HPlogo SNA Link/iX Node Manager's Guide > Appendix A Messages

SDLC Link Shutdown Error Messages

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Listed below are the messages that might occur when you are stopping the SDLC link. These messages occur when the SNACONTROL STOP command calls the WAN_Kill_Module procedure and encounters an error. Depending on the logging configuration for the SDLC Link subsystem, these messages are logged to the console, to disk, or both. The messages are logged in this format:

 Linkname      = LinkName         Event Type     = EventType
 Log Class     = LogClass         Path           = Path
 Error Num     = ErrorNumber      Status         = Status

(Note that LinkName is the same as the name of the node.) The messages are listed below in numerical order according to ErrorNumber.

MESSAGE: Could not stop trace.
Level: 51

CAUSE: Tracing might have been turned off with the SNACONTROL TRACEOFF command, but the link software status indicates that it is on.

ACTION: Ignore this problem unless you are experiencing other problems. If you are, write down the error information displayed on the console and call your Hewlett-Packard support contact.

MESSAGE: The link is not in the link table.
Level: 52

CAUSE: The node specified in the SNACONTROL STOP command is not active.

ACTION: Unless the specified NodeName parameter is not correct, no action is required: The link has already been shut down.

MESSAGE: The link type is not SDLC, LAP-B or RJE.
Level: 53

CAUSE: The caller of this module did not set the link type to SDLC, LAP-B, or RJE BSC. Since you are using an SDLC link, the link type must be set to SDLC.

ACTION: Write down the error information displayed on the console and call your Hewlett-Packard support contact.

MESSAGE: Could not delete the link from the link table.
Level: 54

CAUSE: The NodeName specified in the SNACONTROL STOP command is not in the link table.

ACTION: Ensure that the NodeName is correct and try again. The link might have already been shut down.

MESSAGE: Could not unconfigure the link from the system.
Level: 55

CAUSE: The I/O subsystem does not have any record of this link being active.

ACTION: Ensure that the NodeName specified in the SNACONTROL STOP command is correct and try again. The link might have already been shut down.

MESSAGE: Could not delete the auxiliary buffer pool.
Level: 56

CAUSE: Many causes exist; the Status field of the message provides more-detailed information about the specific cause of the problem.

ACTION: Write down the error information displayed on the console and call your Hewlett-Packard support contact.

MESSAGE: Could not determine the PSI path number IO Serv.
Level: 57

CAUSE: The I/O subsystem does not have a physical path for the specified link, and therefore cannot unconfigure it from the system.

ACTION: Ensure that the NodeName specified in the SNACONTROL STOP command is correct and try again.

SNA Transport Logging Messages

X.25 Link Failure Error Codes