HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction


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The MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility provides reliable, high-performance development tools for 900 Series HP 3000 system management suppliers. The MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility provides specialized procedures, architected interfaces (AIFs), for use by software suppliers and internal and external solutions creators. AIFs provide easy and high-performance access, manipulation, or interception of Hewlett-Packard proprietary operating system and subsystem processes.

AIFs are a software layer between non-operating system software and internals, providing controlled access to MPE/iX internal functionality and data structures. AIFs, executing at user privileged mode (PM), provide a window into MPE/iX internal operations.

AIFs do not supply a direct image of MPE/iX internals, but rather abstract the operating system structures. For example, a management utility needs to know everything about a specific session but does not need to know the format of the internal structure's contents. This abstraction gives AIF users independence from MPE/iX details and most implementation changes.

AIFs do not provide new operating system functionality, but instead provide supported mechanisms for taking advantage of existing MPE/iX functionality and data structures.

NOTE: AIFs will change to reflect changes to MPE/iX internals.

It is necessary to have either the HP Pascal/iX or HP C/iX compilers, since the only programming languages supported by AIFs are C and Pascal.

Since AIFs are available only for use with the MPE/iX operating system, a 900 Series HP 3000 computer system is required.

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