HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Using The ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Preprocessor

Preprocessing Errors


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Several types of errors can occur while you are using the FORTRAN preprocessor:

  • Unexpected preprocessor or DBEnvironment termination.

  • Preprocessor invocation errors.

  • Source file errors.

  • DBEnvironment errors.

Preprocessor or DBEnvironment Termination

Whenever the FORTRAN preprocessor stops running unexpectedly while you are using it in full preprocessing mode, sections stored during the preprocessor's DBE session are automatically dropped when the DBEnvironment is next started up. Unexpected preprocessor session termination occurs, for example, when a DBA issues a STOP DBE command during a preprocessor DBE session.

Preprocessor Invocation Errors

If the source file specified is currently being accessed, or if the source file named cannot be found, preprocessing terminates with the following messages:

     Input source file not found.  (DBERR 10921)



If the invocation line names a DBEnvironment that does not exist or contains erroneous syntax, preprocessing terminates as follows:

     ERRORS  Processing terminated prematurely.  (DBERR 10923)

Source File Errors

When the FORTRAN preprocessor encounters errors while parsing the source file, messages are placed in SQLMSG. Refer to the discussion earlier in this chapter under "SQL Message File" for additional information on this category of errors.

DBEnvironment Errors

Some errors can be caused because:

  • A DBEnvironment is not started yet.

  • Resources are insufficient.

  • A deadlock has occurred.

Refer to the ALLBASE/SQL Database Administration Guide for information on handling DBEnvironment errors.

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