GNU Installation instructions

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Download your choice of files from the download page. Make sure you upload them to the HPe3000 in binary format. You should have transfered the following files from Jazz to your HPe3000:


    file8.bin (gcc-3.0 and later)
    file9.bin (gcc-3.0 and later)
As you transfer them with your tool of choice, you may need to rename them to something appropriate for that tool. For example, file1.bin may need to be renamed to FILE1 in order to transfer it with Reflection. You will need to adjust these instructions to fit the tool you are using. They were written around the assumption you used FTP.

When you transfer them to the HPe3000, place them whereever you desire.

You may execute this portion of the instructions as any user. Later you must be MANAGER.SYS, so it wouldn't hurt to logon there to begin.

Enter the POSIX shell by typing:
Once there, go to the directory, group or account where you placed the files. For the balance of these instructions, it will be assumed they were transfered to /tmp.
cd /tmp     
If you downloaded the single installation file, ignore this step. Execute the following command to concatenate the five files into a single file:
cat file*.bin > GNU.Z     
If you downloaded the five files, ignore this step. Rename the single file such that it has a trailing .Z:
mv all.bin GNU.Z     
The resulting file GNU.Z must then be decompressed:
compress -d GNU.Z     
and then converted back to a fixed file:
frombyte -b GNU GNU1     
Lastly, exit the shell with "exit" and execute the following commands as MANAGER.SYS:
:file GNU1=/tmp/GNU1;dev=disc
:restore *GNU1;/;tree;create;show     
Note that depending on where you placed the GNU and GNU1 files, you may need to adjust the file equation in the above step accordingly.

At the completion of the restore step, the GNU binaries should be completely installed.

Finally, you need to invoke "/usr/local/INSTALL.hp3000" to complete the installation steps. This step updates some of the POSIX scripts supplied as part of FOS to make them work better with GNU.
Note that any time you install or update from a FOS or CSLT tape, you may need to rerun this installation step.
If you have network access, the documentation can also be found at

If you have any questions, they can be faxed to me at 415-898-8885. I can also be reached through email as

This software was contributed by Mark Klein as is and is provided without warranty of any type. Source code is being integrated into the official releases and will be available from GCC Homepage.

Last Update: 14 Sep 2004

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