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Commands STREAM thru XEQ

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Spools batch jobs or data from a session or job. The optional time-related parameters of the STREAM command may be used to schedule jobs.

The time-related parameters are ignored when the STREAM command is applied to the DATA command, however.


  STREAM [filename] [,char]
    [;AT= timespec]
    [;DAY= {day-of-week | day-of-month | days-until-month}]
    [;DATE= datespec]
    [;IN=[ days [, [ hours] [, minutes] ]]]
    [;JOBQ= queuename]



The Editor (ASCII) file containing the commands of the job. The first character of the first record is assumed to be the replacement character for the expected colon (:) that identifies MPE/iX commands. The user must have READ and LOCK access or EXECUTE access.


The name of the queue into which the job must logon. If no queuename is specified the default system job queue will be used. If queuename is specified it takes precedence over a job queuename in the JOB statement of the file being streamed.


Character used in place of colon (:) to identify MPE/iX commands within the input file. When the input file is entered on a device configured to accept jobs or sessions, this character can be any ASCII special (nonalphanumeric) character except a colon. Default is an exclamation point (!).


Absolute time specification.


Time specification. This is the absolute time of day in the format

HH:MM where HH is the hour of the day (0<=HH<=24) and MM is the minutes of the hour (0<=MM<=60).

If DAY and DATE are not specified, then:

  timespec > NOW-> JOB LOGON TODAY


Absolute day specification.


Day-of-week. Allowable values are:



Day-of-month. The integers 1 through 31. It indicates the calendar day of the month. If day-of-month is greater than or equal to the current day-of-month, the current month is indicated. If day-of-month is less than the current day-of-month, the next month is indicated. An error message is generated if the day-of-month does not correspond to the month (for example, if 31 is entered for February). If day-of-month is omitted, the current date is used.

days-until- month

Days until the end of the month. The negative integers -31 through -1. It indicates the calendar day from the end of the specified month on which the job will run. For example, a -1 value represents the last day of the month. If the specified day from the end of the month indicates a day earlier than the current day, the next month is assumed. For example, if today is the seventh day from the end of the month and a -8 value is entered, the job is scheduled for the eighth day from the end of the next month.


Absolute date specification.


Date, specified in the format mm/dd/yy, where mm is the month (1<=mm<=12), dd is the day (1<=dd<=31), and yy is the year. If omitted, the current date is used.


Relative date or time specification.


Days. A positive integer indicating the number of days from the current date.


Hours. A positive integer (0<hours<=23) indicating the number of hours from the current time. If omitted, zero is used.


Minutes. A positive integer (0<=minutes<=59) indicating the number of minutes from the current time. If omitted, zero is used.

Operation Notes

The STREAM command allows you to initiate jobs while in an interactive session by constructing your job from your terminal or by reading records from a disk or tape file. When the job is read, MPE/iX spools it onto a disk file, assigns it a job number, and processes it independently as an entity completely separate from your session. In the meantime, MPE/iX allows you to continue with your session. You can specify the queue name into which a particular job should go. The name specified overrides the queue name specified in the JOB command.

You can initiate jobs in this way only if the system operator, or a user who has been given operator capabilities, has enabled the MPE/iX STREAM facility by entering the STREAMS console command. The STREAMS console command also specifies a streaming device, which to MPE/iX appears to be the source of your job input, regardless of the device you actually use for this input. As a result, the listing device that corresponds to the streaming device (not necessarily your terminal) displays the job number assigned by MPE/iX and the listing generated by the job.

When you enter STREAM without an input file (that is, with the terminal as the default input device) during a session or a job, MPE/iX prompts you for input by displaying a greater than (>) character. When you enter STREAM for a device other than your terminal, MPE/iX does not print the prompt character.

How to Stream Jobs

Begin each job in the input file with the !JOB command and terminate it with the !EOJ command. Begin all commands with an appropriate substitute (other than colon) character, as in !JOB. When the input file is spooled to a disk, MPE/iX replaces the substitute command identifier with a colon, so that the data files are properly interpreted when executed.

After reading the !EOJ command that terminates the job, MPE/iX assigns each job a unique job number (JobID). MPE/iX also assigns each job a preset priority, unless you specify otherwise in the JOB command, and processes the job independently of the initiating job or session. Regardless of which device you use to submit the input file, all jobs in that file are treated as though they originated on the unique streaming device designated by the system operator (with the STREAMS command). The listing for each spooled job and the job number are written to the standard list device that corresponds to the streaming device. You may, however, use the OUTCLASS= parameter of the JOB command to direct the listing to another device.

How To Time Schedule Jobs

You may specify the time a job is to enter the WAIT state in absolute or relative time.

The user supplies an exact time for the job using the AT parameter with or without the DAY or DATE parameter.


The user specifies a time offset from the current time using the IN parameter.

If the time specified is the same as the current time, the specified job logs on immediately. If the time specified is earlier than the current time, and DAY and DATE are not specified, a warning message is generated, and the job is scheduled for the specified time tomorrow. Otherwise, any time in the current century can be specified.

If no errors are detected, a JobID is displayed on the user's screen. If more than one job is included in the inputfile, each job is assigned a unique JobID, and all of the jobs are scheduled at the same time.

When a job is scheduled for a future time, it enters the SCHED state. When the specified time is reached, the job enters the WAIT state and is executed when system variables allow.

Terminating Streamed Jobs

To terminate interactive job input, enter a colon (:). In response, MPE XL ceases prompting for batch job input and instead prompts you for another MPE/iX command:

  >:  ** Denotes end of batch job input **
  :  ** MPE XL prompts for next command **

Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command and any job currently being entered through the command. Incompletely spooled disk space is returned to the system.

If you make an error while entering the MPE/iX JOB command, you receive an error message on your job listing device. The system operator, however, receives no indication of the job or the error.

Terminating Time Scheduled Job

Jobs that have been scheduled for STREAM execution can be terminated with the ABORTJOB command. Refer to the Introduction to MPE XL for MPE V System Administrators (30367-90003) for information on using the ABORTJOB command to terminate time-scheduled jobs.

In order to STREAM a file, you must have READ and LOCK access or EXECUTE access to that file. However, READ and LOCK access would allow general users to obtain security information within the file, such as passwords and lockwords. To allow general users to STREAM the file without giving them access to secure information, you may allow EXECUTE access only.

NOTE: Scheduled jobs survive a START RECOVERY. Any other type of system startup causes scheduled jobs to be deleted. If a job is scheduled for introduction earlier than the system startup, the job enters the WAIT state and executes when the system parameters allow it to execute.

If the system is brought down for any reason, first execute a SHOWJOB command to show the scheduled jobs. Then reschedule the jobs when the system is brought back up on anything other than a START RECOVERY.

A scheduled job uses an entry in the JMAT table. Because of the limited recoverability of scheduled jobs, it is recommended that jobs be scheduled no more than a few days in advance.

If a user specifies a day or date for a job, but does not specify a time, the job does not enter the WAIT state at midnight on the specified day. Instead, it uses the time that the STREAM is executed, and enters the WAIT state at that time on the specified day.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command and any partially streamed job.


