HPlogo 900 Series HP 3000 Computer Systems: MPE/iX Architected Interface Facility: Operating System Reference Manual > Chapter 1 Introduction

How to Ship Products That Use Operating System Architected Interfaces


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In order to ship code using operating system AIFs to customer sites, you must accomplish one of the two following actions:

  • Use the INSTOS utility when you install your product on a 900 Series HP 3000 computer system.

  • Use the AIFGLOBINSTALL AIF in your product to programmatically execute the INSTOS utility.


If you want to install your application using INSTOS, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Develop the code according to the guidelines specified above.

  2. Make the file INSTOS a part of the final product by shipping it along with your code.

  3. Include these steps in the installation procedures for your application:

    1. Restore the file INSTOS into the target system's PUB.SYS.

    2. Execute the program INSTOS to install your user ID onto the target system.

    3. Purge the file INSTOS to ensure security.

You can accomplish step 2 by redirecting STDIN to mask input, thus avoiding any prompts coming to the screen. Masking the output can be accomplished by redirecting STDLIST.


The AIFGLOBINSTALL AIF is the programmatic equivalent of executing the INSTOS installation utility. AIFGLOBINSTALL must be executed on all systems containing code that calls operating system AIFs (for example, your application). It should be executed once per installation; however, it can be executed each time that your application is run without side effects. Your application must execute AIFGLOBINSTALL prior to calling any other operating system AIFs.

The AIFGLOBINSTALL AIF fails if not enough disk space is located on LDEV 1. If this occurs, you must create additional free space on LDEV 1 before attempting to reexecute code that contains the call to AIFGLOBINSTALL.

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