File
permanent files, Output File Attributes
running in job mode, Running the Preprocessor in Job Mode
syntax checking mode, Preprocessor Modes, Syntax Checking Mode
temporary files, Output File Attributes
UDC's, Using the Preprocessor UDC's
using, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
full preprocessing mode, Full Preprocessing Mode
external, Effect of Preprocessing on Source Code
DBEnvironment access, DBEnvironment Access
development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
executable, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
execution, Authorization, The Executable Program, Running the Program
FORTRAN application, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
main program unit, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
maintenance, Maintaining ALLBASE/SQL Programs
obsolescence, Obsoleting Programs
structure,skeleton example, Program Structure
subprogram units, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
user authorization, Granting Program User Authorization
program development steps, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
program segmentation, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
DBEnvironment access, DBEnvironment Access


more than one row, Determining Number of Rows Processed
no rows qualify, Determining Number of Rows Processed
one or more rows qualify, Determining Number of Rows Processed
overview, The Query
query efficiency, Query Efficiency
query result
and SELECT, The SELECT Command


REAL keyword
floating point data, FLOAT Data
type description, INTEGER Data
RecDB database application design
example maintenance menu, Designing an Application Using Statement Level Integrity Checks
example of deleting data, Delete a Club in the Recreation Database, Delete an Event in the Recreation Database
example of error checking, Designing an Application Using Statement Level Integrity Checks
example of inserting data, Insert a Member in the Recreation Database
example of updating data, Update an Event in the Recreation Database
integrity constraints defined, Designing an Application Using Statement Level Integrity Checks
REFETCH command
used with LONG columns, Retrieving LONG Column Data with a SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH Command
relative file name, File Referencing
integrity constraints, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
LONG columns, Restrictions
retrieving LONG column data
with SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH commands, Retrieving LONG Column Data with a SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH Command
REVOKE, Changing Program-Related Authorization
REVOKE option
full preprocessing mode, Full Preprocessing Mode
ROLLBACK WORK, Defining Transactions
issued by preprocessor, Full Preprocessing Mode
to ensure data consistency, Transaction Management for Simple Operations
more than one row qualifies, Determining Number of Rows Processed
multiple, Using SQLCode of -10002
no rows qualify, Determining Number of Rows Processed
one or more rows qualify, Determining Number of Rows Processed
row level integrity
definition, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
RUN authority
revoking, Full Preprocessing Mode
run authority
preserving, Full Preprocessing Mode
run tree
part of section, Stored Sections
performance, Purpose of Sections
status checking, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
runtime events, Running the Program