To stream a job from a disk file, you must name the input file in the STREAM command:


If you use a character other than an exclamation point (!) as the substitute command identifier in your job input, you must identify that character in the STREAM command. Because you enter this character as the second positional parameter in this command, you must always precede it with a delimiting comma, even when you omit the input file name (the first parameter). In the following example, an asterisk (*) is used as a substitute command identifier:


If your job input file contains subsystem commands, such as commands directed to the editor, do not enter any command identifier character at the beginning of these commands. For instance, when using the editor, enter the subsystem commands as follows:


In the preceding example, the job input file is EXAMPLE which initiates the job WXYZ. WXYZ invokes the editor subsystem where the file ABC is referenced. The EOJ command terminates the job and #J87 is the job number assigned by MPE/iX.

If you want the job listing to appear on a device other than the standard listing device associated with the streaming device, you can specify this other device in the MPE/iX JOB command. Enter:


The following section contains additional examples of using the STREAM command. For these examples, assume that the current date and time are Monday, June 8, 1987, 12:00 p.m. Also assume the job file contains a valid STREAM job.

JOBFILE will be introduced immediately.


JOBFILE will be introduced at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 9.


JOBFILE will be introduced at 8:00 p.m., Monday, June 8.


JOBFILE will be introduced in eight hours, at 8:00 p.m., Monday, June 8.


JOBFILE will be introduced in one day plus eight hours, at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 9.


Since the time specified (8:00 a.m.) is earlier than the current time, JOBFILE will be introduced at 8:00 a.m., Monday, June 15.


Since the time specified (8:00 p.m.) is later than the current time, JOBFILE will be introduced at 8:00 p.m., Monday, June 8.


Since the day of the month (9) is later than the current day of the month (8), the current month is assumed. JOBFILE will be introduced on Tuesday, June 9, at 8:00 p.m.


Since the day of the month (5) is earlier than the current day (8), the next month is assumed. Since no time was specified, JOBFILE will be introduced on Saturday, July 5, at 12:00 p.m.


Since there is no June 31, the next month is assumed. Since there is a July 31, this is a legal command. JOBFILE will be introduced on Friday, July 31, at 12:00 p.m. If there were no July 31, this would result in an error.


The -2 means the second to last day of the month, and since no time was specified, the current time is used. JOBFILE will be introduced on Sunday, June 29, at 12:00 p.m.


The -25 means the twenty-fifth day from the end of the month. If one assumes the current month, that implies June 6, but June 6 is earlier than the current day; therefore, the next month is assumed. JOBFILE will be introduced on Sunday, July 7, at 12:00 p.m.


Since the specified time is earlier than the current time, this command is not legal and results in an error.


The specified time is later than the current time, so this command is legal. JOBFILE will be introduced on Monday, June 8, at 8:00 p.m.

Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Enables or disables the STREAMS device. Allows or disallows users to submit job/data streams.


  STREAMS { ldev | OFF }



The logical device number of the STREAMS device. This device must also have an output device number or class that references logical devices of type 32. Any input device, (except the system console or terminals), may be used, providing that it was configured as job-accepting in the SYSGEN dialog.


Disables the STREAMS facility.

Operation Notes

The operator executes this command after a startup to enable the STREAM facility. The STREAMS device must be enabled each time the system is brought back online in order to allow users to stream jobs. (Streamed jobs are processed separately by MPE/iX, allowing users to continue with other work at their terminal. If the streamed job is submitted on a tape drive rather than from a terminal, MPE/iX processes it without requiring the user's attention.) Any attempt to stream a job when the STREAMS facility is disabled generates the following message:


The device normally configured as the STREAMS device is LDEV 10. However, LDEV 10 may not correspond to an actual device, such as a tape drive, physically connected to the computer. If this is the case, then the STREAMS device is considered a "pseudo-device." Regardless of whether the device physically exists or not, it must be entered into the I/O configuration table as a legitimate logical device. It must be assigned the device class JOBTAPE.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.


To enable jobs and data streams on logical device number 10, enter:


To disable data streams, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Suspends output to a spooled device.





The logical device number of a spooled device.


Directs the device to complete the currently active spool file and then stop.

Operation Notes

When the spooler process is suspended, the message SP# ldev SPOOLER SUSPENDED is displayed on the console. You may also determine the spooler's status by entering SHOWOUT SP;JOB=@. If suspended, any spool files listed will be READY for printing; none are ACTIVE, and a SHOWDEV of the spooled device indicates that the device is still spooled. Refer to the SHOWOUT command in this manual.

When suspending an ACTIVE spool file, first take the output device offline. This gives you time to enter the command and determine that the ACTIVE file is the one being printed. If you issue SUSPENDSPOOL without taking the device offline, that file might finish printing while you enter the command, and another file might start.

When your instruction has been sent to the spooler process, MPE/iX returns a colon prompt (:). The command is not executed, however, until the output device is returned online. Only then do you receive the SPOOLER SUSPENDED message.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.


To suspend printing on logical device 6, enter:


To suspend printing on logical device 6 once the currently active spool file is completely printed, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Closes the current system log file, then creates and opens a new one. (Native Mode)





Operation Notes

When the SWITCHLOG command is executed, MPE/iX displays the previous system log file number (xxx), the percentage of file space used (yy), and the current open log file (zzz), as shown in the following example:


If this command is issued and logging is not active the following message is displayed:

  LOG FILE xxx IS yy% FULL

NOTE: Do not create new log files with the BUILD command since MPE/iX creates them automatically. If you use the BUILD command to create a new log file and then attempt to switch the current log file to the file you created, user logging suspends in an error state and the following message is displayed:



This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. System supervisor (OP) capability is required to use this command.


To switch logging to a new log file, enter:


Related Information




SPU Switchover/XL User's Guide
System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual


Starts configuration dialog and/or installation tape creation. The equivalent compatibility mode command is SYSDUMP. (Native Mode)


  SYSGEN [basegroup] [,newgroup] [,inputfile] [,outputfile]



The name of a base configuration group in the SYS account which contains configuration data to be used as a basis for any changes made during the SYSGEN session and/or to be used for creation of the installation tape. If the name of a base group is not specified in the SYSGEN command, it defaults to the group used to bring up the system (normally CONFIG). The base configuration group given or defaulted on the SYSGEN command can be changed with the SYSGEN BASEGROUP command.


The name of a group in the SYS account which is used as the default for keeping a new set of configuration data or a copy of the configuration data in the base configuration group. If the name of a new group is not specified on the SYSGEN command, it defaults to basegroup. The new configuration group given or defaulted on the SYSGEN command can be overridden by specifying a group name with the SYSGEN KEEP command.


Actual file designator of the file to be used for command input during the execution of SYSGEN. The formal file designator used by the SYSGEN program for this file is SYSGIN. The default is $STDIN.


Actual file designator of the file to be used for any output requested during the configurator/user dialog. The formal file designator used by the SYSGEN program for this file is SYSGOUT. The default is $STDLIST.

Operation Notes

The SYSGEN command initiates the configurator/user interface. Once executing, SYSGEN can be used to create new system configurations, to modify existing ones, and to create installation tapes for any MPE/iX system.

System supervisor capability (OP) is required to view configuration data. System manager (SM) capability is required to make configuration changes and keep them or to create an installation tape.

To begin interaction with the MPE/iX configurator, the SYSGEN command is entered. During the interaction, system configurations can be created, modified, or used to create installation tapes.

