HPlogo KSAM/3000 Reference Manual: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 6 USING KSAM FILES IN BASIC PROGRAMS



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The KSAM interface procedures are called from a BASIC program with a CALL statement of the following general form:


    statement label CALL procedure name (filenumber, status [,parameterlist]) 


statement label

is the number of the statement in the program.

procedure name

identifies the KSAM access procedure to which control is transferred. (Refer to Table 6-1 “KSAM Procedures for BASIC Interface” for a complete list of the procedure names.)


is a numeric variable whose value identifies an open KSAM file. This parameter must be present. Its value is assigned by KSAM/3000 when the file is opened and must not be changed until the file is closed.


is a 4-character string variable to which a code is returned that indicates whether the current operation was successful or not, and if not, the reason for failure.


is a set of one or more parameters that, if present, further define input-output operations on this file.

The first two parameters, filenumber and statusare included in every KSAM procedure call, except BKERROR and BKVERSION. The parameters in parameterlist depend on the procedure in which they are used. Some parameterlist parameters are optional and, if omitted, default values are assigned by KSAM. Such parameters are indicated by brackets in the procedure call format. The required parameters filenumber and status are both variables, the first numeric, the second string. Other parameters are either variables or expressions. Expressions being either variables, constants, or a combination of both. The data type of the parameter depends on its definition in the procedure. The procedure call formats specify the data type of each parameter.

Depending on the procedure, certain variables can be assigned values as a result of executing the procedure. The procedure itself is never assigned a value (unlike a function, which may be assigned a value).

Refer to Table 6-1 “KSAM Procedures for BASIC Interface” for a complete list of the KSAM interface procedures that can be called from a BASIC program.


When parameters in parameterlist are optional, those parameters are surrounded by brackets, In a series of optional parameters, the enclosing brackets are nested. For example:


   CALL name (filenum,status[,param1[,param2[,param3]]]) 

This notation tells you that parameters can be omitted only from the end of the optional list; parameters cannot be omitted from the middle or beginning of the list. For example, if you want to specify param3, you must also specify the preceding parameters, param1 and param2; if you specify param2, you can omit the following parameter param3, but not the preceding param1.

Table 6-1 KSAM Procedures for BASIC Interface




filenum, status

Terminates processing of KSAM file identified by filenum.6-8

filenum, status

Logically removes record from KSAM file; the record to be deleted is the record at which the logical record pointer is currently positioned.6-10

status, message

Converts numeric value returned in status parameter to character string message.6-12

filenum, status [,condtion]

Dynamically locks KSAM file during shared access, conditionally depending on condition.6-14

filenum, status, filename [,access [,dynamic lock [,exclusive [,sequence]]]]

Initiates processing of file identified by filenum, named by filename. Type of access, whether dynamic locking is allowed, whether access is exclusive, and whether primary key sequence is checked are options of BKOPEN.6-16

filenum, status [,parameter- list]

Reads data from current sequential record of file identified by filenum into variables named in parameterlist.6-22

filenum, status, keyvalue, keylocation, parameterlist

Reads data from a record identified by keyvalue in the key specified by keylocation of the file identified by filenum into variables named in parameterlist.6-26

filenum, status, parameterlist

Writes data from parameterlist to record at which pointer is positioned in file identified by filenum.6-29

filenum, status [,keyvalue [,keylocation [,relation]]]

Positions file identified by filenum in preparation for a sequential read to the first record with a key in keylocation whose value bears the specified relation to keyvalue.6-32

filenum, status

Unlocks file identified by filenum that has been previously locked by BKLOCK.6-36

status, message

Identifies version of KSAM/3000 currently being used returns version number in message.6-38

filenum, status, parameterlist

Writes data from parameterlist to record in file identified by filenum.6-39


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