HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 1 Introduction

Installing Operating System Architected Interfaces


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The Architected Interface Facility: Operating System product includes the following files:




INSTOS is an installation utility that enables you to execute operating system AIF code located on the 900 Series HP 3000 computer system, using the user ID that INSTOS has installed. INSTOS must be executed on all systems containing code that calls operating system AIFs (for example, your application). INSTOS prompts for a user ID from standard input. This unique user ID is assigned to you by Hewlett-Packard at the time of purchase of the Architected Interface Facility: Operating System product.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that only the user ID provided by Hewlett-Packard be installed.


The AIFINTR file is a binary file that contains the intrinsic definitions of all operating system AIFs. Use AIFINTR in your program to declare operating system AIFs.

Following is an example of Pascal code that enables the HP Pascal/iX compiler to locate the operating system AIF intrinsic file AIFINTR:

PROGRAM foo;                                                                    

PROCEDURE intrinsic_foo; INTRINSIC; { Compiler looks for the procedure } 

                                    { intrinsic_foo in the intrinsic   } 

                                    { file  SYSINTR.PUB.SYS by default.} 


$SYSINTR 'AIFINTR.PUB.SYS'$        { Switches the intrinsic file       }

PROCEDURE aif_foo; INTRINSIC;      {Compiler looks in AIFINTR.PUB.SYS  }



Following is an example of C code that enables the HP C/iX compiler to locate the operating system AIF intrinsic file AIFINTR:

#pragma intrinsic_file "aifintr.pub.sys"
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