The base for configuration changes or tape creation can be specified on the SYSGEN command with the base group. The group name to which the configuration is to be kept with a SYSGEN KEEP command can be specified on the SYSGEN command line with the newgroup parameter.

Input for the configurator interaction can be redirected from a file with the SYSGEN command inputfile parameter. Any output during the interaction can be redirected to a file with the SYSGEN command outputfile parameter. In addition, input and output can be redirected with file equations using the formal designators SYSGIN and SYSGOUT, respectively, prior to entering the SYSGEN command.


This command is available in a session and programmatically. It is not available from a job. Pressing Break suspends the execution of this command. Entering the RESUME command continues the execution.


The following four examples perform the same action. Each causes the group CONFIG.SYS to be used as the basis for configuration data, the group NEWCONF.SYS to be used for any KEEP command without a group specification, the file $STDIN to be used for input and the file $STDLIST to be used for output.


Related Information




System Startup, Configuration, and Shutdown Reference Manual
Performing System Management Tasks


Sends a message to another session.


  TELL {[#]Snnn | [sessionname,]username.acctname |
        @ | @.acctname | @S }
    [[;] text ]



The session number as assigned by MPE/iX. This session number receives the TELL message.


The name of the session or user to receive the message, and the account name to which the message is directed. This parameter is the same as the session identity entered with the HELLO command. Issuing a SHOWJOB command lists all the username.acctnames to which you may direct a TELL message. Sessions with an active SETMSG OFF command are listed as being in QUIET mode and do not receive your TELL message. This is also true for a session on the system console. If several users are running under the same session identity, MPE/iX sends the message to all of them.


All sessions.


All sessions under the account name established by the system manager.


All sessions. This is the same as the @ parameter.


Message text, preceded by a space or a semicolon (;) and consisting of any string of ASCII characters. The default is that no text is printed; however, MPE/iX still prints the FROM message as follows:


Operation Notes

This command transmits a message from the sender's job or session to one or more sessions currently running. The message appears on the receiving session list device. Messages sent with this command may include escape and control characters that invoke bells or inverse video. If a message is sent to a terminal that is currently interacting with a program, MPE/iX queues the message as high as possible among the current input/output requests but does not interrupt any read or write in progress. If the session or user designated to receive the message is not running, or if the job is spooled, the transmitting job/session receives a system message indicating this. MPE/iX blocks the TELL command if the receiving device is operating in the QUIET mode (refer to the SETMSG command) and informs the sender with:

  Snnn username.acctname NOT ACCEPTING MESSAGES

You cannot send TELL messages to a job or to yourself. If you try to send a message to a job, the following warning is issued:



This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


To send a message to a user identified as BROWN, logged on under account A, running a session named BROWNSES telling him to use a particular file, enter:


To send a message asking all users logged on in account A to log off, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Sends a message to the system console. (Native Mode)


  TELLOP [text]



Message text, preceded by a space and consisting of any string of ASCII characters. Default is that no text is printed; however, MPE/iX still prints the FROM as follows:


Operation Notes

This command sends a message to the system console. The message text appears on the system console, preceded by the time it was transmitted and your job/session number. Like messages transmitted between users (TELL command), this message is printed as soon as possible without interrupting any console input/output currently in progress. The message can be sent to the system console, even if no session is logged on or if an active session is running in QUIET mode.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command.


To ask the system operator to mount a tape, enter:


Related Information






Changes scheduling characteristics of the scheduling subqueues. These characteristics include base and limit priorities, quantum bounds (min and max), boost property and timeslice. (Native Mode)


  TUNE [minclockcycle] [;][{ CQ | DQ | EQ } = qinfo [; ...]]

Where qinfo is written in the following form:

  base [, [limit] [, [min] [, [max]
    [, [{ DECAY | OSCILLATE }] [, [tslice] ]]]]]

NOTE: Misuse of this command can significantly degrade system operating efficiency.



This parameter is ignored. It appears here for MPE V/E compatibility only.


An integer from 150 to 255 specifying the priority at which user processes executing in the CS, DS, and ES scheduling subqueues begin their Dispatcher transactions. Priority is inversely related to the integer: a higher-priority process has a lower number. While the full range is provided for compatibility, avoid setting the base priority between 150 and 152, since user processes running at priorities greater than 152 can adversely affect system performance.


An integer specifying the lowest priority at which a process in the CS, DS, or ES scheduling subqueues can execute. Priority is inversely related to the integer: a higher-priority process has a lower number. The limit, which can range from 150 to 255, must be greater than or equal to the base.


The minimum quantum is a lower bound for the dynamically calculated quantum (average transaction time) value. The quantum value determines the rate of priority decay for processes within the scheduling subqueue. Values range between 1 and 32767 milliseconds.


The maximum quantum is an upper bound for the dynamically calculated quantum (average transaction time) value. The quantum value determines the rate of priority decay for processes within the scheduling subqueue. Values range between 1 and 32767 milliseconds. The value of max must be greater than or equal to the value of min.


Sets the subqueue to the default decay behavior associated with circular scheduling subqueues. If set, a process decays normally to the limit priority and returns to the base priority when the Dispatcher transaction is complete. DECAY is the default boost property.


Sets the subqueue to oscillate behavior. If set, a process returns to the base priority once its priority has decayed to the limit of the subqueue, even if it has not completed a Dispatcher transaction.


The number of milliseconds a process in a given subqueue can hold the CPU. A process that has held the CPU continuously for this number of milliseconds is interrupted. This value must be set to a multiple of 100 milliseconds and has a minimum value of 100 milliseconds.


The system manager uses the TUNE command to change the characteristics of the circular scheduling subqueues to more efficiently manage the current processing load.

A process in the CS, DS, or ES scheduling subqueues typically begin execution at the base priority. When the process stops (for disk I/O, terminal I/O, preemption, etc.), the amount of CPU it has consumed is used to determine its new priority. If the process has completed a Dispatcher transaction, typically by issuing a terminal read, its priority is reset to the base, and the quantum value for that workgroup is recalculated. If the process has exceeded the quantum (filter) value since its priority was last reduced, the priority is decreased without exceeding the limit priority. If the boost property for the workgroup is oscillate, process priorities are reset to the base value once they decay to the limit.

The parameters min and max refer to the absolute bounds of the quantum, or a filter representing the average transaction time of processes in that subqueue. The quantum is recomputed after every user Dispatcher transaction is complete, and then compared against the CPU time of a process to determine whether the priority of the process should be decreased.

NOTE: With Release 5.0 of MPE/iX, all three circular scheduling subqueues, CS, DS, and ES, have dynamically calculated quantums. By default, the DS and ES subqueues have their bounds set to the same value.

If the values specified for max are too large, system response may become erratic. If they are too small, excessive memory management may occur due to frequent process swapping. Either case degrades system performance. The values for min and max may range from 1 to 32,767. The recommended settings are listed in the table below.

The timeslice value determines how long a process in a given scheduling subqueue will be allowed to hold the CPU. This value is different than the quantum, which determines how rapidly process priorities decay. The timeslice does interrupt the process if the process is interruptable. The timeslice is a multiple of 100 milliseconds and has a minimum value of 100 milliseconds.

The following default settings are established when the system is booted from the system disk (a START RECOVERY or START NORECOVERY), unless the user has customized a TUNE configuration.

