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E0803 Edition 2
E1100 Edition 1 ♥

LISTCONF displays the entire configuration in the HAFOCONF file or the configuration for a specific ldev. The syntax is:

  LI  <LDEV>

The <LDEV> is optional. For example:

  ha> li

The LI command without any qualifier lists all LDEVs configured with their primary and alternate paths.

    LDEV    Primary   Alternate
            Path      Path
      80    8.0.0     16
      90    8.0.1     16
     100    8.0.2     16
     110    8.0.3     16
     120    8.0.4     16

The LI command with the LDEV number lists the LDEV and its configured primary and alternate paths. For example:

  ha> li 168
    LDEV    Primary   Alternate
            Path      Path
     168    8.0.2     16

Listing the configuration for an ldev just added using addconf:
  • Confirms it is in the temporary HAFOCONF file

  • Allows you to recheck the accuracy of the paths

NOTE: The listconf command lists the contents of the temporary HAFOCONF file. The temporary file is an exact copy of the permanent file when you first enter the ha> section. Any adds or deletes of ldevs will be shown by listconf, but they will not be in the permanent file until you have done a hold and keep.