HPlogo High Availability FailOver/iX Manual > Chapter 4 Configuration


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E0803 Edition 2
E1100 Edition 1 ♥

The HAFO configurations may be activated on-line.

NOTE: In most cases, HAFO configurations can be activated on-line, with the DOHA command. The exception to this is when one has issued a DELCONF command. Deletes of ldevs that have been previously activated, cannot be de-activated on-line, and a reboot is necessary.

The following sequence is mandatory for on-line activation:

  do any addconf commands needed
     ha> exit
     io> hold
     io> exit
     sysgen> keep
     sysgen> io
     io> ha
     ha> doha

The point is that you must do a "hold" and "keep" after the addconf commands, and then return to the ha> section and execute the doha command. This is because addconf adds records to the temporary HAFOCONF file, and then the permanent file is used to do the activation.

Using addconf, you supply the LDEV number, LDEV (primary) path, and alternate device adapter manager (DAM) path. The doha command will then perform the following functions:
  • Read each entry in the permanent HAFOCONF file

  • Confirm the existence of the LDEV, primary, and alternate paths

  • Verifies the paths by reading ldev volume labels on both paths

The syntax is:

    ha> doha

This command validates all configured ldevs (even if they've already been validated). In the example, two ldevs, LDEV 50 and 51, have been added, then a "hold" and "keep" were done. Doha is performed:

  ha> doha
  Start of validation for all HAFO configured devices.
  VALIDATING ** Ldev: 50  Pri path: 8.15.0  Alt path: 48
  LDEV 50 configuration Validated Successfully
  VALIDATING ** Ldev: 51  Pri path: 8.15.1  Alt path: 48
  LDEV 51 configuration Validated Successfully
  End of validation for all HAFO configured devices.

Using the doha command checks each HAFO configured ldev in the following ways:
  1. The configured LDEV and primary path are compared against internal system I/O tables. This confirms that the LDEV and paths exist.

  2. The alternate path is confirmed against internal system I/O tables. This confirms that the path existed at boot time.

  3. Using the primary path, the ldev volume label is read. This confirms that the primary path is working and does, in fact, connect to the appropriate ldev.

  4. The device manager connects to the alternate path. This confirms it exists.

  5. Using the alternate path, the ldev volume label is read. This confirms that the alternate path is working and does connect to an ldev.

  6. Ldev volume labels are compared. This confirms that the two paths can access the same ldev.

A full six-step validation is always performed in the following situations:
  • On system boot

  • Executing the doha command

  • By each device manager during a failover event

Troubleshooting a Validation Error

If doha returns an error state, check Appendix B "Error Messages" Double check for SYSGEN configuration errors or HAFO configuration errors.

If the LDEV, primary path, or alternate path needs to be changed, delete the configured ldev using delconf, add the ldev back in using addconf, do a hold and keep, and then reboot the system.

Execute an addconf command, hold and keep, and execute the doha command.

Validation Errors Displayed

Validation errors will be displayed after a HAFO event has occurred.

If a HAFO event has occurred, there will be errors displayed upon the issuance of the doha command. HAFO configuration commands should only be issued when there are no broken paths and all HAFO ldevs are operating on their primary paths.