Owner/Operator: Keven Miller Established: June 30 2005 Location: 2005-2017 Orem Utah 84097, USA (MST7MDT) 2018-2022 Newport Oregon 97365, USA (PST8PDT) 2022-9999 Ivins Utah, 84738, USA (MST7PST) Phone: 801-404-2394 Email: Keven One of my childhood heros is The Lone Ranger. Around the time of 2005, the movies and books of "The Lord of the Rings" was in my mind. In them is the character named Strider who is a ranger from the North. I chose the name Ranger, from the attributes of someone making things right, placing order to chaos, helping others. Indiana Jones is another favorite movie character with an unspoken trademark of his hat.
For those not familier with the HP3000 computer and "empire", it has gained a nickname of hp3k or just 3k. Thus the name 3kRanger came into existence.
For a play on the name, the home page picture is of the Three Sisters mountains from central Oregon, thinking of a phrase: Three Grand mountains.
1980-1997 Programmer/Analyst at Valtek
A Control Valve Manufacturer.Maintain and enhance a variation of the ASK-MANMAN software (version 3).
Manufacturing, Order Management, Purchasing, and Financials.
Write an MPE Job Schedular (TheBoss) and system performance monitor (Monitor).
Design and write a PC data collection program to acquire real-time shop floor data.
Along with the MPE side collect and post data background program.
Design and write an HP terminal blockmode full-screen Bill-of-Material editor.
Operations support on MPE installing OS, updating software, installing printers.
Software installation and System administration to remote sites in Canada and Australia.
Interfacing Receivables from HP3000 to Oracle Financials.
Oracle Application support: setup printers, unix printer scripts, printed-form overlays on HP LJ.
1997-2004 Software engineer at eXegeSys, Inc.
Maintenance of the eRP suite (HPMMII) purchased from Hewlett Packard.
Materials Management (MM), Production Management (PM), Maintanence (MNT), Standard Cost Management (SCM), Financial Management (FM).
Develope server (Epoxi) for client-server PC application: Exegete Client which provides a GUI front for Vplus applications.![]()
2004-2005 Software engineer at OpenERP Solutions
(Speedware)Maintenance of the eRP suite (HPMMII).
Introductory development with QT-3 and MSVC-6.
2005-----> Software Contractor as 3kRanger
2005-2021 3kRanger with Transformix Inc.
Providing migration services of data and application code from HP3000 to either HP-UX, Linux, or Windows.
2012-2021 3kRanger with Sector7usa Inc.
(Sector7usa)Providing migration services of data and application code from OpenVMS to VX/RT VMS on Linux (DCL, C, COBOL->NetCOBOL, SMG FMS).Other activities include
- Converting Cobol, Spl, Pascal, and BasicV to C.
- Reading data tapes - extracting data into accessable files
- Reconstructing lost source code from executables.
Software Languages
C C++ Fortran Pascal COBOL SPL Transact Basic/V Java HTML javascript CISC/PARISC assembly Dbase VB6 Python EloquencePersonal Interests and Achievements
- Hiking
- Bicycling
- Movies
- Books
- Kite flying
- Puzzles
(How many squares?)
- Logic problems
- Computer Programming
- Music: Piano - ragtime, Singing: Choir (bass), Barbershop
- Apple ][ computer
- HP3000 - MPE
- Logic Puzzles
- Road Trips
- Parade organizer as volunteer on Orem Summerfest committee
- Ham Radio (KC7LYD)
- BS in Computer Science from BYU (Brigham Young University) Dec 1983
- Korean language (2yr church missionary service in Korea 1977-1979)
- Flying (Private Pilot license)
- Scouting (Eagle Scout)
- Rocket Launch video (no sound)
Keven Miller, David Stevens, Steve Skeen, Barbie Miller, Candy Miller, Kathleen Bradshaw (Peterson), Jay Harmon, Gloria VictoriaRootbeer Rag
One of those Songs
Indiana Jones Theme Morse Code Generator
CSL (Contributed Software Library) JOBINFO Mpe4 and V/P intrinsic like JOBINFO in Mpe V/E DUMPDST Dump any data segment in hex,octal,ascii SHOW2 Show various representations of a bit pattern: integer,real,calendar,binary,asm STKTRACE Show stack trace for any pin with runtime parm and info UNLOG Read Image log files and undo specific transactions LOADTEST Test a program for missing externals Others SHOWBASE Display list of open databases, list users or locks (MPE/V) JTMAIL Added "Date:", "Mailer:" header info, header/body separator fix TAPECOPY Added tape2tape feature on Lars Appel's program; convert Pascal to C
The front door lock would unlock from the outside; but not from the inside (unknowingly). I entered the front door, and turned around to lock it up, since I arrived before 8:00 am (7:30 I think). Then I turned again to enter the lobby only to find that the lobby door was locked! Also the side upstairs door was locked. I waited roughly 10 minutes until I saw Bruce inside and banged wildly on the doors. He came and let me thru; mentioning that the lobby doors have never been locked before.eXegeSys History: HPWORLD SanDiego 1998 - "Wizard"
I almost attempted to climb thru the ceiling tiles -- assuming a passage way existed up there.
Just after we arrived in the afternoon, we all went out for lunch. We sat down at a table and I think Steve Quinn (VicePres) or Mike Roberts(Sales) mentioned that we should make this a conference tradition; ie going out for lunch on arrival. I was sitting next to Paul Dorius (Pres), and Paul said no we should not. I quickly pulled out my handkerchief, unfolded, and held in front of Paul's face, saying, Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. (Wizard of OZ when group confronts wizard). All laughed at that.eXegeSys History: Office at 144 S. 500 E. SLC, UT, 1999 - "Stumped"
1999 Release of Epoxi 2.0, Randy Thon, a customer, was visiting at the main office, I and others were leaving the conference room. Paul says, "I hear your having trouble getting the HP3000 XE to boot. You should have asked me to come help." Paul is known for a tinkerer of hardware. I had forgotten that, and with only the thought of the XE in mind, I said, "I didn't think you knew anything." Paul was stumped. I turned red, and tried to qualify my statement, apologizing. Paul said he usually has a comeback, but was shocked at my statement. All this with Randy standing nearby.
Yes, I am a Mormon!
Which is really LDS or a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I was raised in a Mormon family in Portland and Redmond Oregon. Then came to UT to attend BYU. Served 2 years as a Full-Time Missionary for the Church in South Korea. Started work at Valtek, met Phyllis, married, and raised 6 kids (well raising - they don't seem to leave). We attend church weekly and attempt to read scriptures daily.
Here are some YouTube Mormon Ads about Families: