HPlogo ALLBASE/SQL FORTRAN Application Programming Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Embedding SQL Commands

Starting a DBE Session


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In most application programs you embed the CONNECT command to start a DBE session in a program:

   EXEC SQL CONNECT TO DBEnvironmentName

If autostart mode is ON at runtime, this command starts a DBE session. If autostart mode is OFF, a DBA must issue a START DBE command before the program can be executed. Regardless of the autostart mode in effect, the program user must have CONNECT and RUN authority for this command to execute.

You can embed the START DBE command in a program to start a DBE session if the owner of the program has DBA authority. However, only one copy of the program can be executed at a time, by a user with DBA authority. For single-user DBEnvironments, this constraint poses no problem. In a multiuser environment, however, once a DBEnvironment is started, only the CONNECT command can be used to initiate additional DBE sessions.

Place the DBE session initiation command in a subprogram unit of your program such that it executes at runtime before all other SQL commands in your program except a WHENEVER command which may be executed before a CONNECT TO command is executed.

If the program uses either a dynamic command or a host variable to connect to a DBEnvironment, the command or variable must have been entered by the program user prior to attempting to execute any other embedded SQL command.

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