HPlogo High Availability FailOver/iX Manual > Chapter 4 Configuration


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E0803 Edition 2
E1100 Edition 1 ♥

To remove a configuration that is incorrect or is no longer desired, use the delconf command. The syntax is:

  DE  <LDEV>

For example:

  ha> de 100
  ha> li
    LDEV    Primary   Alternate
            Path      Path
      80    8.0.0     16
      90    8.0.1     16
     110    8.0.3     16
     120    8.0.4     16

NOTE: Reboot is required after a DELCONF command.

If a delconf is issued against a ldev that was previously activated with the doha command, a hold and keep must be performed, and the system rebooted to deactivate that ldev. (The doha command can be used to activate ldevs for HAFO but cannot be used to de-activate ldevs.