sample modified source file, Modified Source File
sample program
dynamic queries, execute immediate, Programs Using Dynamic Operations
forex2, Source File
sample sourcefilename, Source File, Embedding SQL Commands
sample SourceFileName.sql, Embedding SQL Commands
savepoint number
declaring variables for, Declaring Host Variables for Savepoint Numbers
type description, INTEGER Data
using host variables for, Using Host Variables
scan, Query Efficiency
scan types
and locking, Introducing the Cursor
search condition
specified by WHERE clause, The SELECT Command
components of, Stored Sections
creation, Effect of Preprocessing on DBEnvironments
defined, Effect of Preprocessing on DBEnvironments
dynamic vs. non-dynamic, Differences between Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Preprocessing
identifying number, The Stored Section
number, Stored Sections
permanently stored, Permanently Stored vs. Temporary Sections
purpose, Purpose of Sections
stored, Stored Sections
system catalog information, Stored Sections
SYSTEM.SECTION view, Stored Sections
temorarily stored, Differences between Dynamic and Non-Dynamic Preprocessing
temporary, Using PREPARE and EXECUTE
type, Stored Sections
validity, Section Validity, Stored Sections
basic use, Overview of Data Manipulation
overview, The SELECT Command
SELECT command
used with LONG columns, Retrieving LONG Column Data with a SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH Command, Using LONG Columns with a SELECT Command
with ADD_MONTHS function, Example ADD_MONTHS Function
with TO_CHAR function, Example TO_CHAR Function
with TO_DATETIME function, Example Using the SELECT Command, Example TO_CHAR Function
with TO_INTERVAL function, Example Using the SELECT Command
select list
with SELECT, The SELECT Command
sequential table processing, Overview of Data Manipulation
embedded commands for, Data Manipulation
overview, Processing with Cursors
uses of, Sequential Table Processing
using cursors, Introducing the Cursor
serial scan, Query Efficiency
and locking, Introducing the Cursor
starting DBE, Starting a DBE Session
compiler directive, FORTRAN Preprocessor Compiler Directives
shared memory
SQLCode indicating not enough, SQLWARN(6)
shared memory problem
restarting after, SQLWARN(6)
simple data manipulation, Overview of Data Manipulation
commands, Simple Data Manipulation
defined, Simple Data Manipulation
embedded commands for, Data Manipulation
transaction management, Transaction Management for Simple Operations
single-user mode
commands with, Starting a DBE Session
size maximum
LONG columns, General Concepts
type description, INTEGER Data
source code
in program development cycle, Getting Started with ALLBASE/SQL Programming in FORTRAN
sample, Source File, Embedding SQL Commands
SourceFileName.sql, Embedding SQL Commands
space allocation for LONG column data, Deciding How Much Space to Allocate and Where
Communication Area (SQLCA), Declaring the SQLCA
Communications Area (SQLCA), ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Programs
EXEC SQL, Program Structure, General Rules for Embedding SQL, Prefix
SQLEXPLAIN, Approaches to Status Checking
SQLIND, Declaring Host Variables
SQL command
length, General Rules for Embedding SQL
location, General Rules for Embedding SQL
prefix, General Rules for Embedding SQL
SQL commands
COMMIT WORK, Stored Sections
WHENEVER NOT FOUND, Modified Source File
WHENEVER SQLERROR, Modified Source File
SQL communication area, The SQLCA COMMON Block
common block, Program Structure, Declaring Host Variables Passed from Subprograms
data items you can use, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
embedded commands for, Location of SQL Commands
fields, The SQLCA COMMON Block
INCLUDE, Declaring the SQLCA, Declaring Host Variables Passed from Subprograms
SQLCode, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, Using SQLCode of 100, Using SQLCode of -10002, Introducing the Cursor, The FETCH Command
SQLErrd(3), Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, SQLERRD(3), Explicitly Checking for Number of Rows
SQLWarn(0), Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, SQLWARN(0)
SQLWarn(1), Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
SQLWarn(2), Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
SQLWarn(6), Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, SQLWARN(6)
usage, SQLWARN(1)
usage, SQLWARN(2)
SQLCode, Declaring the SQLCA, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, Determining Number of Rows Processed, SQLCODE, Using SQLErrd(3) for UPDATE and DELETE Operations
-10002, Explicit Status Checking
-14024, Explicit Status Checking, SQLCODE
-4008, SQLCODE
0, Explicit Status Checking
100, Explicit Status Checking
after last row fetched, Introducing the Cursor
after the last fetch, The FETCH Command
and SQLErrd(3), SQLERRD(3)
in creating a warning for users, Determining Number of Rows Processed
multiple values for, Obtaining ALLBASE/SQL Messages
of -10002, Using SQLCode of -10002
of 100, Using SQLCode of 100
possible values of, SQLCODE
SQLCTxxx.PUB.SYS, Preprocessor Input and Output
error checking with FORTRAN, Comparing Statement Level and Row Level Integrity
SQLErrd(3), Declaring the SQLCA, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
determining number of rows with, Explicitly Checking for Number of Rows
in creating a warning for users, Determining Number of Rows Processed
possible values of, SQLERRD(3)
set to number of rows processed, Determining Number of Rows Processed
WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
SQLERROR condition
with WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
SQLEXPLAIN, Obtaining ALLBASE/SQL Messages, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
and approaches to status checking, Approaches to Status Checking
and message catalog, Running the Program
obtaining multiple SQLCodes, SQLCODE
preprocessor input, Source File
SQLIND, Declaring Host Variables
host variables and, Indicator Variable Declaration
type description, INTEGER Data
SQLMOD, Preprocessor Input and Output
SQLMSG, Preprocessor Input and Output
defaults, ALLBASE/SQL Message File
line numbers, ALLBASE/SQL Message File
SQLOUT, Preprocessor Input and Output
preprocessor output, Modified Source File
SQLVAR, Preprocessor Input and Output
preprocessor output, Modified Source File
type declarations in, Effect of Preprocessing on Source Code
SQLWarn(0), Declaring the SQLCA
and warnings from ALLBASE/SQL, SQLWARN(0)
usage, SQLWARN(1)
usage, SQLWARN(2)
SQLWarn(6), Declaring the SQLCA
on rollback by ALLBASE/SQL, SQLWARN(6)
SQLWarn0, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
SQLWarn1, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
SQLWarn2, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
SQLWarn6, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
SQLWarning, SQLWARN(0)
SQLWARNING condition
with WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
and the preprocessor, Full Preprocessing Mode
starting DBE session, Starting a DBE Session
statement level integrity
and integrity constraints, Using Unique and Referential Integrity Constraints
status checking, Terminating a DBE Session, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
code generated by preprocessor, Implicit Status Checking
embedded commands for, Implicit Status Checking
explicit, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, Approaches to Status Checking, Explicit Status Checking, Explicitly Invoking Status-Checking Subprogram Units
implicit, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA, SQLCODE, Approaches to Status Checking, Implicit Status Checking
why do it?, The Importance of Status Checking
status checking action
in WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
status handling
code generated by preprocessor, Implicit Status Checking
status information, Runtime Status Checking and the SQLCA
STOP action
in WHENEVER, Implicit Status Checking
LONG columns, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
stored section, Stored Sections
truncation of, Indicator Variables
subprogram units
in separate files, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
passing variables, Declaring Host Variables Passed from Subprograms
preprocessing and compiling, Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor
syntax checking mode
preprocessor command, Preprocessor Modes
preprocessor invocation, Syntax Checking Mode
syntax for date/time functions
ADD_MONTHS, Using the Date/Time ADD_MONTHS Function
input functions, Using Date/Time Input Functions
output functions, Using Date/Time Output Functions
TO_CHAR, Using Date/Time Output Functions
TO_DATE, Using Date/Time Input Functions
TO_DATETIME, Using Date/Time Input Functions
TO_INTEGER, Using Date/Time Output Functions
TO_INTERVAL, Using Date/Time Input Functions
TO_TIME, Using Date/Time Input Functions
syntax for LONG columns
ALTER TABLE command, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
CREATE TABLE command, Defining LONG Columns with a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE Command
select list, Retrieving LONG Column Data with a SELECT, FETCH, or REFETCH Command
system catalog
information on sections, Stored Sections
pages locked during preprocessing, Full Preprocessing Mode
SYSTEM.SECTION, Stored Sections


