HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 2 Using the IMAGE/SQL Utility

Administering IMAGE/SQL:An Overview


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As an administrator, you are responsible for the IMAGE/SQL environment. This chapter shows how to use IMAGE/SQL commands to perform tasks necessary for setting up and maintaining this environment.

Setting Up the IMAGE/SQL Environment

The initial IMAGE/SQL setup involves the following steps:

  • Establishing the connection between the DBEnvironment and the TurboIMAGE/XL database.

  • Adding users.

  • Customizing the default mapping to meet your needs.

Maintaining the IMAGE/SQL Environment

Once the IMAGE/SQL environment is set up, nothing else is necessary until one of the following occurs:

  • The needs of the IMAGE/SQL environment change.

  • The TurboIMAGE/XL database requires restructuring.

  • The log file becomes full.

For your convenience, Table 2-1 “Checklist for Setting Up the IMAGE/SQL Environment”, Table 2-2 “Checklist for Maintaining the IMAGE/SQL Environment”, and Table 2-3 “Checklist for Restructuring in the IMAGE/SQL Environment” on the next page are checklists for you to use as you set up and maintain IMAGE/SQL. Each checklist contains an ordered list of tasks with space to check off each task as it is completed. The tables indicate whether each task is optional (Opt) or required (Req). You may want to make a photocopy of these tables so you can refer to them as you perform the tasks.

Table 2-1 Checklist for Setting Up the IMAGE/SQL Environment

Opt/ReqTask#Task DescriptionNotes
 Opt1Configuring a DBEnvironment.Perform to create a DBE—if the DBE created by IMAGESQL using the defaults is not suitable for relational access.
 Req2Attaching a TurboIMAGE/XL database.Perform to establish the connection between the DBE and the TurboIMAGE/XL database for relational access.
 Opt3Adding users.Perform to add users in addition to the DBC.
 Opt4Updating data type mapping.Perform to select alternative data type mapping.
 Opt5Splitting mapped columns.Perform to divide a mapped column into two or more mapped columns so that you can use the split column names in SQL statements.


Table 2-2 Checklist for Maintaining the IMAGE/SQL Environment

Opt/ReqTask#Task DescriptionNotes
 Opt4Updating data type mapping.Perform to select alternative data type mapping.
 Opt5Splitting mapped columns.Perform to divide a mapped column into two or more mapped columns so that you can use the split column names in SQL statements.
 Opt6Updating information about users.Perform to update a user's class, password, or access mode.
 Opt7Deleting users.Perform to delete an IMAGE/SQL user's access to the TurboIMAGE/XL database.
 Opt8Creating new log files.Add log files when you need more log file space.


Table 2-3 Checklist for Restructuring in the IMAGE/SQL Environment

Opt/ReqTask#Task DescriptionNotes
 Req9Detaching a TurboIMAGE/XL database.Perform before restructuring the TurboIMAGE/XL database, except when changing the capacity of the database.
 ReqNARestructuring the TurboIMAGE/XL database. (Some restructuring may necessitate first performing a DETACH from the DBEs.)Refer to the TurboIMAGE/XL Database Management System Reference Manual for information about performing restructuring tasks.
 Req2 - 5Restoring the IMAGE/SQL environment; includes all setup tasks originally performed.Perform to reattach the database, to add back users, and to redo any customized mapping.


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