  CQ base:  152  DQ base:  202  EQ base:  240
    limit:  200    limit:  238    limit:  253
      min:    1      min: 2000      min: 2000
      max: 2000      max: 2000      max: 2000
    boost: DECAY   boost: DECAY   boost: DECAY
   tslice:  200   tslice:  200   tslice:  200

NOTE: The MPE/iX Scheduler now supports the workgroup concept. However, backward compatibility is maintained through five default workgroups created by the system. The scheduling characteristics of the CS_Default, DS_Default, and ES_Default workgroups mimic those of the CS, DS, and ES scheduling subqueues. In fact, changing the scheduling characteristics of the CS, DS, and ES scheduling subqueues, via the TUNE command, is equivalent to changing the characteristics of the corresponding default workgroup through ALTWG. Please refer to the NEWWG and ALTWG commands for more detail.

Workload Manager users should use ALTWG rather than TUNE since TUNE does not modify user-defined workgroups. If you aren't using Workload Manager, and you want to change one of the system-defined workgroups, you may wish to use ALTWG because it only examines member processes of a specific workgroup and not all processes on the system.

The TUNE command may be issued from a session, job, program or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. TUNE requires System Supervisor (OP) or System Manager (SM) capability.


To set the CS subqueue's base to 152, limit to 200, and max quantum (filter) to 300; and the DS subqueue's base to 202, limit to 238, min and max quantum (filter) to 1000, and cause oscillation boosting, enter:

  TUNE CQ=152,200,300,300;DQ=202,238,1000,1000,OSCILLATE

To set the CS subqueue to oscillation with a 300 millisecond timeslice and the DS subqueue's base to 180, limit to 238, boost property to decay, and timeslice to 1500, enter:

  TUNE CQ=,,,,OSCILLATE,300;DQ=180,238,,,DECAY,1500

Related Information




MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual


Returns a particular device to its normal function on the system; cancels any DOWN command issued for the device. This command does not apply to disk drives.


  UP ldev



The logical device number of the device being returned to service online.

Operation Notes

This command makes available to users a device previously taken offline with the DOWN command. Ownership of the device is not affected by the UP command. If a device is owned by the system at the time it is downed, the system retains ownership even after the UP command is executed.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW or ASSOCIATE command.


To allow logical device number 10 to function again, enter:

  UP 10
  10 A AVAIL

Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Enables or disables the MPE/iX movable volume facility. (Native Mode)


  VMOUNT { ON [,AUTO] | OFF } [;ALL]



Enables the movable volume facility so that all valid user MOUNT/VSRESERVE and operator LMOUNT/VSRESERVESYS requests are allowed. When ON is used without AUTO, the operator must reply to all MOUNT/VSRESERVE requests.

When ON,AUTO is used, MPE/iX attempts to satisfy user MOUNT/VSRESERVE and operator LMOUNT/VSRESERVESYS requests without operator intervention.


Requests to use the movable volume facility are rejected.


Prints all volume set mount-related console messages, including those not requiring operator intervention, on the console.

Operation Notes

If the movable volume facility is enabled when you issue a VMOUNT OFF command, users having reserved volume sets are unaffected; the command is satisfied when the last access is complete.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes. Refer to the MOUNT, DISMOUNT, VSRESERVE, and VSRELEASE commands in this chapter.

Once the movable volume facility has been enabled, use the VSUSER command to determine which users have which volume sets reserved. Refer to the VSUSER command in this chapter.

The movable volume facility is enabled immediately following a system startup. (The setting is equivalent to VMOUNT ON,AUTO.) However, you still receive console messages concerning volume set requests.

The operator has the greatest interactive control over the use of volume sets by using VMOUNT ON;ALL. The command that least interrupts the operator when users are accessing volume sets is VMOUNT ON,AUTO.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.


To disable the movable volume facility so that no messages are sent to the console when users attempt to reserve volume sets (the default condition) enter:


To disable the movable volume facility and still receive messages on the console when users attempt to reserve volume sets, enter:


Related Information




Volume Management Reference Manual


Informs the system to close the specified volume set and take it offline. (Native Mode)


  VSCLOSE volumesetname [[;PARTVS=] { USER | BACKUP }]
    [;NOW | ;SPLIT ]



The volume set that is to be closed. Any user who is accessing a file at the time this command is issued is allowed to finish accessing the file. However, users who are not accessing files are unable to open files on the volume set, and VSRESERVE and MOUNT requests are denied. Refer to "Operation Notes," below.


This option is available only with the Mirrored Disk/XL, a separately purchased product. For information, refer to Mirrored Disk/iX User's Guide (30349-90003). This parameter only applies to a previously split volume set. Specify it when you want only half of split volume set to be closed.


Close only the user volumes.


Close only the backup volumes.

If PARTVS is not specified, both volume set halves are closed. If PARTVS is specified for a nonsplit volume set, an error is returned and the volume set is not closed.


Instructs the system to abort any job or session that is using any file that resides in the specified volume set. However, if a VSRESERVESYS or an LMOUNT command has already been issued for the specified volume set, then the operator should execute a VSRELEASESYS command, followed by a VSCLOSE ;NOW command, in order to take the volume set offline.

The NOW parameter permits the operator to remove a volume set without having to use VSUSER and then perform an ABORTJOB on the users of the volume set. This command may be issued only from the system console.


This option is available only with the Mirrored Disk/iX, a separately purchased product. For information, refer to Mirrored Disk/iX User's Guide (30349-90003). It splits the volume set into user volumes and backup volumes if it is a mirrored volume set and if it is in the proper state.

The SPLIT option cannot be used with the NOW option. All members of the volume set and both members of each pair must be present. There can be no repair taking place. Both members of each volume pair must be identical at the time of the split. There can be no users logged onto the volume set when the split is processed.

For each mirrored pair, the system assigns a backup volume and user volume. An attempt is made to place the backup volumes and user volumes on separate hardware channels. The volume with the greatest path number is selected as the backup volume.

If SPLIT is specified for a nonmirrored volume set, an error is returned and the volume set is not closed.

Operation Notes

This command notifies the system to close the volume set and take it offline. This is done when all users have ceased using files on the volume set, and when any program file that has been allocated on the volume set has been deallocated (via the DEALLOCATE command). Once the VSCLOSE command is issued for a volume set, individual users can no longer issue VSRESERVE or MOUNT commands for the volume set.

Specifying the NOW parameter permits the operator to take the volume set offline immediately, unless a VSRESERVESYS or an LMOUNT command has been issued, or unless a program file has been allocated on the volume set.

This command restricts access to the volume set. Jobs or sessions are granted access to the volume set only if they have at least one open file on the volume set or if they have already issued an explicit VSRESERVE or a MOUNT command for the volume set.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes.

In MPE V/E, the name A.B.C indicates that B is the name of a group and that C is the name of an account. MPE/iX accepts that name, but no interpretation is made as to the referencing of B and C. Instead, MPE/iX treats A.B.C as a single, long string name. It is the flexibility of the MPE/iX naming convention that makes it possible for MPE/iX to work with a volume set designated A.B.C.

MPE/iX volume set names may consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters, including the underbar (_) and the period (.). The name must begin with an alphabetic character and must consist of no more than 32 characters.

