HPlogo Resource Management Programmer's Guide: HP 3000 MPE/iX Computer Systems > Chapter 3 Dynamic Loading of Library Procedures

Searching an Executable Library Not Specified at Load Time


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HPGETPROCPLABEL can search for procname in one XL not specified at load time. The XL must be specified in firstfile, and any unresolved external references within the XL must be resolved only in the System Libraries. If firstfile is not found in the libraries available to the process, the XL is placed in a binding sequence independent of the original binding sequence prior to the dynamic loading of procname. The dynamically added library contains supplemental code that can only be executed via a dynamic procedure call.

Title not available shows a program loading using two user XLs and the System Library. Also, the process has dynamically loaded a procedure located in an XL not specified at load time. The original binding sequence of the process is not altered.

Figure 3-2 Illustration of Run Time Binding of an XL.

[Illustration of Run Time Binding of an XL]