HPlogo IMAGE/SQL Administration Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems



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The acronym, ATC, stands for ALLBASE/Turbo CONNECT. The terms Turbo CONNECT and ALLBASE/Turbo CONNECT are synonymous with IMAGE/SQL. The acronym, ATC, appears in error messages for IMAGE/SQL (for example, ATCERR or ATCWARN).


A permanent privileged file containing mapping information about data types and user security. By default, it is named DBEnvironmentNameCR. If you want to set a file equation for this file, you must do so before attaching any TurboIMAGE/XL databases.


A temporary unnumbered ASCII file. If IMAGE/SQL utility logging is on (the default), all IMAGE/SQL utility commands are written to this file. If it does not already exist, it is created. If it exists, log records are appended to it. By default, it is named ATCLOG. However, you can set a file equation for this file.


Another name for the IMAGE/SQL utility program used in previous releases and in some error messages. The IMAGE/SQL utility program is now called IMAGESQL.

Attached Database 

A TurboIMAGE/XL database whose data can be accessed through a DBEnvironment. Information about the attached TurboIMAGE/XL database is stored in the DBEnvironment.


B-Tree Index 

A name used to refer to an index in IMAGE/SQL databases. It is the name for the technique of optimizing the search of an index by using a binary tree search. You can create an index only on the master key item. However, you are able to perform index searches using all of its corresponding detail data set search items as well. The master data set key item is an "explicit B-Tree index." The corresponding detail data set search items are "implicit B-Tree indices."



The vertical component of a table.


DBA (Database Administrator) 

A database administrator of the DBEnvironment. You must be a DBA of the DBEnvironment to which the TurboIMAGE/XL database is attached to issue most IMAGE/SQL utility commands. The creator of the DBEnvironment is automatically a DBA. Other ALLBASE/SQL users can be granted DBA authority by a DBA.

DBC (Database Creator) 

The creator of the TurboIMAGE/XL database. You must be either the database creator or give the TurboIMAGE/XL database maintenance word to attach a database to a DBEnvironment. Commands that add users, or display or modify user information can only be executed by the DBC.


The DBEnvironment configuration file. It contains startup parameters for the DBEnvironment. The contents of this file are initially determined at the time you issue the START DBE NEW command. The owner of this file is the DBECreator.


The individual who originally configured the DBEnvironment.


A collection of related files consisting of one or more ALLBASE/SQL databases that share the same logging and recovery process.


The default name for the ATCINFO file is the first six characters of the DBEnvironmentName followed by CR. The ATCINFO file is a permanent privileged file containing mapping information about data types and user security.


A name used to identify DBEnvironment users. It is made up of an MPE/iX user and account name connected with the @ sign.


A permanent privileged file in the same group and account as the TurboIMAGE/XL database. It contains the fully qualified names of the DBEnvironments to which the TurboIMAGE/XL database is attached. This information is used to let utilities such as DBUTIL know that the database is attached to one or more DBEnvironments.

Detached Database 

A TurboIMAGE/XL database whose data cannot be accessed through a DBEnvironment. No information about the TurboIMAGE/XL database is stored in the DBEnvironment. A TurboIMAGE/XL database must be detached from a DBEnvironment before it is restructured.


Explicit B-Tree Index 

A B-Tree index created using DBUTIL or DBSCHEMA on the master data set key item. See "B-Tree Index."



A view created by IMAGE/SQL based on mapped tables.


A utility program for IMAGE/SQL. It is another name for ATCUtil which was used in earlier releases and is still used in some current error messages.

Implicit B-Tree Index 

A B-Tree index on the detail data set search item whose corresponding master key item has an explicit B-Tree index created. See "B-Tree Index."


An interactive command processor that lets you enter SQL statements at the keyboard and observe query results, messages, and other information on a video display.


Jumbo Dataset 

A data set greater than 4 GB.


Mapped Column 

An ALLBASE/SQL column created in the ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment by the IMAGE/SQL utility from the source data set field. Characteristics of the source field are mapped by the IMAGE/SQL utility to ALLBASE/SQL characteristics.

Mapped Table 

A table defined in the DBEnvironment based on a TurboIMAGE/XL data set. Data set characteristics are mapped by the IMAGE/SQL utility to ALLBASE/SQL characteristics. The naming convention for ALLBASE/SQL tables is Owner.Table. By default, IMAGE/SQL specifies the database name as the owner and the data set name as the table. Thus, the IMAGE/SQL convention for mapped table names is MappedDatabaseName.MappedDataSetName. At attach time you must substitute a different owner name if an already attached database has the same name.


The process IMAGE/SQL uses to allow a TurboIMAGE/XL database to emulate a DBEnvironment database. Mapping takes place for TurboIMAGE/XL names, data sets, data items, data item types, and data security.


Native SQL Column 

A column belonging to an ALLBASE/SQL table.

Native SQL Table 

A table created by ALLBASE/SQL.



A term used to define ownership of ALLBASE/SQL tables, views, and other ALLBASE/SQL objects. For mapped tables, the owner is by default the TurboIMAGE/XL database name (DatabaseName.Table). If two or more TurboIMAGE/XL databases with the same name, but residing in different groups and accounts, are to be attached to the same ALLBASE/SQL DBEnvironment, an alternative owner name must be specified at ATTACH time.



The horizontal component of a table.


Source Field 

A data set field in an attached TurboIMAGE/XL database.

SQL Database 

A logical entity consisting of all tables, views, and other SQL objects in a DBEnvironment having the same owner.


A utility program to check the integrity of a DBEnvironment.


A utility program for database administrators that generates the SQL commands necessary to re-create all or part of a DBEnvironment. The output from SQLGEN is a command file (sometimes called a schema) that can be used as input to ISQL in re-creating database objects.


A script to migrate between versions of minor releases such as from G1.14 to G1.15 or from G.0 to G.1.


A utility that lets you migrate a DBEnvironment between major releases of ALLBASE/SQL such as from F.0 to G.0. To use it, you must be the DBECreator or have SM capability. To run it, issue the command RUN SQLMIG.PUB.SYS.


A utility program to help you monitor DBEnvironment performance.


A utility program that assists the database administrator with DBEnvironment maintenance, backup, and recovery. SQLUtil also lets you modify the startup parameters for a DBEnvironment. It is a different utility from the IMAGE/SQL utility.


A utility to check the version strings of the ALLBASE/SQL files.

System Catalog 

An ALLBASE/SQL database of information about the DBEnvironment. It is owned by SYSTEM. It consists of several system views that contain data about the DBEnvironment. It differs from the DBECon file, which contains startup parameters, not definitions.



The basic unit of storage in an ALLBASE/SQL database. Tables are made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns of data. The ALLBASE/SQL naming convention for a table is Owner.TableName where the owner is the creator of the table.


User-Created View 

A view created by the IMAGE/SQL user on mapped tables or IMAGE/SQL views. This term is used to contrast these views with IMAGE/SQL views.



A table derived by placing a "window" over one or more tables. The derivation of a view is a SELECT command. View names are governed by the same rules as table names.

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