A volume set called MY_OWN_PERSONAL_VOLUME_SET is acceptable in MPE/iX, and so is MY.OWN.PERSONAL.VOLUME.SET; similarly, A.B.C is acceptable. If a volume set is named according to the MPE V/E naming convention (A.B.C), you must use an unambiguous reference when using the MPE/iX volume set commands, such as:

  Vcommand A.B.C

Entering Vcommand A fails to access the volume set. You cannot specify the first part of the volume set name alone and expect the group and account to default.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. This command may be issued only from the system console unless distributed to other users with the ALLOW command.


To close the volume set ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL, enter:


However, if a VSRESERVESYS command has been issued for ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL, then a message is displayed on the console. In order to close this volume set and take it offline, the operator has to issue these commands:


Related Information


The VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter, DISMOUNT


Volume Management Reference Manual


Reopens a volume set that has been closed with VSCLOSE. The volume set becomes available for use again. (Native Mode)


  VSOPEN volumesetname [[;PARTVS=] { USER | BACKUP }]



The volume set to be opened. You must specify an unambiguous name. MPE/iX does not accept part of a volumesetname and defaults the remainder of the name. Refer to "Operation Notes."


This option is available only with the Mirrored Disk/iX, a separately purchased product. For information, refer to Mirrored Disk/iX User's Guide (30349-90003). This parameter only applies to a previously split volume set. It notifies the system which split volume set half is to be opened.


Open only the user volumes.


Open only the backup volumes.

If PARTVS is not specified, both volume set halves are opened. If PARTVS is specified for a non split volume set, an error is returned and the volume set is not opened.

Operation Notes

This command notifies the system to open the specified volume set. Because bringing a volume set online opens the set by default, this command is needed only for a volume set for which a VSCLOSE command has been issued.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes. In MPE V/E, the name A.B.C indicates that B is the name of a group and that C is the name of an account. MPE/iX accepts that name, but no interpretation is made as to the referencing of B and C. Instead, MPE/iX treats A.B.C as a single, long string name. It is the flexibility of the MPE/iX naming convention that makes it possible for MPE/iX to work with a volume set designated A.B.C.

MPE/iX volume set names may consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters, including the underbar (_) and the period (.). The name must begin with an alphabetic character and consist of no more than 32 characters.

A volume set called MY_OWN_PERSONAL_VOLUME_SET is acceptable in MPE/iX, and so is MY.OWN.PERSONAL.VOLUME.SET; similarly, A.B.C is acceptable.

If a volume set is named according to the MPE V/E naming convention (A.B.C), you must use an unambiguous reference when using the MPE/iX volume set commands, such as:

  Vcommand A.B.C

Entering Vcommand A fails to access the volume set. You cannot specify the first part of the volume set name alone and expect the group and account to default.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. This command may be issued only from the system console unless distributed to other users with the ALLOW command.


To open the volume set ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL, enter:


Related Information


The VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter, DISMOUNT


Volume Management Reference Manual


Releases a volume set that was explicitly reserved by the user with VSRESERVE. The equivalent compatibility mode command is DISMOUNT. (Native Mode)


  VSRELEASE [volumesetname]



The volume set to be released. If you omit the parameter, the request is issued for the home volume set of the user's logon group and account. Refer to "Operation Notes."

Operation Notes

This command releases a volume set when it is no longer in use and negates a previous reservation of a volume set.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes.

In MPE V/E, the name A.B.C indicates that B is the name of a group and that C is the name of an account. MPE/iX accepts that name, but no interpretation is made as to the referencing of B and C. Instead, MPE/iX treats A.B.C as a single, long string name. It is the flexibility of the MPE/iX naming convention that makes it possible for MPE/iX to work with a volume set designated A.B.C.

MPE/iX volume set names may consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters, including the underbar (_) and the period (.). The name must begin with an alphabetic character and consist of no more than 32 characters.

A volume set called MY_OWN_PERSONAL_VOLUME_SET is acceptable in MPE/iX, and so is MY.OWN.PERSONAL.VOLUME.SET; similarly, A.B.C is acceptable.

If a volume set is named according to the MPE V/E naming convention (A.B.C), you must use an unambiguous reference when using the MPE/iX volume set commands, such as:

  Vcommand A.B.C

Entering: Vcommand A fails to access the volume set. You cannot specify the first part of the volume set name alone and expect the group and account to default.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Use volumes (UV) or create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this command.


To request that volume set ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL be released, enter:


Related Information


The VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter, DISMOUNT


Volume Management Reference Manual


Releases a specified volume set previously reserved with the VSRESERVESYS command. The equivalent compatibility mode command is LDISMOUNT. (Native Mode)


  VSRELEASESYS volumesetname



The name of the MPE/iX volume set for which a previously issued VSRESERVESYS command has been issued. Refer to "Operation Notes."

Operation Notes

This command is used to negate a previously issued VSRESERVESYS command for the specified volume set. It informs the system that the volume set is no longer reserved system-wide.

This command does not prohibit individual VSRESERVE (MOUNT) or VSRELEASE (DISMOUNT) commands issued for the specific volume set by individual users.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes. Refer to the MOUNT, DISMOUNT, VSRESERVE, and VSRELEASE commands in this chapter.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. This command may be issued only from the system console unless distributed to other users with the ALLOW command.


To request that volume set ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL be released for all users on the system, enter:


Related Information


The VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter, DISMOUNT


Volume Management Reference Manual


Notifies the system to keep a particular volume set online. The equivalent compatibility mode command is MOUNT. (Native Mode)


  VSRESERVE [volumesetname] [;GEN=genindex]



The name of the MPE/iX volume set to be kept online. If you omit the parameter, the request is issued for the home volume set of the user's logon group and account. Refer to "Operation Notes."


A value from -1 to 32,767 specifying which generation of the volume set is to be kept online. If you omit the parameter, the system does not check the generation version of the specified volume set.

Operation Notes

This command calls for the specified volume set to be kept online, and prevents the console operator from taking a particular volume set offline. Once this is done, the volume set is designated as being in use by the user. It remains in this reserved state until the user issues a VSRELEASE command or the operator issues a VSCLOSE
command; or until the user logs off.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes.

In MPE V/E, the name A.B.C indicates that B is the name of a group and that C is the name of an account. MPE/iX accepts that name, but no interpretation is made as to the referencing of B and C. Instead, MPE/iX treats A.B.C as a single, long string name. It is the flexibility of the MPE/iX naming convention that makes it possible for MPE/iX to work with a volume set designated A.B.C.

MPE/iX volume set names may consist of any combination of alphanumeric characters, including the underbar (_) and the period (.). The name must begin with an alphabetic character and consist of no more than 32 characters.

A volume set called MY_OWN_PERSONAL_VOLUME_SET is acceptable in MPE/iX, and so is MY.OWN.PERSONAL.VOLUME.SET; similarly, A.B.C is acceptable.

If a volume set is named according to the MPE V/E naming convention (A.B.C), you must use an unambiguous reference when using the MPE/iX volume set commands:

  Vcommand A.B.C

Entering Vcommand A fails to access the volume set. You cannot specify the first part of the volume set name alone and expect the group and account to default.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Use volumes (UV) or create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this command.


