HPlogo Performing System Management Tasks: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 8 Allowing Access to the System



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POSIX, or Portable Operating System Interface, is a set of standards describing the functions of an operating system interface. MPE/iX implements two of the standards to maximize the software portability of applications: C language application programming interfaces (also called POSIX.1) and a command interpreter (shell) and utilities (called POSIX.2).

The implementation of POSIX.1 makes MPE/iX POSIX compatible (it supports most of the key POSIX features) and it introduces important changes into the MPE/iX operating system, including:

  • A hierarchical file system (HFS) which allows you to create multilevel data hierarchies.

  • An expanded file-naming syntax that allows for longer names, mixed case alphabetic characters and special characters.

  • A new user environment, the MPE/iX shell, that provides a set of commands and utilities in a UNIX-like environment. The shell is an addition to the MPE/iX command interpreter, not a replacement for it.

  • Enhancements to the accounting and security systems including user and group IDs, file ownership, and four new ACD access modes.

  • The ability to rename and move files across account boundaries and have a greater measure of control over files and directories on the system.

If you have installed MPE/iX Release 4.5, or a later version of the operating system, you automatically have access to POSIX functionality. No additional configuration is required for you to use many of the POSIX features.

The following sections explain the POSIX changes affecting system management. For a more complete discussion of the POSIX features, read New Features of MPE/iX: Using the Hierarchical File System (32650-90351).

The Hierarchical File System (HFS)

Before Release 4.5, the MPE/iX file system was limited to three levels: accounts, groups, and files. Figure 8-1 “MPE/iX File System (Prior to Release 4.5)” is a simple example of the traditional file system structure.

Figure 8-1 MPE/iX File System (Prior to Release 4.5)

[MPE/iX File System (Prior to Release 4.5)]

Beginning with MPE/iX Release 4.5, a hierarchical directory structure was integrated with the traditional file system. In this system, all components exist under one root directory, designated as /. Additional directories, which contain files and other directories, can exist anywhere in the file system.

MPE/iX accounts and groups are considered to be special directories that, while they fit into the hierarchical scheme, continue to serve as traditional MPE accounts and groups. To ensure that the classic MPE file system view still exists, accounts can only be created under the root directory, and groups can only be created under accounts.

Figure 8-2 “MPE/iX File System (Release 4.5 and Later)” shows the MPE/iX hierarchical file system structure. Theframe="all"ed portion shows how the traditional account, group, and file system structure fits into the HFS structure. Hierarchical directories and HFS files can now fall under traditional MPE groups. For example, the figure shows lowercase_file as being located in the PUB group of the ACCT1 account. Also notice that the directory dir3 falls under the GRP1 group in the SYS account.

Figure 8-2 MPE/iX File System (Release 4.5 and Later)

[MPE/iX File System (Release 4.5 and Later)]

Expanded File Naming Syntax

MPE/iX provides an expanded file naming syntax so you can refer to files, groups, accounts, and directories existing at all levels within the hierarchical file system. You can still name accounts, groups, and files by using the familiar MPE syntax. However, you'll need to use the HFS naming syntax to refer to files or directories existing outside the traditional file system structure.

HFS syntax consists of two parts: a path descriptor and a file name. Together, these components are called a pathname. The syntax describes files by referencing the path or location leading to the file. For example, the file name /SYS/PUB/CI in HFS syntax is the same as CI.PUB.SYS in MPE syntax.

All names beginning with . or / in the MPE command interpreter (CI) or intrinsics are interpreted according to HFS syntax conventions.

HFS syntax operates as follows:

  • HFS file or directory names can include alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and the special characters dot (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).

  • File or directory names cannot begin with a hyphen (-).

  • HFS syntax is case sensitive. So, HFS file or directory names can be in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case.

  • HFS file or directory names are specified in the CI and in intrinsics by preceding them with a . or /.

  • HFS file or directory names can be specified in the shell without having to precede the names with a . or /.

  • HFS directory or file names that are directly under the root or directly under a group or account must be less than or equal to 16 characters.

  • HFS directory or file names under HFS directories can be up to 255 characters long.

You can refer to traditional MPE file names using HFS syntax but you must specify the name in uppercase characters. For example, if a file named BILLING exists in the PUB group of the MKTG account (BILLING.PUB.MKTG), you can refer to it using HFS syntax as ./BILLING if you are in the PUB group. You can also refer to it as /MKTG/PUB/BILLING. If you refer to the file as ./billing, MPE/iX would not locate the file.

HFS files are referenced using pathnames. Each component in a valid pathname refers to a directory, except for the last component, which may be either a directory or a file. The pathname's series of name components describes a path through the file system hierarchy.

HFS pathnames differ from MPE pathnames in the following ways:

  • Names are separated with forward slashes (/), rather than dots.

  • The order of the file name, group name, and account name are presented in reverse order compared to MPE syntax (/ACCT/GROUP/FILE versus FILE.GROUP.ACCT).

  • Slash (/) at the beginning of a pathname indicates the root directory.

  • Dot-slash(./) at the beginning of a pathname indicates the current working directory (CWD). The CWD is the directory in which you are currently working.

  • Pathnames can be up to 1023 characters whereas traditional MPE names must be less than or equal to 26 characters (names can be up to 35 characters if a lockword is used).

Using these conventions, the format of the MPE pathname MYFILE.PAYROLL.FINANCE appears as follows in HFS syntax:


Files can be referenced using either absolute or relative pathnames. An absolute pathname begins with a forward slash (/) and is interpreted starting from the root directory. A relative pathname begins with a dot- slash (./) and is interpreted starting from your current working directory. When working in the MPE/iX shell, relative pathnames need not begin with a dot-slash (./).

MPE/iX Shell and Utilities

The MPE/iX shell provides a set of commands and utilities in a UNIX®-like environment on MPE/iX. You can invoke the shell from the CI by typing SH (the system-provided UDCs must be activated) or by executing SH.HPBIN.SYS -L. Type exit to exit the shell and return to the CI.

Table 8-1 lists some tasks and associated MPE/iX shell commands and the comparable MPE commands, utilities, or features. Not all of the shell commands operate in the same way as the MPE command or feature; some are rough equivalents. For example, the shell command grep can search through a set of files for a text string. You use a text editor to search for text strings one file at a time in MPE/iX.

Table 8-1 Selected MPE/iX Shell Commands

TaskShell CommandComparable MPE/iX Feature
Shorten command names using an aliasaliascommand files or UDCs
Change working areacdCHDIR
Display all or part of text filescat, more, tailPRINT
Determine disk usageduDISKUSE, REPORT
Search for text patterns in a filegrep, egrep, fgrepSearch commands in text editors
Terminate a process or job that's runningkillABORTJOB, ABORT
Rename filesmvRENAME
Display current working directorypwdSHOWVAR HPCWD
Delete filesrmPURGE
Delete directoriesrmdirPURGEDIR
Sort informationsortSort/Merge utility
Edit text or program filesvi, ed, exEDIT/3000
Display a list of who's logged on the system whoSHOWJOB, SHOWPROC


Refer to the MPE/iX Shell and Utilities Reference Manual (36431-90001) for complete information about all of the shell commands provided by the MPE/iX shell.