table, Selecting Using Views
table processing, Sequential Table Processing
embedded commands for, Data Manipulation
sequential, Overview of Data Manipulation, Processing with Cursors
temporary section, Using PREPARE and EXECUTE
terminal IO
KEEP CURSOR, Writing Keep Cursor Applications
DBE session, Terminating a DBE Session
TO_CHAR function
example with SELECT command, Example TO_CHAR Function
syntax, Using Date/Time Output Functions
TO_DATE function
example with INSERT command, Example Using the INSERT Command
example with UPDATE command, Example Using the UPDATE Command
syntax, Using Date/Time Input Functions
TO_DATETIME function
example with DELETE command, Example Using the DELETE Command
example with INSERT command, Example Using the INSERT Command
example with SELECT command, Example Using the SELECT Command, Example TO_CHAR Function
example with UPDATE command, Example Using the UPDATE Command
syntax, Using Date/Time Input Functions
TO_INTEGER function
example with FETCH command, Example TO_INTEGER Function
syntax, Using Date/Time Output Functions
TO_INTERVAL function
example with INSERT command, Example Using the INSERT Command
example with SELECT command, Example Using the SELECT Command
syntax, Using Date/Time Input Functions
TO_TIME function
example with INSERT command, Example Using the INSERT Command
syntax, Using Date/Time Input Functions
transaction, Defining Transactions
embedded commands for, Defining Transactions
transaction management
cursor processing, Transaction Management for Cursor Operations
simple data manipulation, Transaction Management for Simple Operations
truncated strings
detecting with indicator variable, Indicator Variables
from data conversion, Data Type Compatibility
of character data, Character Data Truncation
of numeric data, Numeric Data Conversion
type conversion
character data, Character Data Conversion
numeric data, Numeric Data Conversion
type declaration section, Declaring Host Variables, Declaring Variables for Data Types
type declarations
in include files, Effect of Preprocessing on Source Code


PFOR, Using the Preprocessor UDC's
PPFOR, Using the Preprocessor UDC's
preprocess, compile, link, Using the Preprocessor UDC's
unique index
on column named in a WHERE clause, The SELECT Command
basic use, Overview of Data Manipulation
UPDATE command
used with LONG columns , Changing a LONG Column with an UPDATE [WHERE CURRENT] Command
used with TO_DATE function, Example Using the UPDATE Command
used with TO_DATETIME function, Example Using the UPDATE Command
before preprocessing, Full Preprocessing Mode
UPDATE WHERE CURRENT, Sequential Table Processing Commands, The UPDATE WHERE CURRENT Command
used with LONG columns, Changing a LONG Column with an UPDATE [WHERE CURRENT] Command
updating application programs, Updating Application Programs
preprocess, Using the Preprocessor UDC's
as default data value, Using Default Data Values
using default data values
introduction to, Using Default Data Values


varbinary data
using the LONG phrase with, Using the LONG Phrase with Binary Data Types
host variables and, VARCHAR Data
type description, INTEGER Data
join, Selecting from Multiple Tables
variable declaration include file, Variable Declaration Include File
variable types
compatibile with ALLBASE/SQL, Declaring Host Variables
view, Selecting Using Views
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