To request that volume set ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL be kept online, enter:


Related Information


The VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter, DISMOUNT


Volume Management Reference Manual


Instructs the system to reserve a volume set online system-wide. The equivalent compatibility mode command is LMOUNT. (Native Mode)


  VSRESERVESYS volumesetname



The name of the MPE/iX volume set to be kept online.

Operation Notes

This command calls for the specified volume set to be kept online and reserved system-wide and specifies that the volume set be kept online until a VSRELEASESYS command is issued. This command does not prohibit individual VSRESERVE (MOUNT) or VSRELEASE (DISMOUNT) commands issued for the specified volume set by individual users.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes. Refer to the DISMOUNT, MOUNT, VSRELEASE, and VSRESERVE commands in this chapter.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the system console unless distributed to other users with the ALLOW command.


To request that the volume set ACCOUNTING_PAYROLL be put online and reserved for all users on the system, enter:


Related Information


The VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter, DISMOUNT


Volume Management Reference Manual


Verifies that the data on a backup media are valid (for example, there are no media errors), and reports any errors incurred by STORE when creating the backup.


  VSTORE [vstorefile] [;filesetlist] [;option [;...]]
  where option is:
    [;SHOW [= showparmlist]]
    [;ONERROR= { QUIT | SKIP }]
    [;PROGRESS [= minutes]]
    [;TREE] [;NOTREE]
    [;STOREDIR[ECTORY]= directoryname] [;PART[IAL]DB]
    [;RESTORESET=( device [,...])]

The following parameters are available with TurboStore/iX II and TurboSTORE/iX True-Online Backup products only:

  [;RESTORESET=( device [,...]) [,( device [,...]) [,...]]]
  [;MOSET=( ldev [,...]) [,( ldev [,...]) [,...]]]
  [;NAME= backupname]



The name of the device that contains the files you want verified on the system. This file must be backreferenced, using an asterisk (*). A File equation for vstorefile should be set up before invoking VSTORE. If you want to verify files from a file called SOURCE enter this file equation before running VSTORE:


The vstorefile can now reference a remote device. For example,


NM Vstore will verify all files from the specified remote device. Although the initial tape mount request will appear on the remote console, all of Vstore's console messages will be displayed on the local console. Currently, labeled tapes and Magneto-optical devices cannot be used for remote verification.

A message is displayed on the system console requesting the operator to mount the tape identified by the vstorefile parameter and to allocate the device.

If vstorefile is not supplied and the RESTORESET option is not used, then VSTORE creates a default file name. The default file name is the user's logon username. No file equation is used.

Sequential and parallel devices are specified with the RESTORESET option. Similarly, magneto-optical devices are specified using the MOSET option. You should not specify vstorefile when using RESTORESET or MOSET.

A disk file can also be specified with a file equation for vstorefile. An example of such a file equation would be:


Note that DEV=DISC must be specified for VSTORE to verify files from disk backups. All other information in the file equation will be ignored by VSTORE.

NOTE: TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup must be used to create disk backups.

Specifies the set of files to be verified. The default depends on the user's capability, as shown below:






Account manager (AM)


System Manager and/or System Supervisor (OP)

The is parameter has the form shown below:

  filesetitem [,filesetitem [,...]]

where filesetitem can be ^indirectfile or fileset.


A file name that backreferences a disk file. The syntax is ^indirectfile or !indirectfile. This file may consist of fileset(s) and option(s), but only options can appear after the first semicolon (:) on each line. An option specified on one line will operate on all files in the filesetlist. ^indirectfile is the preferred format. If you use !indirectfile, the CI will interpret this as a variable reference, so you will have to specify !!indirectfile instead.


Specifies a set of files to be verified, and optionally those files to be excluded from the VSTORE operation. The fileset parameter has the form:

  filestovstore [- filestoexclude [- ...]]

Any file that matches filestovstore will be verified unless the file also matches a filestoexclude, which specifies files that are to be excluded from the VSTORE operation. You may specify an unlimited number of filestoexclude.

Since "-" is a valid character for HFS syntax file names, a blank character must separate it from HFS file sets to obtain the special negative file set meaning.


Both filestovstore and filestoexclude may be entered in MPE or HFS syntax. Wildcards are permitted for both MPE and HFS syntax.

The MPE syntax is as follows:


A lockword may be specified for files to be verified, in the form:


The HFS syntax is as follows:




If the name begins with a dot (.), then it is fully qualified by replacing the dot with the current working directory (CWD).

Each of the components dir_lev_i and filedesig can have a maximum of 255 characters with the full path name being restricted to 1023 characters. Each of the components dir_lev_i and filedesig can use the following characters:

  • Letters a to z

  • Letters A to Z

  • Digits 0 to 9

  • Special characters - _ .

For HFS name syntax, the lowercase letters are treated distinctly from the uppercase letters (no upshifting). Names in MPE syntax are upshifted.

Both MPE and HFS name components can use the characters @, #, and ? as wildcard characters. These wildcard characters have the following meaning:


specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters.


specifies one numeric character.


specifies one alphanumeric character.

These wildcard characters can be used as follows


Verify all files starting with the character n.


Verify all files ending with the character n.


Verify all files starting with character n followed by up to seven digits (useful for storing all EDIT/3000 temporary files).


Verify all files starting with the character n and ending with the character x.


Verify all files whose second character is n.


store all two-character files starting with the character n.


Verify all two-character files ending with the character n.

Also, character sets may be specified in the following syntax:


specifies letter c or t.


specifies any letter from range c to t.


specifies any letter range e to g or digit 1.

Examples of using character sets are:


Verify all files that begin with the letters A, B, or C.


Verify all files that begin with the name myset and end in e, f, or g, or 1.


Verify all files that begin with the name myset and end in d or e, or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

You may specify up to a maximum of sixteen characters for each character set and you may not nest brackets.

A character set specifies a range for only one (1) ASCII character. The range [a-d]@ gets all files that begin with the letter a through the letter d. The ranged [ad-de] may cause unpredictable results.

Since the hyphen (-) is a valid character for HFS syntax file names, it is allowed inside a character set, immediately following a left bracket ( [ ) or preceding a right bracket ( ] ). When specified between two characters, the hyphen implies a range of characters.

Specifying Database Files

When specifying TurboIMAGE and ALLBASE/SQL databases to be verified, only the root file or DBCon file needs to be specified. VSTORE will determine which other files belong to that database, and will verify all of them. If dataset file(s) are specified without specifying a root file, then a warning will be printed for each file, and they will not be verified. Individual database files can be verified without the root file by specifying the ;PARTIALDB option on the VSTORE command line.

MPE and HFS Naming Equivalences

When an MPE name component is a single @ wildcard, the @ will be "folded" to include all MPE and HFS named files at that level and below. To specifiy only MPE-named files, use ?@ instead.

MPE wildcards are not expanded in filestoexclude. This means that @.@.@-@.@.@ is NOT an empty fileset. It contains all of the HFS named files on the system.

A fileset may be entered in any of the following formats and may use wildcard characters. Equivalent MPE and HFS formats are grouped together as follows.


One particular file in one particular group in one particular account.


One particular file in one particular group in the logon account.


One particular file in the logon group and account.


All files (MPE and HFS) in one particular group in one particular account.


All MPE name files in one particular group in one particular account.


All the files (MPE and HFS) in one particular group in the logon account.


All MPE named files in one particular group in the logon account.


