System inventory utility

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Current version: B.06
Note: SIU requires MPE/iX 6.0 Powerpatch 1 or higher.

The System Inventory Utility (SIU) is a tool(script) to aid system managers better understand what files exist on their system. SIU can scan all databases, files, groups, directories, and accounts, accumulating disk usage, file code data, tracking the largest file, group, account, etc. For Image databases jumbo sets are counted, partial key index files are handled, DBE files are reported. Allbase databases are also counted.

The script name is SIU (you can change this and other files names in the script). SIU provides two parameters: 1) the name of the account(s) or directories to scan -- wildcards permitted, multiple names must be quoted to appear as a single argument, 2) the reporting detail level desired. Help text is provided by entering ':siu ?'. To see summary info for all accounts and directories on your system enter: 'siu @'. To get the most detailed output use a level= parm of -1.

All errors, warnings, and basic progress are reported to a log file named SIULOG, in the same group as from where the script is executed. Errors and warnings are also displayed to $STDLIST. Since it is common for this tool to take a long time to complete an entire system scan, it may be desireable to periodically monitor the log file to ensure forward progress. Approximately every 200 CPU seconds a progress entry is written to the log file.

Samples can be found here.

The SIU tool consists of one CI script, one program binary (and its source), and a simple ASCII file for mapping accounts to vendors. These four files are tar'd here, or available in bytestream Store-to-disk format here. These archive files contain:
  • SIU -- fixed, ascii MPE script file. If no customization is done, this script needs to reside in a group with PM since the accompanying program files, SIUDBP, requires PM.
  • SIUDBP -- MPE NM program file, default location is the same group the SIU script resides in. This program needs PM capability to read database control files.
  • SIUVEND -- fixed, ascii file that maps MPE account names to known vendors, expected to be in the same group as the SIU script.
  • SIUDBS -- fixed, ascii Pascal source file for the SIUDBP program -- just FYI.
The SIU script is also available separately here.

main changes since prior revision:
  • detect many more vendor files based on filecode.
  • changed default name of the script, vendor file, DB program, and log file. Now: SIU=script name, SIUDBP=database program, SIUVEND=account-vendor mapping file, SIULOG=logfile, SIUDBS=source code for database program.
  • detect multiple accessors to the SIULOG file and script.


  • download one of the following files (they all contain the same content):
  • to your workstation and transfer it to your e3000. NOTE: in ftp use tenex or byte-by-byte transfer method. If using the Reflection terminal emulator's binary method please ensure that the resulting file is a fixed record width file, as restore-from-disk does not support variable width files. Additionally, using a terminal emulator transfer, the record width should be set to 256 bytes (;rec=-256,,f,binary), and optionally the file code for the store-to-disk file can be set to 2501. I think it is much simpler to use FTP's tenex transfer mode. FTP transfers will result in a bytestream file on your e3000. This works fine for both Restore-from-disk and tar.

  • un-pack the tar file from the shell as:
  • tar -xvopf siu.tar
  • un-pack the Store-to-disk file from the CI as:
  • file d=./siu.std;dev=disc
    restore *d;@.@.@;local;show
  • move the SIU script to an MPE group with PM, as this group is also where the SIUDBP DB program file is expected to reside, and this program needs PM to open Image root files.
  • move the SIUDBP program to the same group as the SIU script.
  • move the SIUVEND, account-vendor mapping file, to the same group as the SIU script.
  • If you have any questions or enhancement suggestions please contact Jeff Vance.
    last updated: 2006-04-07

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