HPlogo Configuring and Managing MPE/iX Internet Services: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems

Chapter 1 Introduction to Internet Services


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The HP 3000 Internet Services consist of a set of programs that help the HP 3000 computer exchange information with other nodes on the internet. The Internet Services offered on the HP 3000 are a subset of the Internet Services available on the HP 9000, which were previously called the ARPA Services. This introductory chapter:

  • Provides an overview of the Internet Services

  • Lists the system requirements for using Internet Services

  • Shows how to verify the installation of the set of configuration and program files for Internet Services that were delivered with the MPE/iX Fundamental Operating Software.

  • Lists configuration files

  • Describes two configuration files that all of the Internet Services use, the protocols file and the services file, and how to install and edit them.

At the end of this introductory chapter, there is a list of additional manuals that may be helpful.

By and large, the subset of Internet Services running on an MPE/iX system are identical to those available on UNIX machines. There are, however, some differences between them. If you are an experienced HP-UX system administrator and you plan to skim the information in this manual, pay attention to the "Implementation differences" sections at the end of each chapter. They describe the important differences between MPE/iX version of Internet Services and the HP-UX version of Internet Services.

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