All the files (MPE and HFS) in all the groups in one particular account, plus all the files and directories under the specified account.


Any MPE file named thisisit in all groups in one particular account.


All MPE named files in all the groups in one particular account.


All (MPE and HFS) files in the CWD. This is the default for everyone, regardless of permissions.


All (MPE and HFS) files in the logon account.


All the files and directories (MPE and HFS) on the system.


All MPE named files on the system.


Request to list names of verified files. The default is a listing of only the total number of files verified, list of files not verified (including the reason each was not verified), and the count of files not requested to be verified. The listing is sent to $STDLIST (formal designator SYSLIST) unless you enter a FILE command to send the listing to some other device. For example, you would enter the following file equation before the VSTORE command to send the listing to a line printer.



Tells VSTORE what information to display for the files that are verified. If you specify ;SHOW and you omit showparmlist, then the default is SHORT if the recordsize of SYSLIST is less than 132 characters, or LONG if the recordsize is equal to or greater than 132. The format for showparmlist is:

  showparm [,showparm [,...]]

where showparm may be one of the options described below. If you do not specify SHORT or LONG, then the base information is SHORT if SYSLIST is less than 132 characters, or LONG if SYSLIST is 132 characters or more.

NOTE: If an HFS-named file is specified in the filesetlist, or the expansion of a wildcard includes an HFS-named file, then an HFS-style output listing will be used. This listing shows the same information as the MPE format, but puts the name of the file at the right end of the listing, to allow for longer HFS names. If a HFS name is too long to fit in the record size of the output file, it will be wrapped onto the next line. Wrapping is signified by a "*" as the last character on the line.



Overrides a default of LONG and displays file, group, and account name or the fully qualified path name, volume restrictions, file size (in sectors), file code, and media number.


Overrides a default of SHORT and displays all the information that SHORT does and adds the ending reel number, record size, blocking factor, number of extents, EOF, and file starting and ending media number. For spoolfiles, the old spoolfile name is also displayed.


Displays only the filename and the starting and ending media number. NAMESONLY is not allowed with SHORT or LONG.


Displays the creation date, the last date of access, and the last date of modification.


For MPE format listing, causes SHOW to display the creator and the file access matrix for all the files which do not have an active ACD. For files with active ACDs only, the phrase *ACD EXISTS* is displayed.

For HFS format listing, the phrase *ACD EXISTS* or *ACD ABSENT* is displayed, depending on whether the file has an ACD.


Forces all file listings to be in HFS format. Full HFS pathnames are displayed instead of MPE style names.


Sends another copy of the SHOW output to the formal file designator OFFLINE, which defaults to device LP.


Tells VSTORE what to do if there is a tape read error. If you omit this parameter, then the default option is QUIT for labeled and unlabeled tapes. ONERR is a synonym for ONERROR.


Tells VSTORE to abort after a tape read error.


Tells VSTORE to perform a file-skip-forward past a tape error, resynchronize, and resume reading from the tape.


Specifies that the file system directory is to be verified. Requires OP or SM capability. HFS directories on the media are always verified.


Instructs VSTORE to report its progress at regular intervals by displaying the message VSTORE OPERATION IS nnn% COMPLETE. For interactive users, this message is displayed on $STDLIST. For jobs, this message is sent to the system console.


A positive number specifying the number of minutes between progress messages. The maximum is 60. The default is 1 (one) minute.


Directs VSTORE to copy the ACD associated with the files or directories on the media. This option is on by default.


Directs VSTORE to not copy the ACD associated with the files or directories on the media. This option overrides the default COPYACD option.


Forces each fileset to be scanned recursively. This is equivalent to using the trailing slash (/) in an HFS name. The TREE option yields a recursive scan in the hierarchical directory. This option is mutually exclusive with NOTREE.


Forces each HFS syntax fileset to not be scanned recursively. The NOTREE option yields a horizontal cut in the hierarchical directory. The NOTREE option is mutually exclusive with TREE.


Normally, VSTORE will decompress the data on a Store-compressed media when verifying the files. However, when NODECOMPRESS is specified, the files will not be decompressed. Instead, just the integrity of the raw data read from the media will be checked. This results in a faster VSTORE of the media, which just verifies physical consistency.


Specifies that VSTORE should use the supplied directoryname when looking for the disk store directory file. This option should be specified if the disk directory file for this backup resides in a directory other than the default path of /SYS/HPSTORE/store_dirs/. This file should be either a directory file created by STORE, or a symbolic link pointing to one.


The name of the disk directory file to be used by VSTORE. It can be in either MPE or HFS format. If it is not a fully qualified filename, it will be qualified by the CWD. This file should either be a disk directory file created by STORE or a symbolic link pointing to one.


Allows VSTORE to verify individual database dataset files without specifying the database's root or DBCon file.


For additional information on TURBOSTORE XL, refer to the Store and Turbostore/iX Manual (30319-90001).

Specifies parallel and sequential backup devices. This option cannot be use if the vstorefile parameter is specified.

Consecutive tapes are specified in the following way:

  ;RESTORESET = (*tape1,*tape2,*tape3,...)

This instructs MPE/iX to use only one drive at a time for the vstore operation. When the first reel of tape is exhausted, VSTORE will shift to the next available drive, leaving the first free for rewinding and changing reels. Thus, at any given time, only one drive is occupied with the VSTORE operation.

Parallel devices are specified by

  ;RESTORESET=(*tape1), (*tape2), (*tape3) ...

In this example, all three tapes will be used in parallel during the VSTORE operation.

A set of sequential tapes to be verified in parallel would be specified by


In this example, two tapes would be verifying at any particular moment, while the other two are rewinding, permitting the operator to switch reels.

This option cannot be used if the vstorefile parameter is specified.


Specifies the device from which the files are to be verified. It must be a magnetic tape or DDS. This device should be specified in a file equation before you invoke the VSTORE command, ie:


This file equation can also specify a remote device or a disk file.


Specifies parallel Magneto Optical (MO) backup devices. This option is not available if the storefile option is specified.

Parallel devices are specified by either of the two following commands:

  ;MOSET = (12),(13),(15)
  ;MOSET = (MO),(MO),(MO)

All MO devices are used in parallel during the vstore process. The preferred format is specifying just "MO", since VSTORE will use the the NAME parameter to locate the correct media.

This option is not available if the vstorefile parameter is specified.


This parameter must be specified with the MOSET option, and cannot be specified without it. It specifies the logical name to be used for the backup. For example:


This name could indicate that the VSTORE process should be taken from the daily backup done on 23 Oct 1990 on the system called BOZO.


A three field name of a total maximum length of 26 characters. The format is fname.gname.aname. The name represents the "handle" to this particular backup and can is used to retrieve files from this backup. The fname, gname and aname can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters. For example DAILY.D24OCT90.SYSTEM.

Operation Notes

This command verifies that there are no media errors on backup media. It reports any errors that may have occurred during the STORE procedure.

Your capabilities determine which files you may verify. If you have system manager or system supervisor capability, you can verify any file from a STORE backup. If you have account manager capability, you can verify any file in your account. To verify files with negative file codes, you need Privileged Mode (PM), system supervisor (OP), or system Manager (SM) capability. If you have standard user capability, you can verify only those files in your logon account.

This command applies only to NMSTORE tapes created in Native Mode. It does not work on tapes created by Compatibility Mode STORE.

