HPlogo Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems



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This manual describes how to configure and operate Internet Services on the HP 3000. It is written for members of the system administration staff who have been assigned system manager (SM) or system supervisor (OP) capability and who are responsible for installing, configuring and managing system and network software. As such, it presumes a good understanding of networking concepts and familiarity with HP 3000 system operations. Configuring and Managing Internet Services is not intended for the end user of Internet Services such as tftp and telnet.

This manual is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter 1 “Introduction to Internet Services” describes in summary fashion each of the utilities that comprise the Internet Services product. It also includes instructions for installing and configuring the services file and protocols file.

Chapter 2 “Internet Daemon” describes the function and configuration of the Internet daemon inetd and provides troubleshooting guidelines.

Chapter 3 “Telnet Service” explains how to configure the telnet server and offers troubleshooting guidelines.

Chapter 4 “BOOTP Service” describes how to configure the Bootstrap Protocol daemon, provides examples that show how to add bootp clients and routing instructions to the HP 3000, and offers troubleshooting guidelines.

Chapter 5 “TFTP Service” describes how to configure the Trivial File Transfer Protocol daemon and explains tftpd security considerations and troubleshooting guidelines.

Chapter 6 “REMSH Service” describes how remsh or remote shell is used to connect to a specified host and execute a command on that host. This remote shell or remsh is available with version C.60.00 of the MPE/iX operating system.

Chapter 7 “Samba/iX Services” describes how the suite of programs work together to allow clients to access a server's file space and printers, via the Server Message Block (SMB) file server.

Chapter 8 “DNS BIND/iX” describes BIND and its implementation of Domain Name System (DNS).

Appendix A “Samba/iX Sample Comfiguration File” shows and example of the samp-smb.conf configuration file.

Appendix B “BIND 8 Configuration File” describes the BIND 8 configuration file.

Appendix C “BIND 8.1 Enhanced Features” describes the options and enhanced features available.

Appendix D “Server Configuration Migration” describes configuration migration utilities.

Appendix E “Configure and Run Syslog/iX” describes the parameters in a syslog configuration file.


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