HPlogo Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Appendix D Server Configuration Migration


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There is a host of configuration migration utility available now. If you want to convert 4.x named.boot files to 8.x named.conf files, there is a perl script, named-bootconf.pl available on the system. This perl script file reside in /BIND/PUB/bin directory.

Explanation of configuration migration utilities;

The named-bootconf.pl is a perl script. Perl is a scripting language like a shell script, it requires to be run under a interpreter environment on MPE. The interpreter is a shareware, we require the Perl version 5 as the interpreter. The binary file for Perl version 5 has to be downloaded from http://jazz.external.hp.com.

"Perl" is packaged as a mover archive. This has to be installed on the MPE machine. "Mover" is a archiving program which is available on http://jazz.external.hp.com. "Mover" will unarchive the "perl" package which is in mover formal and install at the correct place. One has to log on as MANAGER.SYS to do this. The files are stored in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib/perl5 interpreter.

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