The LOCAL option is no longer needed to verify files. All files will be verified and displayed with their real filenames, even if parts of a file's accounting structure do not exist on the system.


This command may be issued from session, job, or program, but not in BREAK. If you press [Break] during a Vstore, the operation continues while you interact with the CI.


To verify all files in a system:
  1. Write a file equation to set up a device file.


  2. Use the VSTORE command and backreference the device file.

      :VSTORE *T;@.@.@;KEEP;SHOW

Related Information




STORE and TurboSTORE/iX Manual
Magneto-Optical Media Management User's Guide


Displays all users of a currently reserved, mountable volume set. (Native Mode)


  VSUSER [volumesetname]



A fully qualified volume set name. Default is that information for all currently reserved volume sets is displayed.

Operation Notes

The VSUSER command lists all users who have explicitly or implicitly reserved a mountable volume set. It also displays the volume set name, job number, and the job names of all users currently performing a reserve function. The VSRESERVE/VSRELEASE commands enable users to perform explicit reserving and releasing. The FOPEN/FCLOSE intrinsics enable them to perform implicit reserving and releasing.

The MPE/iX naming convention for volume sets differs from that of MPE V/E for private volumes. Refer to the MOUNT, DISMOUNT, VSRESERVE, and VSRELEASE commands in this chapter.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. Use volumes (UV) or create volumes (CV) capability is required to use this command.


To display all of the currently reserved volume sets, enter:

    VOLUME SET NAME                  JOBNUM   JOB NAME
  ---------------------------        ------   --------
  USER_MANAGER                       #S260    NORMA.MPEM

Related Information


The VSxxxxxx commands in this chapter


MPE/iX Intrinsics Reference Manual
Volume Management Reference Manual


Sends an urgent message to jobs/sessions.


  WARN { @ | [#]Jnnn | [#]Snnn | [jsname,]user.acct } [;message]



All users receive the message (including those running in QUIET mode).


A job number (assigned by MPE/iX) for the job that is to receive the message.


A session number (assigned by MPE/iX) for the job that is to receive the message. Only jobs submitted on interactive devices can receive messages.


The names of the job/session and user to receive the message and the account name under which they are running. (These names are the same as those entered with the JOB or HELLO command.) If several users are running under the same job/session identity, MPE/iX sends the message to all of them.


The message text, consisting of any string of ASCII characters containing no more than 67 characters. The message is terminated by Return. Default is that no message is printed.

Operation Notes

Sends an urgent message, interrupting any current pending read or write in progress. The message appears on the list devices of all sessions (even those that are QUIET) as:


Messages sent with the WARN command are received by a job only if the job was submitted on an interactive device.

The user has the option of running a session in QUIET mode. In that case, TELL messages from other users are suppressed. WARN messages generated at the system console, however, override QUIET mode.

NOTE: Use caution when sending a warning to users. The WARN command overrides a block mode screen.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.


To send a WARN message to all sessions, followed by a WARN message to session #S51, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Defines the welcome message.


  WELCOME [welcfile]



An ASCII file containing the welcome message.

Operation Notes

The operator uses the WELCOME command to compose the message that is transmitted to users when they initiate jobs and sessions. The message is retained when you issue a START RECOVERY, START NORECOVERY, or UPDATE/UPDATE NOCONFIG restart option.

To define the welcome message, enter WELCOME and press Return. When the # prompt is displayed, begin entering the text of the message. The length of any line cannot exceed 72 characters and the total number of lines may not exceed 26. To terminate the message and complete the command, enter Return at the # prompt.

To define the welcome message from an editor file, specify the welcfile parameter. Subsequent changes to the editor file do not affect the welcome message until another WELCOME command is issued with the file name specified.

If no parameter is specified, you are prompted to enter the new message interactively.

To delete the old welcome message, issue the WELCOME command and press Return at the # prompt.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to users with the ALLOW command.


To create a multiline welcome message, enter:


Related Information




Performing System Operation Tasks


Used to control the execution sequence of a job, session, UDC, or command file. (Native Mode)


  WHILE expression [DO]



Logical expression, consisting of operands and relational operators. Table 14-1 "Logical Operators - The WHILE Command" lists the operators that may be incorporated in expression.

Table 14-1 Logical Operators - The WHILE Command

Logical operators: AND, OR, XOR, NOT
Boolean functions and values: BOUND, TRUE, FALSE, ALPHA, ALPHANUM, NUMERIC, ODD
Comparison operators: =, <>, <, >, <=, >=
Bit manipulation operators: LSL, LSR, CSR, CSL, BAND, BOR, BXOR, BNOT
Arithmetic operators: MOD, ABS, * , / , + , -, ^ (exponentiation)
Functions returning strings: CHR, DWNS, UPS, HEX, OCTAL, INPUT, LFT, RHT, RPT, LTRIM, RTRIM, STR
Functions returning integers: ABS, LEN, MAX, MIN, ORD, POS, TYPEOF
Other functions: FINFO, SETVAR


The WHILE command evaluates expression and displays the result (TRUE or FALSE) to $STDLIST. If expression does not resolve to a Boolean result, an error is reported.

The DO keyword is optional. It may be used or omitted and has no affect on the results.

Operation Notes

This command begins a WHILE block, which consists of all the commands lying between WHILE and the next ENDWHILE statement. The ENDWHILE must have the same nesting level as the WHILE statement. The ENDWHILE statement ends the WHILE block.

The logical expression is evaluated and, as long as expression evaluates to TRUE, the WHILE block is executed.

Nesting of IF and WHILE blocks is limited to a combined total of 30 levels. Each IF or WHILE block read by the Command Interpreter increments the nesting count by 1.

NOTE: You may not write a WHILE construct in such a way that it physically crosses from one user command (UDCs or command files) to another.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break aborts the execution of this command.


The following is an example of the WHILE command:

    )<> "" DO

Related Information




Appendix B, "Expression Evaluator Functions"


Executes any program or command file. Its value lies in preventing any possible confusion when the name of the program or command file you want to execute is identical to the name of a built-in MPE/iX command or UDC command name. (Native Mode)


  XEQ filename [parameterlist] *
  XEQ filename [;INFO=quotedstring] [;PARM=parmvalue] **

  * for command files
  ** for program files



The actual file name of the command file or program file to be executed. The search path (HPPATH) is used if filename is not qualified.


The list of parameters passed to filename when executing a command file. This list corresponds to the PARM line(s) of the command file you intend to execute.


A parameter string for those program files that accept a parameter string.


A parameter for a program file to be executed.

Operation Notes

This command executes filename, which may be a command file or a program file. XEQ uses the search path. XEQ is needed only when filename references an existing, built-in MPE/iX command or a UDC command, but it may be used for any executable file.


This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Whether or not the command is breakable depends upon what is being executed at the time you press Break. Command files may terminate or suspend execution, unless they specify OPTION NOBREAK.


To execute a command file named FCOPY.PUB.MYACCT, enter:


Because FCOPY references an existing, built-in MPE/iX command, failing to use XEQ results in running FCOPY. That happens because FCOPY is found in the command directory and is executed, and the command search terminates. XEQ follows the same searching logic used for command files and implied RUN.

Related Information





Chapter 14 Command List XII

Appendix A Predefined Variables in MPE/iX