HPlogo MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual > Appendix A Predefined Variables in MPE/iX

Appendix A Predefined Variables in MPE/iX

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Many variables have been predefined for use by the command interpreter. They may be used anywhere you would use your own variables. Table A-1 "Predefined Variables" lists all valid predefined variables.

Table A-1 Predefined Variables

Variable Type[1] Definition Initial Value
CIERRORW JCW last CI error number zero
HPACCOUNTR S user's account name logon account
HPACCTCAPR I current account capability mask logon account caps
HPACCTCAPFR S current account formatted capability mask, for example, "AM, AL, GL, ND, SF, BA, IA" logon account caps
HPAUTOCONTW B PL enables (TRUE); disables (FALSE) the automatic CONTINUE feature FALSE
HPCIDEPTHR I PL number of nested CIs 1(=Root CI)
HPCIERRW I last CI error/warning in current session zero
HPCIERRCOLW I error column number for last CI error/warning zero
HPCIERRMSGR S textual message for the most recent CIERROR (length of message is 0 for nonexistent CIERROR values) (null)
HPCMDNUMR I PL current command sequence number 1
HPCMDTRACEW B PL enables (TRUE); disables (FALSE) the User Command Tracing facility FALSE
HPCMEVENTLOGW I when set to n, $STDLIST displays the following n occurrences of tos/reg trap zero
HPCONNMINSR I current session connect-time in minutes zero
HPCONNSECSR I current session connect-time in seconds zero
HPCONSOLER I LDEV of the console console LDEV at logon
HPCONTINUER B PL CI's continue state: FALSE=inactive, TRUE=active FALSE
HPCPUNAMER S name of computer model, for example, "SERIES 930" name of your logon computer model
HPCPUMSECSR I from root CI = current session CPU-time in milliseconds; from other CI or process = current process CPU-time in milliseconds zero
HPCPUSECSR I from root CI = current session CPU-time in seconds; from other CI or process = current process CPU-time in seconds zero
HPCWDR S current working directory logon group and account
HPDATER I current day of month logon day of the month
HPDATEFR S current formatted date logon date
HPDAYR I current day of the week (1=SUNDAY) logon day of the week
HPDTCPORTIDR S port ID of data terminal null string
HPDUPLICATIVER B PL indicates whether or not input operations are echoed to a correspondind device; TRUE (duplicative)= echoing occurs; FALSE (nonduplicative)= no echoing occurs as appropriate
HPERRDUMPW I PL number of errors to be dumped from process error stack zero
HPERRTOSLISTW B PL controls destination of CI error messages: TRUE=errors written to $STDLIST, FALSE=errors written to $STDERR TRUE
HPEXECJOBSR I number of jobs and sessions currently in EXEC (executing) state number of jobs and sessions in EXEC state
HPFILER S currently executing UDC or command file null string
HPGROUPR S current group name logon group name
HPGROUPCAPR I current group capability mask logon group caps
HPGROUPCAPFR S current group formatted capability mask, for example, "IA,BA,PH" logon group caps
HPHGROUPR S home group name home group
HPHOURR I current hour number (24-hour clock) logon hour
HPINBREAKR B PL FALSE=not in BREAK; TRUE=in BREAK mode (includes process BREAK and rit BREAK) FALSE
HPINPRIR I input priority logon input priority
HPINTERACTIVER B PL interactive (TRUE); noninteractive (FALSE) as appropriate
HPINTRODATER S formatted job/session logon date date of logon
HPINTROTIMER S formatted job/session logon time time of logon
HPJOBCOUNTR I number of jobs executing logon number of executing jobs
HPJOBFENCER I fence value for waiting jobs logon jobfence
HPJOBLIMITR I current job limit job limit at logon
HPJOBNAMER S name of current job/session logon job name
HPJOBNUMR I job/session number, for example, 12 your job/session number
HPJOBTYPER S "S"=session, "J"=job your job type
HPLASTJOBW S job ID of the job you most recently streamed in the form #Jnnnn null string
HPLASTSPIDR S spoolfile ID for the job identified in the HPLASTJOB variable spoolfile ID of last job
HPLDEVINR I LDEV number for $STDIN logon input LDEV
HPLDEVLISTR I LDEV number for $STDLIST logon output LDEV
HPLOCIPADDRR S IP address of a remote client null string
HPLOCPORTR I TCP port number for network service provided to the client 0 if local client; otherwise standard port used by service
HPMINUTER I current minute number logon minute
HPMONTHR I current month number logon month
HPMSGFENCEW I PL fence for the level of error messages printed by the CI: See HELP HPMSGFENCE for values and expression evaluation diagnostics 0
HPNCOPIESR I number of $STDLIST copies for jobs copies subparm of the outclass= parm of the JOB command
HPOSVERSIONR S operating system version ID (identical to the middle version string in the SHOWME banner current full version ID of the operating system
HPOUTCLASSR S output device class logon output device class
HPOUTFENCER I output fence value logon output fence value
HPPATHW S search path for command files and implied RUN "!HPGROUP,PUB,PUB.SYS, ARPA.SYS"
HPPINR I Process Identification Number for the executing process PIN for the root CI
HPPROMPTW S CI's prompt string ":" (colon)
HPQUIETR B indicates if session is accepting messages: FALSE= accepting messages; TRUE= not accepting messages ("quiet") FALSE
HPREDOSIZEW I PL number of entries in the CI's redo stack 20
HPRELVERSIONR S operating system release version ID (identical to the left version string in the SHOWME banner current full version ID of the operating system
HPREMIPADDRR S IP address of the remote user null string
HPREMPORTR I TCP port number, assigned by the client, used on an incoming connection 0 if local client; otherwise the assigned TCP port number
HPRESULTW S I or B value of the most recent CALC command evaluated (for example, "abc", 12, TRUE) zero
HPSCHEDJOBSR I number of jobs currently in SCHED state (scheduled state) number of jobs in SCHED state
HPSESCOUNTR I number of sessions executing logon number of sessions executing
HPSESLIMITR I current session limit session limit at logon
HPSPOOLIDR S spoolfile ID of the current job job spoolfile ID
HPSTDINR S file name for job or session input $STDIN
HPSTDLISTR S file name for job or session output listing $STDLIST
HPSTREAMEDBYR S user and account name of the person who streamed a job or invoked STARTSESS; if "the person" is the initial OPERATOR.SYS logon or a job streamed from the SYSSTART.PUB.SYS file, the job or session ID is replaced by the string SYSTEM PROCESS logon ID of the person who streamed the job
HPSUSANR I unique serial number assigned at the factory to each system for use by software unique serial number assigned to your system at manufacture
HPSUSPJOBSR I current number of jobs in SUSP state (suspended) numbers of jobs in SUSP state at logon
HPSYSNAMEW S name of computer system (user-definable) null string (" ")
HPTIMEFR S current formatted time logon time
HPTIMEOUTW I PL number of minutes for CI reads (<=0 means no timeout). When this expires on a CI read, session is logged off. zero
HPTYPEAHEADW B indicates whether or not typeahead is turned on; the BYE or SETVAR commands reset this variable to FALSE. FALSE.
HPUSERR S current user name logon user
HPUSERCAPR I current user's capability mask logon user caps
HPUSERCAPFR S current user's formatted capability mask, for example, "IA,BA,PH" logon user caps
HPUSERCMDEPTHR I PL number of nested UDCs and/or command files zero
HPUSERCOUNTR I number of current online users 0 if user-based pricing is not installed; otherwise the number of current users
HPUSERLIMITR I limit of number of online users -1 if user-based pricing is not installed; otherwise the user limit number
HPVERSIONR S MPE/iX version id (v.uu.ff) current MPE/iX version
HPWAITJOBSR I current number of jobs waiting number of jobs waiting at logon time
HPYEARR I last two digits of the current year logon year number
JCWW JCW job control word (variable) zero
[1] READ ONLY variable (cannot be modified).
READ/WRITE variable (can be modified).
A standard MPE/iX JCW.
Integer format.
Boolean format (TRUE/FALSE).
String (ASCII) format.
Process Local. Modifications exist only for the locality of the process.

If a PL variable is changed by a process it returns to its original value when the process terminates. For example, if you logon and set HPREDOSIZE (the number of entries in the CI's redo stack) to 25 and then run a program which sets it to 30 (using the COMMAND or HPCICOMMAND intrinsics) the variable will have the value 30 for that process only. When the process terminates the value of this variable for your session remains at the value it was before the program was run (in this case 25).

PL (process local) variables are not programmatically accessible with the HPCIGETVAR, HPCIPUTVAR, and HPCIDELETEVAR intrinsics. They may be programmatically accessed only with the COMMAND or HPCICOMMAND intrinsics.

Note that HPTYPEAHEAD cannot be set inside a job. All user-created variables may be modified and deleted. However, Hewlett-Packard predefined variables may not be deleted.

JCWs may be considered integer variables with legal values ranging from 0 to 65,535 and with bits 16 and 17 (bit 0 being the leftmost bit of 32 bits) having special interpretations (for example, if bit 16 is set, the JCW setting is FATAL) and with bits 0 through 15 reserved.

Commands STREAM thru XEQ

Appendix B Expression Evaluator Functions